FDA Food Grade 美国食品管理条例返回 Back

FDA Food Grade 美国食品管理局

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Test or certification item 测试或认证名称: FDA Food Grade 美国食品管理条例

FDA(U.S. Food and Drug Administration)代表美国食品和药物管理局,它是美国卫生与公众服务部的一个联邦机构。食品若要出口到美国则需要通过FDA Food Grade 美国食品药品管理局证明。



符合 FDA 标准是直接接触食品安全的材料的简写方式,这些材料也称为食品接触物质 (FCS)。


食品接触材料和食品接触物质 (FCS) 的含义相同。

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符合 FDA 标准意味着不仅仅是食品接触安全

  1. 材料在推荐的安全温度范围内使用
  2. 该材料对于与其接触的食品类型(脂肪百分比,酸度,水分含量等)是安全的
  3. 该材料将物理上保持其使用环境,包括清洁和消毒
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在接触过程中,来自材料的分子会迁移到食物或饮料中。 正因为如此,大多数国家都有食品安全监管机构来监控食品安全材料。 在美国,最受认可和经常遇到的食品安全机构是 FDA。 NSF International 是最受认可的食品安全标准组织。

Sample size 
送样规格 2000cm2 per color per material 
Lead time 测试周期:  常规 Regular 7- 9 working days

