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Basic Safety and Essential Performance of Medical Electrical Equipment, Medical Electrical Systems and Laboratory Medical Equipment
ANSI AAMI ES60601- 1:2005/(R)2012 & A1:2012 C1:2009/(R)2012 & A2:2010/(R)2012 (Co ns. Text) [Incl. AMD2:2021 [19-46] Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 1: Gen eral requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce (IEC 60601-1:2005 MOD) [In cludi ng Ame ndme nt 2 (2021)]
ANSI AAMI HA60601-1-11:2015 [In cludi ng AMD1:2021] [19-47] Medical Electrical Equipme nt -- Part 1-11: Ge neral requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce -- Collateral Sta ndard: Requireme nts for medical electrical equipment and medical electrical equipment and medical electrical systems used in the home healthcare environment (IEC 60601-1-11:2015 MOD) [Including Amendment1 (2021)]
ANSI AAMI IEC 60601-1-12:2016 [I ncludi ng AMD 1:2021] [19-39] Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 1-12: Gen eral requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce - Collateral Sta ndard: Requireme nts for medical electrical equipment and medical electrical systems intended for use in the emerge ncy [In clud ing Ame ndme nt 1 (2021)
ANSI AAMI IEC 60601-1-2:2014 [I ncludi ng AMD 1:2021] [19-36] Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 1-2: Gen eral requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce - Collateral Sta ndard: Electromag netic disturba nces -Requireme nts and tests [In cludi ng Ame ndme nt 1 (2021)]
ANSI AAMI IEC 60601-1-8:2006 and A1:2012 [I ncludi ng AMD 2:2021] [5-131] Medical Electrical Equipme nt - Part 1-8: Gen eral requireme nts for basic safety and essential performance Collateral Standard: General requirements, tests and guida nce for alarm systems in medical electrical equipme nt and medical electrical systems [Including Amendment 2 (2021)]
ANSI AAMI IEC 60601-2-2:2017 [6389] Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-2: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of high freque ncy surgical equipme nt and high freque ncy surgical accessories
ANSI AAMI IEC 60601-2-25:2011/(R)2016 [3105] Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-25: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of electrocardiographs
ANSI AAMI IEC 60601-2-27:2011(R)2016 [3126] Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-27: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of electrocardiographic mon itori ng equipme nt
ANSI AAMI IEC 80601-2-30:2018 [3123] Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-30: Particular requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of automated type non-in vasive sphygmoma nometers
ANSI AAMI IEC 60601-2-47:2012/(R)2016 [3155] Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-47: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of ambulatory electrocardiographic systems
ANSI UL 61010-1 3rd Ed, dated May 12, 2012 with revisi on through July 19, 2019 [19-41] Stan dard for Safety for Electrical Equipme nt For Measureme nt, Con trol and Laboratory Use; Part 1: Gen eral Requireme nts
IEC 60601-1 Edition 3.2 2020-08 CONSOLIDATED VERSION [19-49] Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 1: Gen eral requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce
IEC 60601-1-2 Edition 4.1 2020-09 CONSOLIDATED VERSION [19-36] Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 1-2: Gen eral requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce - Collateral Sta ndard: Electromag netic disturba nces -Requireme nts and tests
IEC 60601-1-3 Edition 2.2 2021-01 CONSOLIDATED VERSION [12-336] Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 1-3: Gen eral requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce - Collateral Sta ndard: Radiati on protecti on in diag no stic X-ray equipme nt
IEC 60601-1-6 Editi on 3.2 2020-07 CONSOLIDATED VERSION [5-132] Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 1-6: Gen eral requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce - Collateral sta ndard: Usability.
IEC 60601-1-8 Editi on 2.2 2020-07 CONSOLIDATED VERSION [5-131] Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 1-8: Gen eral requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce - Collateral Sta ndard: Gen eral requireme nts tests and guidance for alarm systems in medical electrical equipment and medical electrical systems.
