1. 相关色温、显色指数和颜色外观
Correlated Colour Temperature, Colour Rendering Index, and Colour Appearance
2. 发绀观察指数
Cyanosis Observation Index
3. 发光强度分布
Distribution of Luminous Intensity
监管计划需要依据 如GEMS、VEET和IPART等参数, 可能需要测试多个样本
Please note that regulatory programs (such as GEMS, VEET, and IPART) may require more than one sample to be tested, and you should check the requirements with the appropriate government agency.
室内照明标准AS/NZS 1680.2.5涵盖了“医院和医疗任务”,并引入了照明概念,以支持紫绀的观察。