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检测对象 项目/参数 方法标准
对象名称 对象名称(英文) 参数名称 参数名称(英文) 方法名称 方法名称(英文) 依据标准号 条款号 设备编号
手套 Glove 耐摩擦测试 Abrasion 机械性危害防护手套 Protective gloves against mechanical risks EN388: 2016, ASTM F1790 6.1 STM633, STM 610, STM566, BN325
手套 Glove 耐切割测试  Blade cut 机械性危害防护手套 Protective gloves against mechanical risks EN388: 2016, ASTM F1790 6.2, 6.3 STM633, STM 610, STM566, BN325
手套 Glove 耐撕裂测试 Tear 机械性危害防护手套 Protective gloves against mechanical risks EN388: 2016, ASTM F1790  6.4 STM633, STM 610, STM566, BN325
手套 Glove 耐穿刺测试 Puncture 机械性危害防护手套 Protective gloves against mechanical risks EN388: 2016, ASTM F1790 6.5 STM633, STM 610, STM566, BN325
手套 Glove 耐切割性能  Blade cut 手部防护机械危害防护手套 Protective gloves against mechanical risks GB24541-2009 5.3 STM633, STM 610, STM566, BN325
手套 Glove 耐撕裂性能  Tear 手部防护机械危害防护手套 Protective gloves against mechanical risks GB24541-2009 5.4 STM633, STM 610, STM566, BN325
手套 Glove 耐穿刺性能  Puncture 手部防护机械危害防护手套 Protective gloves against mechanical risks GB24541-2009  5.5 STM633, STM 610, STM566, BN325
手套 Glove 化学渗透测试,化学老化测试 Chemical permeation 化学品和微生物防护手套 Protective gloves against chemical and micro-organisms EN374: 2016   Qumat 401-PC, NW50-liquid, PB-AF-T-002, STM 566
手套 Glove 化学渗透测试,化学老化测试 Chemical permeation 连续接触条件下防护服材料抗液体或气体渗透的标准试验方法 Standard Test Method for Permeation of Liquids and Gases through Protective Clothing Materials under Conditions of Continuous Contact  ASTM F739-2012   Qumat 401-PC, NW50-liquid, PB-AF-T-002, STM 566
手套 Glove 化学渗透测试,化学老化测试 Chemical permeation 化学品和微生物防护手套 Protective gloves against chemical and micro-organisms GB28881-2012 6.4 Qumat 401-PC, NW50-liquid, PB-AF-T-002, STM 566
口罩 Mask 过滤效率测试   呼吸防护自吸过滤式防颗粒物呼吸器 Respiratory Protection-Non-powered air-purifying particle respirator GB2626-2019 6.3  
口罩 Mask 过滤效率测试   日常防护型口罩技术规范 Technical specification of daily protective mask GB/T32610-2016 6.13  
口罩 Mask 吸气阻力测试   日常防护型口罩技术规范 Technical specification of daily protective mask GB/T32610-2016 6.7  
口罩 Mask 呼气阻力测试   日常防护型口罩技术规范 Technical specification of daily protective mask GB/T32610-2016 6.8  
口罩 Mask 过滤效率测试   医用外科口罩 Surgical mask YY0469-2011 5.6.2  
口罩 Mask 吸入阻力测试   呼吸防护装置-过滤半面罩以防止颗粒进入-要求、测试、标记 Respiratory protective 
devices — Filtering half 
masks to protect 
against particles — 
Requirements, testing, 
EN 149:2001 
口罩 Mask 滤盒穿透性测试   呼吸防护器.微粒过滤器.要求、检验和标志 Respiratory protective devices - Particle filters - Requirements, testing, marking EN 143:2007 8.7  
口罩 Mask 密合度测试   呼吸防护自吸过滤式防颗粒物呼吸器 Respiratory Protection-Non-powered air-purifying particle respirator GB2626-2019 6.4  
口罩 Mask 吸气阻力测试   呼吸防护自吸过滤式防颗粒物呼吸器 Respiratory Protection-Non-powered air-purifying particle respirator GB2626-2019 6.5  
口罩 Mask 呼气阻力测试   呼吸防护自吸过滤式防颗粒物呼吸器 Respiratory Protection-Non-powered air-purifying particle respirator GB2626-2019 6.6  
滤毒盒 filter A型防护时间测试   呼吸防护自吸过滤式防毒面具 Respiratory Protection-Non-powered air-purifying respirator GB2890-2009 7.10  
滤毒盒 filter E型防护时间测试   呼吸防护自吸过滤式防毒面具 Respiratory Protection-Non-powered air-purifying respirator GB2890-2009 7.10  
安全帽 Helmet 冲击吸收性能   安全帽测试方法 Test method for safety helmet GB2812-2006 4.3 ZM-811
安全帽 Helmet 耐穿刺性能   安全帽测试方法 Test method for safety helmet GB2812-2006 4.4 ZM-811
安全帽 Helmet 下额带强度   安全帽测试方法 Test method for safety helmet GB2812-2006 4.5 ZM-815B
安全帽 Helmet 侧向刚性   安全帽测试方法 Test method for safety helmet GB2812-2006 4.8 ZM-815B
安全鞋 Footwear 抗冲击性   个体防护设备 鞋的测试方法 Personal protective equipment-Test methods for footwear  GB 20991-2007 5.4  
安全鞋 Footwear 耐压力性   个体防护设备 鞋的测试方法 Personal protective equipment-Test methods for footwear  GB 20991-2007 5.5  
安全鞋 Footwear 抗刺穿性   个体防护设备 鞋的测试方法 Personal protective equipment-Test methods for footwear  GB 20991-2007 5.8.2  
安全鞋 Footwear 电绝缘性能   个体防护设备 鞋的测试方法 Personal protective equipment-Test methods for footwear  GB 20991-2007 5.11  
安全鞋 Footwear 防静电性能   个体防护设备 鞋的测试方法 Personal protective equipment-Test methods for footwear  GB 20991-2007 5.10  
安全鞋 Footwear 外底耐折性   个体防护设备 鞋的测试方法 Personal protective equipment-Test methods for footwear  GB 20991-2007 8.4.2  
安全鞋 Footwear 防刺穿垫耐折性   个体防护设备 鞋的测试方法 Personal protective equipment-Test methods for footwear  GB 20991-2007 5.9  
安全鞋 Footwear 外底耐热接触性   个体防护设备 鞋的测试方法 Personal protective equipment-Test methods for footwear  GB 20991-2007 8.7  
安全鞋 Footwear 耐磨性   硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶耐磨性能的测定(旋转辊筒式磨耗机法) Rubber,vulcanized or thermoplastic-Determination of abrasion resistance using a rotating cylindrical drum device GB21148-2020   
GB 20991-2007
安全鞋 Footwear 防滑   防滑测试方法 PPE-Footwear-Test Method for Slip Resistance ISO 13287-2019