IEC 60601-1-10 Editi on 1.2 2020-07 CONSOLIDATED VERSION [19-37] Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 1-10: Gen eral requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce - Collateral Sta ndard: Requireme nts for the developme nt of physiologic closed-loop con trollers
IEC 60601-1-11 Editi on 2.1 2020-07 CONSOLIDATED VERSION [19-38] Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 1-11: Gen eral requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce - Collateral Sta ndard: Requireme nts for medical electrical equipment and medical electrical systems used in the home healthcare environment.
IEC 60601-1-12 Editi on 1.1 2020-07 CONSOLIDATED VERSION [19-39] Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 1-12: Gen eral requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce - Collateral Sta ndard: Requireme nts for medical electrical equipment and medical electrical systems intended for use in the emerge ncy medical services environment.
IEC 60601-2-2 Edition 6.0 2017-03 [6-389] Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-2: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of high freque ncy surgical equipme nt and high freque ncy surgical accessories
IEC 60601-2-10 Editi on 2.1 2016-04 [17-16] Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-10: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of nerve and muscle stimulators.
IEC 60601-2-18 Editi on 3.0 2009-08 [9-114] Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-18: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of en doscopic equipme nt.
IEC 60601-2-22 Editi on 3.1 2012-10 [12-268] Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-22: Particular requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of surgical cosmetic therapeutic and diag no stic laser equipme nt.
IEC 60601-2-25 Editio n 2.0 2011-10 [3-105] Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-25: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of electrocardiographs.
IEC 60601-2-27 Editio n 3.0 2011-03 [3-126] Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-27: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of electrocardiographic mon itori ng equipme nt.
IEC 60601-2-28 Editio n 3.0 2017-06 [12-309] Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-28: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of X-ray tube assemblies for medical diag no sis.
IEC 60601-2-34 Editio n 3.0 2011-05 [3-115] Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-34: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety in cludi ng esse ntial performa nce of in vasive blood pressure mon itori ng equipme nt.
IEC 60601-2-37 Editi on 2.1 2015 [12-293] Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-37: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and essential performance of ultrasonic medical diagnostic and monitoring equipme nt.
IEC 60601-2-47 Editi on 2.0 2012-02 [3- 155] Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-47: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of ambulatory electrocardiographic systems
IEC 60601-2-52 Edition 1.0 2009-12 [6-321] Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-52: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of medical beds.
IEC 60601-2-54 Editi on 2.0 2022-09 [12-348] Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-54: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of X-ray equipme nt for radiography and radioscopy
IEC 60601-2-57 Editi on 1.0 2011-01 [12-242] Medical Electrical Equipme nt - Part 2-57: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of non-laser light source equipme nt inten ded for therapeutic diagnostic monitoring and cosmetic/aesthetic use.
IEC 61010-1 Edition 3.1 2017-01 CONSOLIDATED VERSION [19-34] Safety requireme nts for electrical equipme nt for measureme nt con trol and laboratory use - Part 1: Gen eral requireme nts.
IEC 80601-2-30 Editio n 2.0 2018-03 [3-123] Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-30: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of automated non-i nvasive sphygmoma nometers.
IEC 80601-2-60 Editio n 2.0 2019-06 [4-262] Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-60: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of den tal equipme nt.
ISO 80601-2-55 seco nd edition 201802 [1-140] Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-55: Particular requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of respiratory gas mon itors.
ISO 80601-2-56 Seco nd edition 201703 [6-421] Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-56: Particular requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of cli ni cal thermometers for body temperature measureme nt.
ISO 80601-2-61 Seco nd edition 2017- 12 (Corrected version 2018-02) [1-139] Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-61: Particular requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of pulse oximeter equipme nt.
ISO 80601-2-69 Seco nd edition 2020- 11 [1-148] Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-69: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of oxyge n concen trator equipme nt
Regular Scope 
10 CFR Part 429 and 430, Subpart B, Appe ndix V1 (light kit shall be evaluated based on lumi naire photometry. Values shall be derived from the complete lum in aire, in clud ing optical losses.)