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FDA General Recognized As Safe (GRAS) 不锈钢(非烹饪用具)- 总铬Cr含量不低于》10.5%
报告不体现GRASFDA字样, 如果测试pass结论可以显示"适合接触食品"字样
FDA General Recognized As Safe (GRAS) 不锈钢(烹饪用具)- 总铬Cr含量不低于》16%
FDA 177.1010 - Acrylic and modified acrylic 亚克力
Non-volatile residue
KmnO4 oxidized water extractives
KmnO4 oxidized 8% ethanol extractives
UV absorbing water extractives
UV absorbing 8% ethanol extractives
UV absorbing n-heptane extractives
FDA CPG 7117.06,07 - Ceramic, glass, enamel 陶瓷,玻璃,搪瓷 每个项目样品需6个完全一模一样成品
Ceramic, glass, enamel foodware (CPG 7117.06, 07)
Ceramic, glass for lip and rim region within 20 mm (SGCD)
FDA CPG 7117.06,07 - Ceramic Coating Metal Base 陶瓷涂层+金属基材 ( 6个成品 800度以上
FDA CPG 7117.06,07175.300 -  Ceramic Coating Metal Base 陶瓷涂层+金属基材 ( 9个成品)800度以下
FDA 177.1340 EMA  乙烯/丙烯酸甲酯共聚物树脂 (Ethylene-methyl acrylate copolymer resins)
 Net chloroform soluble fraction in water   氯仿可溶萃取物(去离子水浸取法)
 Net chloroform soluble fraction in 8 % ethanol    氯仿可溶萃取物(8%酒精浸取法)
 Net chloroform soluble fraction in 50 % ethanol     氯仿可溶萃取物(50%酒精浸取法)
Net chloroform soluble fraction of n-heptane    氯仿可溶萃取物(正庚烷浸取法)
FDA 177.1350 EVA 乙烯/乙酸乙烯酯共聚物(partial test available only)
 Net chloroform soluble fraction in water   氯仿可溶萃取物(去离子水浸取法)
 Net chloroform soluble fraction in 8 % ethanol    氯仿可溶萃取物(8%酒精浸取法)
 Net chloroform soluble fraction in 50 % ethanol     氯仿可溶萃取物(50%酒精浸取法)
Net chloroform soluble fraction of n-heptane    氯仿可溶萃取物(正庚烷浸取法)
 n-heptane at 75 deg. F for 30 minutes  正庚烷(经过辐照的EVA 薄膜)
FDA 177.1680 PU resins 聚亚氨树脂 - 软质材料
water extractives 水萃取(水溶性食物或液态奶)
 n-hexane extractives (fatty food only) 正己烷萃取(针对脂肪性食物)
FDA 177.1680 PU resins 聚亚氨树脂 - 硬质材料
water extractives 水萃取(除酒精饮料外湿性或湿脂肪性食物)
n-heptane extractives 正庚烷萃取(油包水、表面有游离油脂食物)
8% alcohol extractives 8%乙醇萃取(含酒精饮料)
FDA 178.3800 - Wooden 木头
Preservatives for wood
FDA 176.170 - Paper and paper cardboard 纸张,硬纸板 
Net chloroform soluble extractives for water fraction  氯仿可溶萃取物(去离子水浸取法)
Net chloroform soluble extractives for 8 % alcohol  fraction 氯仿可溶萃取物(8%酒精浸取法) 
 Net chloroform soluble extractives for 50 % alcohol fraction 氯仿可溶萃取物(50%酒精浸取法) 
Net chloroform soluble extractives for n-heptane fraction 氯仿可溶萃取物(正庚烷浸取法)
FDA 177.1520 a - PP, OP ( Polypropylene Homopolymer 均聚物 )
Density 密度
Melting point 熔点
n-hexane extractives 正己烷萃取
Xylene extractives 二甲苯萃取
FDA 177.1520 b - PE
Density 密度
n-hexane extractives 正己烷萃取
Xylene extractives 二甲苯萃取
FDA 177.1460 Melamine-formaldehyde resins密胺/甲醛树脂的模制制品
Net chloroform soluble fraction of distilled water   氯仿可溶萃取物(去离子水浸取法)
Net chloroform soluble fraction of  8% ethanol    氯仿可溶萃取物(8%酒精浸取法) 
Net chloroform soluble fraction of n-heptane   氯仿可溶萃取物(正庚烷浸取法)
FDA 177.2420 Polyester resin,  cross-linked (PETG) 聚酯树脂,  Tritan
 Net chloroform soluble fraction in water                     
 Net chloroform soluble fraction in 8 % ethanol              
Net chloroform soluble fraction in 50 % ethanol         
 n-heptane extractives        正庚烷浸取法
FDA 172.886, 凡士林, 石蜡紫外线吸收率 petroleum wax
FDA 177.1810 Styrene block polymer  苯乙烯嵌段聚合物
water extractives 提取物(蒸馏水,30min、回流温度、0.19cm)
50% ethanol extractives 提取物(50%乙醇,2hrous66℃、0.19cm)
solubility 溶解度 (完全溶解于甲苯中)
FDA 177.1830 Styrene-methyl methacrylate  (苯乙烯-甲基丙烯酸甲酯)MMA,MBS    subcontract to HK
Non-volatile residue
总提取物(in water,8,50alcohol fraction,heptane)去离子水、8%50%酒精,正庚烷
KmnO4 oxidized water extractives 高锰酸钾可氧化萃取(水中)
KmnO4 oxidized 8% ethanol extractives 高锰酸钾可氧化萃取(8%乙醇)
KmnO4 oxidized 50% ethanol extractives 高锰酸钾可氧化萃取 (50%乙醇)
