according to DIN 55473
Desiccant bags protect sensitive goods against moisture during transportation and storage and can therefore prevent corrosion and the formation of mould. Their adsorbent character makes safe and high-quality desiccant bags an essential packaging resource for the national and international shipment of goods.
Use the DIN-Geprüft mark for desiccant bags to show your customers that you manufacture products of consistently high quality and have an internal production control system. And if you are a distributor, you can advertise DIN-Geprüft desiccant bags under your own name as a sub-licence holder as well.
使用干燥剂袋的DIN Geprüft标志,向您的客户表明,您生产的产品质量始终如一,并拥有内部生产控制系统。如果你是一个经销商,你也可以用你自己的名义为DIN Geprüft干燥剂袋做广告,作为分许可证持有人。
Basis of Testing and Certification
The German standard DIN 55473 "Auxiliary means of packaging - Desiccant in bag" describes the product features of high-quality desiccant bags. Further testing and certification specifications are included in the DIN CERTCO certification scheme, in the applicable schedule of fees and in the DIN CERTCO General Terms and Conditions.
德国标准DIN 55473“包装辅助手段-袋装干燥剂”描述了高品质干燥剂袋的产品特点。进一步的测试和认证规范包括在DIN CERTCO认证计划、适用的费用表和DIN CERTCO通用条款和条件中。
Testing and Assessment
DIN Geprüft
The initial certification involves a factory or rather warehouse inspection and independent sampling for testing of the desiccant, the non-woven and the group packaging according to DIN 55473. The following tests are subsequently carried out by a DIN CERTCO-recognized testing laboratory:
初始认证包括根据DIN 55473对干燥剂、无纺布和分组包装进行工厂或仓库检查和独立抽样测试。随后由DIN CERTCO认可的测试实验室进行以下测试:
pH value and electrical conductivity of the aqueous extract
Water-soluble substance content
Particle size
Adsorption capacity
Volume and weight
Adsorption speed
Dust permeability
Strength of the bag
Water vapor permeability of the group packaging
Number of desiccant bags per group packaging
Marking of desiccant bags
Marking of group packaging

1. 此项目收费以(FU)为个体单位形式收取,目前每个收费单位的费率为EURxxx加上增值税。
The following fees apply to normal services provided by lab. The charges for these services take the form of fee units (FU), the current rate per fee unit being EURxxx plus VAT.
Payment of the fees is due as soon as the account is rendered.
2. 申请处理 费EUROxxx x 2
Processing of application
3. 主证申请人持证费
Main certificate holder
3.1 现场审核和抽样费用按照实际情况收取
On-site inspection and sampling
(daily rate (including travel time): 25 GE plus travel expenses)
3.2 德文或英文现场评估报告收费 EUROxxx x 32
Award and evaluation of the on-site inspection report in German or English
3.3 额外增加技术测试费用按照实际情况收取, 起步收费 EUROxxx x 8
Technical examination External invoice additional fee, at least
3.4 合格评定
Conformity assessment
3.4.1 首次认证 – 每增加一个主型号 EUROxxx x 16, 每增加一个同系列附加型号 EUROxxx x 2
Initial certification - per main type / - per subtype additionally
3.4.2 监督年审 EUROxxx x 8
3.4.3 更新 – 每增加一个主型号 EUROxxx x 13, 每增加一个同系列附加型号 EUROxxx x 1
Renewal - per main type / - per subtype additionally
3.4.4 修改或延期 EUROxxx x 4
4. 副证申请人持证费
Sub-licence holder
On-site inspection and sampling
(daily rate (including travel time): 25 GE plus travel expenses)
4.2德文或英文现场评估报告收费 EUROxxx x 8
Award and evaluation of the on-site inspection report in German or English
4.3额外增加技术测试费用按照实际情况收取, 起步收费 EUROxxx x 8
Technical examination External invoice additional fee, at least
4.4 合格评定
Conformity assessment
4.4.1 首次认证 – 每增加一个主型号 EUROxxx x 3, 每增加一个同系列附加型号 EUROxxx x 1
Initial certification - per main type / - per subtype additionally
4.4.2 监督年审 EUROxxx x 3
4.4.3 更新 – 每增加一个主型号 EUROxxx x 3, 每增加一个同系列附加型号 EURO53 x 1
Technical examination External invoice additional fee, at least
4.4.4 修改或延期 EUROxxx x 3
5. 申请机构特制展示牌照
英语或法语 EUROxxx x 5, 其他语言EUROxxx x 6
Award of licence - in English or French / - in other languages
6. 年费, 同样适用于副证 EUROxxx x 5
使用受法律保护的DIN Geprüft商标的许可证(自颁发证书后的一年起按日历年收费)
Annual fee (also applies to sublicences) for licence to use the legally protected DIN-Geprüft-mark
(charged per calendar year from the year following the award of the certificate)
7. 行政费用统一费率(不含合格评定)
每次变更 EUROxxx x 8
Flat rate fee for administrative costs (without conformity assessment)
A flat rate fee for administrative costs is charged for amendments of certificates (e.g. changes contact details, change of corporate name etc).
- per action taken