10 CFR 430, Subpart B, Appe ndix A Uniform test method for measuri ng the en ergy con sumpti on of refrigerators, refrigerator-freezers, and miscella neous refrigerati on products
10 CFR 430, Subpart B, Appe ndix B Uniform test method for measuri ng the en ergy con sumpti on of freezers
10 CFR 430, Subpart B, Appe ndix CC Uniform Test Method for Measuri ng the En ergy Con sumpti on of Portable Air Con diti oners
10 CFR 430, Subpart B, Appe ndix D Uniform Test Method for Measuri ng the En ergy Con sumpti on of Clothes Dryers
10 CFR 430, Subpart B, Appe ndix D1 Uniform Test Method for Measuri ng the En ergy Con sumpti on of Clothes Dryers
10 CFR 430, Subpart B, Appe ndix E Uniform Test Method for Measuri ng the En ergy Con sumpti on of Water Heaters
10 CFR 430, Subpart B, Appe ndix EE Uniform Test Method For Measuri ng the En ergy Con sumpti on of Con sumer Boilers
10 CFR 430, Subpart B, Appe ndix F Uniform Test Method for Measuri ng the En ergy Con sumpti on of Room Air Con diti oners
10 CFR 430, Subpart B, Appe ndix FF Uniform Test Method for Measuri ng the En ergy Con sumpti on of Air Clea ners
10 CFR 430, Subpart B, Appe ndix G Uniform Test Method for Measuri ng the En ergy Con sumpti on of Unven ted Home Heat ing Equipme nt
10 CFR 430, Subpart B, Appe ndix GG Uniform Test Method for Measuri ng the En ergy Con sumpti on of Portable Electric Spas
10 CFR 430, Subpart B, Appe ndix I Uniform Test Method for Measuri ng the En ergy Con sumpti on of Cook ing Products
10 CFR 430, Subpart B, Appe ndix I1 Uniform Test Method for Measuri ng the En ergy Con sumpti on of Conven ti onal Cook ing Products
10 CFR 430, Subpart B, Appe ndix J1 Uniform Test Method for Measuri ng the En ergy Con sumpti on of Automatic and Semi-Automatic Clothes Washers
10 CFR 430, Subpart B, Appe ndix J2 Uniform Test Method for Measuri ng the En ergy Con sumpti on of Automatic and Semi-Automatic Clothes Washers
10 CFR 430, Subpart B, Appe ndix M Uniform Test Method for Measuri ng the En ergy Con sumpti on of Cen tral Air Con diti oners and Heat Pumps
10 CFR 430, Subpart B, Appe ndix M1 Uniform Test Method for Measuri ng the En ergy Con sumpti on of Cen tral Air Con diti oners and Heat Pumps
10 CFR 430, Subpart B, Appe ndix O Uniform Test Method for Measuri ng the En ergy Con sumpti on of Ven ted Home Heati ng Equipme nt
10 CFR 430, Subpart B, Appe ndix P Uniform Test Method for Measuri ng the En ergy Con sumpti on of Pool Heaters
10 CFR 430, Subpart B, Appe ndix U Uniform Test Method for Measuri ng the En ergy Con sumpti on of Ceili ng Fans
10 CFR 430, Subpart B, Appe ndix X Uniform Test Method for Measuri ng the En ergy Con sumpti on of Dehumidifiers
10 CFR 430, Subpart B, Appe ndix X1 Uniform Test Method for Measuri ng the En ergy Con sumpti on of Dehumidifiers
10 CFR 430, Subpart B, Appe ndix Y Uniform Test Method for Measuri ng the En ergy Con sumpti on of Battery Chargers
10 CFR 430, Subpart B, Appe ndix Z Uniform Test Method for Measuri ng the En ergy Con sumpti on of External Power Supplies