UV absorbing water extractives   紫外吸收(水中)
UV absorbing 8% ethanol extractives  紫外吸收 (8%乙醇)
UV absorbing 50% ethanol extractives  紫外吸收 (50%乙醇)
UV absorbing n-heptane extractives 紫外吸收(正庚烷中)
FDA 177.1900  Urea-formaldehyde resins in molded articles(用于模制制品的脲醛树脂) UF
 water extractives  去离子水萃取法
8% alcohol extractives  8%酒精萃取法 
n-heptane extractives   正庚烷萃取法
FDA 177.2470 POM 聚氧亚甲基共聚物 (Polyoxymethylene copolymer) - (可送塑料粒子)
Net chloroform-soluble extractives in water fraction  水萃取的氯仿可溶萃取物(除酒精饮料外湿性或脂肪性食物)(成品)
Net chloroform-soluble extractives in n-heptane  fraction正庚烷萃取的氯仿可溶萃取物(油包水、表面有游离油脂食物)(成品)
Net chloroform-soluble extractives in 8% ethanol  fraction 8%乙醇萃取的氯仿可溶萃取物(含酒精饮料)(成品)
Water extractives at refluxing temperature for 6 hours 水回流萃取6h(塑料粒子原材料)
n-heptane extractives at refluxing temperature for 6 hours 正庚烷回流萃取6小时(塑料粒子原材料)
FDA 177.2480 POM 聚氧亚甲基均聚物(Polyoxymethylene homopolymer)
Net chloroform-soluble extractives in water fraction 水萃取的氯仿可溶萃取物
Net chloroform-soluble extractives in n-heptane  fraction  正庚烷萃取的氯仿可溶萃取物
Net chloroform-soluble extractives in 8% ethanol  fraction 8%乙醇萃取的氯仿可溶萃取物(含酒精饮料)
Water extractives at refluxing temperature for 6 hours 水回流萃取6h 
n-heptane extractives at refluxing temperature for 6 hours 正庚烷回流萃取6小时
Density 密度
Melting point 熔点
FDA 175.105 Adhesives 粘合剂, 美国毒理学家签字版本
FDA 177.1500 Nylon 尼龙, PA
尼龙塑料要求,如尼龙n6, 尼龙66, 尼龙610,尼龙6/12, 尼龙12T (需要确定尼龙类型)
Specific gravity  密度
Melting point  熔点
Solubility / boiling 4.2 N HCI    盐酸中的溶解度   
Water extractives  去离子水萃取法
95% ethanol extractives   95%酒精萃取法 
Ethyl acetate extractives    乙酸乙脂萃取法 
Benzene extractives   苯萃取法 
FDA 177.1550 Perfluorocarbon resins PTFE 全氟化碳制品( 特氟隆)
全氟化碳模制制品,表面积为6.45dm²以上,厚度不低于1.27mm 成品
Water extractives at refluxing temperature for 2 hours 回流2h
50% ethanol extractives at refluxing temperature for 2 hours  回流2h
N-heptane extractives at refluxing temperature for 2 hours 回流2h
Ethyl acetate extractives at refluxing temperature for 2 hours (Only for resin) 回流2h
Fluoride extractives (as fluorine) in distilled water 氟化物迁移量
Fluoride extractives (as fluorine) in 50% ethanol 氟化物迁移量
Fluoride extractives (as fluorine) in ethyl acetate (Only for resin) 氟化物迁移量
Fluoride extractives (as fluorine) in n-heptane 氟化物迁移量
FDA 177.1550 Perfluorocarbon resins PTFE 全氟化碳制品( 特氟隆)coating
Water extractives at refluxing temperature for 2 hours 回流2h
50% ethanol extractives at refluxing temperature for 2 hours  回流2h
N-heptane extractives at refluxing temperature for 2 hours 回流2h
Fluoride extractives (as fluorine) in distilled water 氟化物迁移量
Fluoride extractives (as fluorine) in 50% ethanol 氟化物迁移量
Fluoride extractives (as fluorine) in n-heptane 氟化物迁移量
FDA 177.1640 - PS 聚苯乙烯和用橡胶改性的聚苯乙烯
Residual styrene monomer 苯乙烯单体残留
limit:1% (non-fatty foods),0.5% (fatty foods)
FDA 177.1640  Polysulfone resins (聚砜树脂)PSU
Water extractives  去离子水浸取法
3 % acetic acid extractives  3%醋酸浸取法
50 % alcohol extractives     50%酒精浸取法 
n-heptane extractive   正庚烷浸取法
FDA 177.1580 PC, Polycarbonate (聚碳酸酯树脂)
Water extractives at refluxing temperature   水回流萃取6小时
50% ethanol extractives at refluxing temperature  50%酒精回流萃取6小时
n-heptane extractives at refluxing temperature   正庚烷回流萃取6小时
BPA Free(美國2009食品安全加強法) 推荐
FDA 181.32 or 180.22 - Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-styrene  ABS(丙烯腈共聚物) ( 丙烯晴小于30%,越少越好
Residual Acrylonitile in n-heptane    正庚烷中丙烯晴残留
Residual Acrylonitile in 8% ethanol  8%酒精中丙烯晴残留
Residual Acrylonitile in 50% ethanol  50%酒精中丙烯晴残留
Residual Acrylonitile in 3% acetic acid    3%醋酸中丙烯晴残留
