CPR,No 305/2011,89/106/EEC 指令全称为Construction Products Regulation
即建筑产品法规. 它是为了保证欧洲联盟内市场上销售和使用的建筑产品的性能和基本要求得到统一而制定的。建筑材料取得CPR/CE认证后,可以自由在欧洲联盟市场销售和使用。
System 1+:主要是电力相关产品,由资质覆盖产品类别的欧盟认证机构进行产品型式检测,现场见证,工厂审核(一年2次)以及持续监督年审。
System 1:由资质覆盖产品类别的欧盟认证机构进行产品型式检测,工厂审核以及持续监督年审。
System 2+:由资质覆盖产品类别的欧盟认证机构进行持续监控。
System 3:由资质覆盖的实验室完成标准测试
System 4:由制造商自证
1. 机械阻力及稳定性(Mechanical resistance and stability)
2. 防火安全(Safety in case of fire)
3. 卫生、健康与环境(Hygiene, health and the environment)
4. 使用安全和方便(Safety and accessibility in use)
5. 噪音防护(Protection against noise)
6. 节能及保温(Energy economy and heat retention)
7. 自然资源可持续利用(Sustainable use of natural resources)
散热器Radiators and convectors - EN442
胶合板Wood-based panels - EN13986
磁砖,地砖Ceramic tiles - EN14411
木地板Wood flooring - EN14342
强化地板Resilient,textile and laminate floor coverings - EN14041
矿棉材料Factory made mineral wool (MW)products - EN13162
保温隔热材料Extruded Polystyrene Foam (XPS)- EN13164
烟囱Chimneys - EN1856
内外墙和天花板成品Suspended ceilings - EN13964
壁炉Roomheater fired by solid fuel - EN13240
壁炉Residential space heating appliances fired by wood pellets - EN14785
灯杆Lighting columns - EN40-5/6/7
交通灯Traffic control equipment - EN12368
可变信息交通信号Road vertical signs - Variable message traffic signs - EN12966
钢/铝结构steel structures and aluminium structures - EN1090
座便器/马桶WC pans and WC suites with integral trap - EN997
金属安全波纹管Corrugated safety metal hose - EN14800
钢化玻璃Thermally toughened soda lime silicate safety glass)- EN12150
保温隔热玻璃Insulating glass units - EN1279-5
道路交通噪音降低设备Road traffic noise reducing devices -EN14388
土工格栅Geotextile and geotextile-related products)- EN 13249,EN13250,EN13251,EN13252,EN13253,EN13254,EN13255,EN13256,EN13257
纤维水泥平板Fibre-cement flat sheets - EN12467
装饰墙纸Decorative wall coverings - EN15102