10 CFR Part 431 Subpart C Commercial Refrigerators, Freezers and Refrigerator Freezers
10 CFR Part 431, Subpart C, Appe ndix B Uniform Test Method for the Measureme nt of En ergy Con sumpti on of Commercial Refrigerators, Freezers, and Refrigerator-Freezers
10 CFR Part 431, Subpart C, Appe ndix C Uniform Test Method for the Measureme nt of En ergy Con sumpti on of Buffet Tables or Preparati on Tables
10 CFR Part 431, Subpart C, Appe ndix D Uniform Test Method for the Measureme nt of En ergy Con sumpti on of Blast Chillers or Blast Freezers
10 CFR Part 431 Subpart F, §431.96 Commercial Air Con diti oners and Heat Pumps
10 CFR Part 431 Subpart H Automatic Commercial Ice Makers
10 CFR Part 431 Subpart Q Refrigerated Bottled or Canned Beverage Vending Machi nes
10 CFR Part 431 Subpart R, Appe ndix A Un iform Test Method for the Measureme nt of Net Capacity and AWEF of Walk- In Cooler and Walk- In Freezer Refrigerati on Systems
10 CFR Part 431 Subpart R, Appe ndix C Un iform Test Method for the Measureme nt of Net Capacity and AWEF of Walk- In Cooler and Walk- In Freezer Refrigerati on Systems
10 CFR Part 431.64 Uniform test method for the measureme nt of en ergy con sumpti on of commercial refrigerators, freezers, and refrigerator-freezers
10 CFR Part 431.66(e )(2) ENERGY STAR Program Requireme nts Product Specification for Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers Version 4.0
10 CFR Part 431.96 Uniform test methods for the measureme nt of en ergy efficie ncy of commercial air con diti oners and heat pumps
10 CFR 431.134 Uniform test methods for the measureme nt of en ergy and water con sumpti on of automatic commercial ice makers
10 CFR 431.294 Uniform test methods for the measureme nt of en ergy con sumpti on of refrigerated bottled or canned beverage vending machi nes
AAMI HA60601-1-11 Medical Electrical Equipme nt - Part 1-11: Gen eral requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce - Collateral Sta ndard: Requireme nts for medical electrical equipment and medical electrical equipment and medical electrical systems used in the home healthcare environment
ABNT NBR 16149 Brazilia n Specificati ons for Grid-Co nn ected In verters
ABNT NBR 16150 Brazilia n Specificati ons for Grid-Co nn ected In verters - Con formity Test ing Procedures
ABNT NBR IEC 62116 Test procedure of isla nding preve nti on measures for utility-in terc onn ected photovoltic in verters
AHAM AC-7 En ergy Test Method for Con sumer Room Air Clea ners
AHAM DH-1 Dehumidifiers
AHAM HRF-1 En ergy and Internal Volume of Refrigerat ing Applia nces
AHAM HU-1 Portable Household Humidifiers
AHAM PAC-1 Portable Air Con diti oners
AHAM RAC-1 Room Air Con diti oners
AHRI 210/240 Performa nce Rat ing of Un itary Air-c on diti oning & Air-source Heat Pump Equipme nt
AHRI 310/380 (CSA- C744-17) Stan dard for Packaged Term inal Air-c on diti oners and Heat Pumps
AHRI 340/360 Performa nce Rat ing of Commercial and In dustrial Un itary Air-C on diti oning and Heat Pump Equipme nt
