EN 16434返回 Back

EN 16434, 内窗帘, 防止勒颈窒息危险  安全器件要求和测试方法
Internal blinds - Protection from strangulation hazards - Requirements and Test methods for safety devices
条款Clause 测试项目 Test item
Tensioning device 张紧构件
5 Artificial ageing 人工老化: Exposure to UV  紫外线老化
Mechanical endurance 机械寿命
Exposure to high/low temperature 高低温
6 Functional peroformance 功能性测试
Note: Perform after original condition, UV, endurance, high/low temperature
11.2 Release of small components 小部件测试
11.3 Impact resistance 冲击测试
Note: Perform after UV, high/low temperature  UV 和高低温后各试验一次
Breakaway device 分离构件
5 Artificial ageing: Exposure to UV 紫外线老化
Mechanical endurance 机械寿命, Exposure to high/low temperature 高低温 
7 Functional peroformance功能性测试
Note: Perform after original condition, UV, endurance, high/low temperature
11.2 Release of small components 小部件测试
Accumulation device积线构件
5 Artificial ageing人工老化: Exposure to UV紫外线老化
Mechanical endurance机械寿命(for  with moving parts带移动部分)
Exposure to high/low temperature
8 Functional peroformance 功能性测试
Note: Perform after original condition, UV, endurance, high/low temperature
11.2 Release of small components  小部件测试
11.3 Impact resistance冲击测试
Note: Perform after UV, high/low temperature  UV和高低温后各试验一次
Non tangling device 防缠结构件
9 Functional peroformance功能性测试
11.2 Release of small components  
Inner cord stop 内线止动构件
5 Artificial ageing人工老化: Exposure to UV紫外线老化
10 Functional performance 功能性测试
11.2 Release of small components 小部件测试
Test time
含老化和机械寿命(incl. UV & Mechanical endurance)35 工作日Working days
不含老化和机械寿命(not incl. UV & Mechanical endurance)12 工作日 Working days
Sample required
三套有代表性的窗帘样品和10 m长度拉绳 Three representative blind product and 10 m pull cord, including:
张紧构件Tensioning device:10 (pieces)  
分离构件Breakaway device:10 (pieces) 
积线构件Accumulation device:5 (pieces)
防缠结构件Non tangling device: 3 (pairs )
内线止动构件Inner cord stop: 3 (pieces) 

Sample for reference 参考图片:

Responsive image
Sample Report 报告样本:
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