Residual Acrylonitile in water  去离子水中丙烯晴残留
FDA 177.2600 - Rubber, SBS, TPR, TPE
Water extractives
 n-hexane extractives (fatty food only)
FDA 177.1210 - Closure with sealing gaskets 密封圈,密封衬垫 (Silicone 硅胶 )
Net chloroform soluble extractives for water fraction  氯仿可溶萃取物(去离子水浸取法)
Net chloroform soluble extractives for 8 % alcohol fraction 氯仿可溶萃取物(8%酒精浸取法) 
Net chloroform soluble extractives for n-heptane fraction 氯仿可溶萃取物(正庚烷浸取法)
FDA 177.1630 - PET(苯二甲酸乙二醇酯聚合物) ,PLA
Net chloroform soluble fraction of distilled water  氯仿可溶萃取物(去离子水浸取法)
Net chloroform soluble fraction of n-heptane 氯仿可溶萃取物(正庚烷浸取法)
Net chloroform soluble fraction of 8 % ethanol  氯仿可溶萃取物(8%酒精浸取法) 
Net chloroform soluble fraction of 50 % ethanol 氯仿可溶萃取物(50%酒精浸取法) 
FDA 177.2415 - PEEK 聚(芳醚酮)树脂/聚醚醚酮
 Net chloroform soluble fraction in water  氯仿可溶萃取物(去离子水浸取法)
 Net chloroform soluble fraction in 3 % Alcohol 氯仿可溶萃取物(3%醋酸浸取法)
Net chloroform soluble fraction in 50 % ethanol 氯仿可溶萃取物(50%酒精浸取法)
 Net chloroform soluble fraction in n-heptane extractives 氯仿可溶萃取物(正庚烷浸取法)
FDA 172.878 White Mineral Oil 白矿油
Carbonizable substance 炭化合物
Sulfur compound 硫化合物
UV test 紫外吸收
FDA 178.3620 c, 食品用白矿油
FDA 178.3620 b 食品用白矿油
FDA 178.3910 ( heptane, 21, 30min ) Surface Lubricants used in the manufacture of metallic articles - 铝箔
FDA 178.3910 Surface Lubricants used in the manufacture of metallic articles - 油脂类
起始沸点, 最终沸点
FDA 175.300  - PVC 
No applicable CFR regulations for PVC, if the client insists to perform FDA test, 175.300 can be recommended.
In addition 177.1975 is no longer exist
PVC 中的VCM 单体 -  this standard has been repealed
 water extractives  去离子水萃取法
8% alcohol extractives  8%酒精萃取法 
n-heptane extractives   正庚烷萃取法
FDA 177.1350 EVA 乙烯/乙酸乙烯酯共聚物
Net chloroform soluble fraction in water      氯仿可溶萃取物(去离子水浸取法)
Net chloroform soluble fraction in 8 % ethanol    氯仿可溶萃取物(8%酒精浸取法)
Net chloroform soluble fraction in 50 % ethanol   氯仿可溶萃取物(50%酒精浸取法)
Net chloroform soluble fraction of n-heptane        氯仿可溶萃取物(正庚烷浸取法)
Vinylidene fluoride & hexafluropropene
Xanthan gum (coating)
FDA 177.1040 SAN ( 苯乙烯)
Residual Acrylonitrile*
FDA 177.1040 AS ( 丙烯腈)
Residual Acrylonitrile*
Extractive test at 66 deg. C, 10 days   water/3% HOAC  蒸馏水/3% 乙酸 66ºC 抽提 10
Nitrogen content (not performed)
MW (not performed)
FDA 175.300  polymer Coating or electroplating except siliver plated, 树脂或聚合体涂层 or 电镀,除镀银外
 water extractives  去离子水萃取法
8% alcohol extractives  8%酒精萃取法 
n-heptane extractives   正庚烷萃取法
 FDA CPG 7117.05  Silver Plated ,  镀银材料
Extractable lead  铅萃取
<7.0 ug/mL                         婴儿或儿童专用:<0.5ug/mL
FDA 175.300 + 7177.05  - Metalware
other metalware (reference to 175.300 and CPG 7117.05 )
 water extractives  去离子水萃取法
8% alcohol extractives  8%酒精萃取法 
n-heptane extractives   正庚烷萃取法
Extractable lead  铅萃取
 FDA 21CFR 177.2510  Polyvinylidene fluoride resins(PVDF) ,聚偏二氟乙烯树脂
Water extractives at refluxing temperature for 2 hours  水回流萃取2小时
50% ethanol extractives at refluxing temperature for 2 hours  50%乙醇回流萃取2小时
n-heptane extractives at refluxing temperature for 2 hours  正庚烷回流萃取2小时
FDA 177.1211 - Cross-linked polyacrylate copolymers,交联聚丙烯酸酯共聚物
FDA 177.2355 -Mineral reinforced nylon resins (矿物增强尼龙树脂)
Water extractives at refluxing temperature for 24 hours
50% ethanol extractives at refluxing temperature for 24 hours
Ashes of total extractives (Water)
Ashes of total extractives (50% ethanol)
FDA 178.3800  - Preservatives for wood,木材
Pentachlorophenol in wood(PCP含量)

Sample report 样本报告:

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