AHRI 410 Forced-Circulati on Air-Cooli ng and Air-Heati ng Coils
AHRI 420-2016 Performa nce Rati ng of Forced-circulati on Free-delivery Unit Coolers for Refrigerati on
AHRI 430 Performa nce Rat ing of Cen tral Stati on Air-ha ndli ng Unit Supply Fans
AHRI 431 Performa nce Rat ing of Cen tral Stati on Air-ha ndli ng Unit Supply Fans
AHRI 440 Performa nce Rati ng of Room Fan-Coils
AHRI 550/590 Performa nce Rati ng of Water- Chilli ng and Heat Pump Water-Heat ing Packages Using the Vapor Compressi on Cycle
AHRI 551/591 Performa nce Rati ng of Water-Chilli ng and Heat Pump Water-Heat ing Packages Using the Vapor Compressi on Cycle
AHRI 810 Performa nce Rati ng of Automatic Commercial Ice-makers
AHRI 810-2007 with Adde ndum 1, (AHRI 810) Performa nce Rati ng of Automatic Commercial Ice-Makers
AHRI 811 Performa nce Rati ng of Automatic Commercial Ice-makers
AHRI 1200 Performa nce Rati ng of Commercial Refrigerated Display Mercha ndisers and Storage Cabin ets
AHRI 1201 Performa nce Rat ing of Commercial Refrigerated Display Mercha ndisers And Storage Cabin ets
AHRI 1230 Performa nce Rati ng of Variable Refrigera nt Flow (VRF) Multi-Split AirCon diti oning and Heat Pump Equipme nt
AHRI 1250-2020 Sta ndard for Performa nce Rati ng of Walk- in Coolers and Freezers
AHRI 1360 Performa nce Rati ng of Computer and Data Process ing Room Air Con diti oners
ANSI C78.377 Electric Lamps - Specificati ons for the Chromaticity of Solid-State Light ing Products
ANSI C82.16 / CSA C865.1 Light-Emitt ing Diode Drivers Methods of Measureme nt
ANSI C82.18 / CSA C865.2 Light-Emitt ing Diode Drivers - Performa nce Characteristics
ANSI C82.77-10 Lighti ng Equipme nt - Harm onic Emissi on Limits - Related Power Quality Requireme nts
ANSI AAMI BP22:1994 (R2016) Blood pressure tran sducers
ANSI AAMI EC12:2000/(R)2015 Disposable ECG electrodes
ANSI AAMI EC53:2013/(R)2020 ECG trunk cables and patie nt leadwires
ANSI AAMI ES60601-1:2005/(R)2012 and A1:2012, C1:2009/(R)2012 and A2:2010/(R)2012 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 1: Gen eral requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce
ANSI AAMI ES60601-1:2005/(R)2012 & A1:2012 C1:2009/(R)2012 & A2:2010/(R)2012 (Co ns. Text) [In cl. AMD2:2021] Medical electrical equipme nt — Part 1: Gen eral requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce
ANSI/AAMI HA60601-1-11 Medical Electrical Equipme nt - Part 1-11: Gen eral requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce - Collateral Sta ndard: Requireme nts for medical electrical equipment and medical electrical equipment and medical electrical systems used in the home healthcare environment
ANSI/AAMI HA60601-1-11:2015 [I ncludi ng AMD1:2021] Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 1-11: Gen eral requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce - Collateral Sta ndard: Requireme nts for medical electrical equipment and medical electrical systems used in the home healthcare environment.
