ANSI/BIFMA X 5.9返回 Back
Test item 测试名称:  Storage Unit 储存柜
Test info 检测要求:
4 Unit Strength Test 组合件强度测试
5 Leg/Glide Assembly Strength Test 柜脚/止滑块强度测试
6 Racking Resistance Test 抗搬运扭曲能力测试
7 Vertical Load Durability Test 垂直载荷疲劳测试
7.1 Top Load Ease Test-Cyclic 桌面疲劳载荷测试
7.2 Drop test-Dynamic-for Units with Seat Surfaces 具有座位的柜子的跌落测试 
7.3 Durability Test for Units with Seating Surfaces-Cyclic Impact 具有座位面的柜子的冲击疲劳测试
8 Disengagment Tests 脱位测试
8.1 Horizontal Disengagement Test for Tall Storage Units with Vertically Attached or Stackable Components 具有垂直组件的高柜子的水平脱位测试
8.2 Upward Impact Force Disengagement Test for Storage Units向上冲击柜子的脱位测试
9 Stability Tests 稳定性测试
9.2 Horizontal Force Stability Test for Tall Storage Units Without Extendible Elements 没有可伸长组件的高柜子的稳定性测试
9.3 Stability Test for Type I Units with at least one Extendible Element 具有至少一个可伸长组件的I型柜子的稳定性测试
9.4 Stability Test for Type I Storage Units with Multiple Extendible Elements 具有多个可伸长组件的I型柜子的稳定性测试
9.5 Stability Test for Type II Storage Units having Extendible Elements 具有可伸长组件的II型柜子的稳定性测试
9.6 Vertical Force Stability Test for Units without Extendible Elements 没有可伸长组件的柜子受到垂直向下作用力的稳定性测试
9.7 Stability Test for Pedestals/Storage Units with Seat Surfaces 具有座位的支撑架/柜子的稳定性测试
10 Storage Unit Drop Test 柜子的跌落测试
11 Movement Durability Test for Mobile Storage Units 具有脚轮的柜子的疲劳测试
12 Rebound Test :抽屉反弹测试
13 Out Stop Test 外挡块疲劳测试
14 Lock Tests 锁测试
14.2 Force Test for Extendible Element Locks 可伸长组件的锁测试
14.3 Force Test for Door Locks  门锁的测试
14.4 Locking Mechanism Cycle Test for Locks 锁装置的疲劳测试
15 Extendible Element Cycle Tests 可伸长组件的疲劳测试
15.2.1 Cycle Test for Extendible Elements Deeper than Wide  可伸长组件的疲劳测试(深度>宽度)
15.2.2 Cycle Test for Extendible Elements Wider than Deep  可伸长组件的疲劳测试(宽度>深度)
15.3 Horizontal Cycle Test for Television/Video Display Terminal Extendible Element 电视机/录像机柜的可伸长组件的水平疲劳测试
16 Interlock Strength Test 互锁系统的强度测试
17 Door Tests 门的测试
17.2 Strength Test for Vertically Hinged Doors,Bi-fold Doors and Vertically Receding Doors 铰链垂直安装的门,两褶门和垂直伸缩门的强度测试
17.3 Hinge Override Test for Vertically Hinged Doors 门的过载测试(铰链垂直安装)
17.4 Vertical Receding Doors Strength Test 垂直伸缩门的强度测试
17.5 Horizontal Receding Doors Strength Test 水平伸缩门的强度测试
17.6 Wear and Fatigue Tests for Hinged Doors and Horizontally Sliding Doors 带铰链的门和水平滑动门的疲劳测试
17.7 Wear and Fatigue Test for Vertical Receding Door 垂直伸缩门的疲劳测试
17.8 Wear and Fatigue Test for Horizontal Receding Door 水平伸缩门的疲劳测试
17.9 Vertical and Horizontal Receding Door Out Stop Test-Cyclic Impact 垂直和水平伸缩门外挡块的循环冲击测试
17.10 Slam Open and Closed Test for Doors which Do Not Free Fall 大力打开/关闭门的测试(不靠重力关闭/打开)
17.11 Slam Closed Test for Vertically Hinged and Vertically Receding Doors 垂直伸缩门(铰链垂直安装)的大力关闭测试
17.12 Drop Test for Horizontally Hinged and Horizontally Receding Doors-Cyclic 水平伸缩门(铰链水平安装)的循环跌落测试
17.13 Slam Test for Doors which Free Fall Open or Closed 门的瞬间开/关测试(靠重力开/)
17.14 Door Latch Test 门插销测试
18 Clothes Rails Static Loading Test 用于晾衣服的横杆静态载荷测试
19 Swivel Cycle Test for Television/Video Display Terminal Surface 电视机/录像机柜面的旋转测试
20 Pull Force Test 拉力测试
Sample size 送样规格:
2 sets of completed products with assembly instruction (if applicable) is recommended.
全套样品2 套并包括安装说明书(如适用).
Lead time 测试周期: 常规 Regular service 14 working days
Others 其他信息:
Sample for reference 参考图片:
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Sample Report 报告样本:
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