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Test information

Building Preservation

EN 14695

waterproofing membranes

EN 13707

EN 13969

EN 13967

EN 13970 (polymer bitumen)

EN 13956

EN 13967

EN 14909

EN 13984

EN 13859 (plastic)

DIN SPEC 20.000-201

DIN SPEC 20.000-202

DIN SPEC 20.000-203

DIN EN ISO 17025

Asphalt and plastic fireproofing and waterproofing

DIN EN IEC 17025

Fire Safety

EN ISO 17025


EN IEC 17025


DIN EN ISO 17065


DIN EN IEC 17065


DIN EN ISO 11925-2

Ignitability test

DIN EN 13823

SBI test

DIN 4102-7



DIN EN 1364-1

Fire resistance test

Timber Constructions

DIN 1052-10


DIN-standardization committees

NA 005-04-01-AA

Timber Construction

CEN/TC 124

CEN/TC 250/SC5

ISO/TC 165

NA 042-04-05 AA

wood bonding

CEN/TC 193/SC1

NA 062-10 FBR

Department Advisory board on adhesives

NA 005-04-01-01 AK


DIN EN 1995-1-1


DIN EN 1995-2


NA 005-04-01-04 AK

Glued products

DIN EN 14080

DIN EN 14374

DIN EN 15497

DIN EN 16351

NA 005-04-01-05 AK

Prefabricated elements

DIN EN 14250

DIN EN 14372

NA 005-04-01-06 AK

Wood preservation, formwork beams

NA 005-04-01-12 AK

Eurocode 5 –Timber-concrete-compound elements

NA 005-04-01-17 AK

Eurocode 5 -Reinforcements

NA 005-04-01-19 AK

Eurocode 5 Execution

NA 005-04-01-01 AK


DIN EN 1995-1-1


DIN EN 1995-2


CEN-standardization committees

CEN TC 124/WG3

Bonded structural timber products

CEN TC 124/WG5

Prefabricated timber elements

CEN TC 193/SC1

Structural wood adhesives

CEN TC 193/SC1/WG4



bonded structural hardwood products

Component Assessment and Reliability

ISO 9001

Development and support of databases and software for material laws and life cycle management

Calibration, Bearing, Passive Safety

ECE-R 16 / VSTD 26

safety-belts / restraint systems


Type approval tests for child restraint systems


Type approval tests for motorcycle helmets according

DIN ISO 27955

Assessment of the crash behaviour for cargo securing according

DIN ISO 27956

DIN 75302

Assessment of the crash behaviour for roof racks for passenger cars according

Materials Behavior and Materials Modelling

ISO 26203-2

High rate flow properties

ASTM E1921

Fracture mechanics tests and damage mechanics at elevated loading rates

ISO/TC 164

Mechanical testing of metals

ISO/TC 164/SC 01/WG 07

Tensile testing at high strain rates

ISO/TC 164/SC 04

Toughness Testing

ISO/TC 164/SC 01


ISO/TC 164/SC04


NA 062 DIN

Standards Committee Materials Testing

NA 062-01-42 AA

Working Committee Tensile and ductility testing of metals

NA 062-01-46 AA

Working Committee Fracture Mechanics