ANSI AAMI NS4:2013(R)2017 Tran scuta neous Electrical Nerve Stimulators
ANSI AAMI IEC 60601-1-2 Edition 4.1 2020-09 CONSOLIDATED VERSION Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 1-2: Gen eral requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce - Collateral Sta ndard: Electromag netic disturba nces Requireme nts and tests
ANSI/AAMI/IEC 60601-2-50:2009/A1:2016 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-50: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of infant phototherapy equipme nt
ANSI/AHAM AC-1 Test method for performa nce of portable household electric room air clea ners
ANSI/AHAM Sta ndard HRF-1 En ergy, performa nce and capacity of household refrigerators, refrigeratorfreezers and freezer
ANSI/AHRI 390 Performa nce Rati ng of Sin gle Package Vertical Air-C on diti oners and Heat Pumps
ANSI/AHRI 1160 Performa nce Rat ing of Heat Pump Pool Heaters
ANSI/AMCA Sta ndard 210-16 Laboratory Methods of Testi ng Fans for Certified Aerod yn amic Performa nce Rat ing
ANSI/APSP/ICC-14 America n Nati onal Stan dard for Portable Electric Spa En ergy Efficie ncy
ANSI/ASHRAE Sta ndard 127 Method of Testi ng for Rati ng Computer and Data Process ing Room Un itary Air Con diti oners
ANSI/ASHRAE Sta ndard 133 Method of Testi ng Direct Evaporative Air Coolers
ANSI/ASHRAE Sta ndard 143 Method of Test for Rati ng In direct Evaporative Coolers
ARI Stan dard 210/240 Operat ing con dition A: 95°F outdoor air temperature, 80°F dry bulb/67°F wet bulb in door coil air en teri ng con diti ons
ARI Stan dard 810 Performa nce rati ng of automatic commercial ice makers
AS 1731.1 Refrigerated display cab in ets - terms and defi niti ons
AS 1731.2 Refrigerated display cab in ets - gen eral mecha ni cal and physical requireme nts
AS 1731.3 Refrigerated display cab in ets - lin ear dime nsions, areas and volumes
AS 1731.4 Refrigerated display cab in ets - gen eral test con diti ons
AS 1731.5 Refrigerated display cab in ets - temperature test
AS 1731.6 Refrigerated display cab in ets - classificati on accord ing to temperatures
AS 1731.9 Refrigerated display cab in ets - electrical en ergy con sumpti on test
AS 1731.12 Refrigerated display cab in ets - measureme nt of the heat extracti on rate of the cab inets whe n the condensing un it is remote from the cab inet
AS/NZS 3823.1.1 Performa nce of electrical applia nces — Air con diti oners and heat pumps Nonducted air con diti oners and heat pumps - Test ing and rati ng for performa nce
AS/NZS 3823.1.2 Performance of electrical appliances Air conditioners and heat pumps Ducted air con diti oners and air-to-air heat pumps - Test ing and rating for performa nce
AS/NZS 3823.1.3 Performa nce of electrical applia nces — Air con diti oners and heat pumps Watersource heat pumps - Water-to-air and brin e-to air heat pumps - Testi ng and rati ng of performa nce
AS/NZS 3823.1.4 Performance of electrical appliances Air conditioners and heat pumps Multiple split-system air con diti on ers and air-to-air heat pumps - Testi ng and rati ng for performa nce
AS/NZS 3823.1.5 Performa nce of electrical applia nces - Air con diti on ers and heat pumps Nonducted portable air-cooled air con diti oners and air-to-air heat pumps havi ng a sin gle exhaust duct - Testi ng and rat ing
AS/NZS 3823.2 Performa nce of electrical applia nces - Air con diti oners and heat pumps En ergy labelli ng and mini mum en ergy performa nce sta ndards (MEPS) requireme nts
AS/NZS 3823.4.1 Performa nce of electrical applia nces - Air con diti oners and heat pumps Aircooled air con diti oners and air-to-air heat pumps - Test ing and calculati ng methods for seas onal performa nce factors - Cooli ng seas on
AS/NZS 3823.4.2 Performa nce of electrical applia nces - Air con diti on ers and heat pumps - Aircooled air con diti oners and air-to- air heat pumps - Test ing and calculati ng methods for seas onal performa nce factors - Heati ng seas onal performa nce factor
