Test item 测试名称:Organic chemical compounds requirements 玩具有机物要求

Test info 测试内容:

塑料Plastic material
EN71-9 Monomers of plastics (migration) 
EN71-9 Solvents migration  溶剂迁移
EN71-9 Plasticisers 增塑剂
木材Wooden material
EN71-9 Formaldehyde 甲醛
EN71-9 Wood preservatives 木材防腐剂
EN71-9 Primary aromatic amines (azo dyestuff)
芳香胺 (偶氮染料)
EN71-9 Colorants(disperse dye) 着色剂 (分散染料)
EN71-9 CF to perspiration 汗液色牢度
EN71-9 Flame retardants 阻燃剂
EN71-9 Primary aromatic amines (azo dyestuff)
芳香胺 (偶氮染料)
EN71-9 Colorants(disperse dye) 着色剂 (分散染料)
EN71-9 Formaldehyde 甲醛
EN71-9 Colorants(disperse dye) 着色剂 (分散染料)
EN71-9 Primary aromatic amines (azo dyestuff)
芳香胺 (偶氮染料)
EN71-9 Preservatives (other than wood preservatives)  非木材防腐剂
EN71-9 PH 酸碱度
EN71-9 Toxicity classification (1999/45/EC) 毒性分析
EN71-9 Colorants(disperse dye) 着色剂 (分散染料)
EN71-9 Primary aromatic amines (azo dyestuff)
芳香胺 (偶氮染料)
EN71-9 CF to perspiration 汗液色牢度
EN71-9 Colorants(disperse dye) 着色剂 (分散染料)
EN71-9 Primary aromatic amines (azo dyestuff)
芳香胺 (偶氮染料)
EN71-9 Formaldehyde 甲醛
玩具充气后表面积大于0.5平方米 Polymer or textile of inflatable toys >0.5m2 
EN71-9 Solvents inhalation 溶剂吸入
EN71-9 Colorants(disperse dye) 着色剂 (分散染料)
EN71-9 Primary aromatic amines (azo dyestuff)
芳香胺 (偶氮染料)
EN71-9 Preservatives (other than wood preservatives)  非木材防腐剂

Lead time 测试周期: 常规 regular 9 working days

Sample size 送样规格:

Sample for reference 参考图片:

Responsive image
Sample Report 报告样本:
Responsive imageResponsive imageResponsive imageResponsive imageResponsive imageResponsive imageResponsive imageResponsive imageResponsive imageResponsive image