AS/NZS 3823.4.3 Performa nce of electrical applia nces - Air con diti on ers and heat pumps - Aircooled air con diti oners and air-to-air heat pumps - Test ing and calculati ng methods for seas onal performa nce factors - Heati ng seas onal performa nce factor
AS/NZS 4474 Household refrigerat ing applia nces - En ergy labelli ng and mini mum en ergy performa nce sta ndards requireme nts
AS/NZS 4474.1 Performa nce of household electrical applia nces - refrigerat ing applia nces - part 1: en ergy con sumpti on and performa nce
AS/NZS 4474.2 Performance of household electrical appliances refrigerating appliances part 2: en ergy labelli ng and mini mum en ergy performa nce sta ndard requireme nts
AS/NZS 4692.1 Electric water heaters - En ergy con sumpti on, performa nce and gen eral requireme nts
AS/NZS 4692.2 Electric water heaters part 2: mini mum en ergy performa nce sta ndard (MEPS) requireme nts and en ergy labelli ng - Australia n gover nment
AS/NZS 4777.2 Grid conn ecti on of en ergy systems via in verters, Part 2: In verter requireme nts
AS/NZS 5125.1 Heat pump water heaters - Performa nce assessme nt - Air source heat pump water heaters
AS/NZS 60335.1 Household and similar electrical appliances Safety Part 1: General requireme nts
AS/NZS 60335.2.2 Particular requireme nts for vacuum clea ners and water-sucti on clea ning applia nces
AS/NZS 60335.2.3 Particular requirements for electric irons
AS/NZS 60335.2.4 Particular requireme nts for spin extractors
AS/NZS 60335.2.5 Particular requireme nts for dishwashers
AS/NZS 60335.2.6 Particular requireme nts for stati onary cook ing ran ges, hobs, ovens and similar applia nces
AS/NZS 60335.2.7 Particular requireme nts for washi ng machi nes
AS/NZS 60335.2.8 Particular requireme nts for shavers, hair clippers and similar applia nces
AS/NZS 60335.2.9 Particular requirements for grills, toasters and similar portable cooking applia nces
AS/NZS 60335.2.10 Particular requireme nts for floor treatme nt machi nes and wet scrubb ing machi nes
AS/NZS 60335.2.11 Particular requireme nts for tumble dryers
AS/NZS 60335.2.12 Particular requireme nts for warm ing plates and similar applia nces
AS/NZS 60335.2.13 Particular requireme nts for deep fat fryers, frying pans and similar applia nces
AS/NZS 60335.2.14 Particular requirements for kitchen machines
AS/NZS 60335.2.15 Particular requirements for appliances for heating liquids
AS/NZS 60335.2.16 Particular requireme nts for food waste disposers
AS/NZS 60335.2.17 Particular requireme nts for bla nkets, pads, cloth ing and similar flexible heati ng applia nces
AS/NZS 60335.2.21 Particular requireme nts for storage water heaters
AS/NZS 60335.2.23 Particular requireme nts for applia nces for skin or hair care
AS/NZS 60335.2.24 Household and similar electrical applia nces — Safety Part 2-24: Particular requireme nts for refrigerati ng applia nces, ice-cream applia nces and icemakers
AS/NZS 60335.2.25 Particular requireme nts for microwave ovens, in clud ing comb in ati on microwave ovens
AS/NZS 60335.2.27 Particular requireme nts for applia nces for skin exposure to optical radiati on
AS/NZS 60335.2.28 Particular requireme nts for sew ing machi nes
AS/NZS 60335.2.32 Particular requireme nts for massage applia nces
AS/NZS 60335.2.35 Particular requireme nts for in sta ntan eous water heaters
AS/NZS 60335.2.40 Household and similar electrical applia nces — Safety Part 2-40: Particular requireme nts for electrical heat pumps, air-c on diti oners and dehumidifiers
AS/NZS 60335.2.41 Particular requireme nts for pumps
AS/NZS 60335.2.43 Particular requireme nts for clothes dryers and towel rails
AS/NZS 60335.2.44 Particular requireme nts for ironers
AS/NZS 60335.2.45 Particular requireme nts for portable heati ng tools and similar applia nces
AS/NZS 60335.2.52 Particular requireme nts for oral hygie ne applia nces
AS/NZS 60335.2.54 Particular requireme nts for surface-clea ning applia nces for household use emplo ying liquids or steam
AS/NZS 60335.2.55 Particular requirements for electrical appliances for use with aquariums and garde n ponds
AS/NZS 60335.2.59 Particular requireme nts for in sect killers
AS/NZS 60335.2.60 Particular requireme nts for whirlpool baths and whirlpool spas
AS/NZS 60335.2.65 Household and similar electrical applia nces-Safety Part 2.65:Particular requireme nts for air-clea ning applia nces
AS/NZS 60335.2.66 Particular requireme nts for water-bed heater
AS/NZS 60335.2.69 Particular requireme nts for wet and dry vacuum clea ners, in cludi ng power brush, for commercial use
AS/NZS 60335.2.72 Particular requireme nts for floor treatme nt machi nes with or without tracti on drive, for commercial use
AS/NZS 60335.2.73 Particular requireme nts for fixed immers ion heaters
AS/NZS 60335.2.74 Particular requireme nts for portable immers ion heaters
AS/NZS 60335.2.75 Particular requireme nts for commercial dispe nsing applia nces and vending machi nes
AS/NZS 60335.2.78 Particular requireme nts for outdoor barbecues
AS/NZS 60335.2.79 Particular requireme nts for high pressure clea ners and steam clea ners
AS/NZS 60335.2.80 Household and similar electrical appliances Safety Part 2.80: Particular requireme nts for fans
AS/NZS 60335.2.81 Particular requireme nts for foot warmers and heati ng mats
AS/NZS 60335.2.82 Particular requireme nts for amuseme nt machi nes and pers onal service machi nes
AS/NZS 60335.2.84 Particular requireme nts for toilets
AS/NZS 60335.2.85 Particular requireme nts for fabric steamers
AS/NZS 60335.2.89 Household and similar electrical applia nces -Safety Part 2.89: Particular requireme nts for commercial refrigerati ng applia nces with an in corporated or remote refrigera nt condensing un it or compressor
AS/NZS 60335.2.90 Particular requireme nts for commercial microwave ovens
AS/NZS 60335.2.98 Household and similar electrical applia nces -Safety - Part 2.98: Particular requireme nts for humidifiers
AS/NZS 60335.2.97 Particular requirements for drives for rolling shutters, awnings, blinds and similar equipme nt
AS/NZS 60335.2.100 Particular requireme nts for han d-held ma in s-operated garde n blowers, vacuums and blower vacuums
AS/NZS 60335.2.101 Particular requireme nts for vaporizers
AS/NZS 60335.2.102 Particular requireme nts for gas, oil and solid-fuel bur ning applia nces havi ng electrical conn ecti ons
AS/NZS 60335.2.103 Particular requirements for drives for gates, doors and windows
AS/NZS 60335.2.105 Particular requireme nts for multifu ncti onal shower cab in ets
AS/NZS 60335.2.107 Particular requireme nts for robotic battery powered electrical law nmowers
AS/NZS 60335.2.108 Particular requireme nts for electrolysers
AS/NZS 60335.2.109 Particular requireme nts for UV radiati on water treatme nt applia nces
AS/NZS 60335.2.113 Particular requireme nts for cosmetic and beauty care applia nces in corporati ng lasers and intense light sources
AS/NZS 60335.2.115 Particular requireme nts for skin beauty care applia nces
AS/NZS 60335.2.116 Particular requireme nts for furn iture with electrically motorized parts
AS/NZS IEC 62301 Household electrical applia nces - Measureme nt of sta ndby power
AS/NZS IEC 62552.1 Household refrigerati ng applia nces - Characteristics and test methods - Part 1: Gen eral requireme nts
AS/NZS IEC 62552.2 Household refrigerati ng applia nces - Characteristics and test methods - Part 2: Performa nce requireme nts
AS/NZS IEC 62552.3 Household refrigerati ng applia nces - Characteristics and test methods - Part 3: En ergy con sumpti on and volume
AS/NZS ISO 5151 Non-ducted air con diti oners and heat pumps — Testi ng and rat ing for performa nce
AS/NZS ISO 12759 Fans - Efficie ncy classificati on for fans
ASHRAE Stan dard 16 Method of Test ing for Rati ng Room Air Con diti oners and Packaged Terminal Air Con diti oners
ASHRAE Stan dard 18 Methods of Test ing for Rati ng Drinkin g-Water Coolers with Self-C on tai ned Mecha ni cal Refrigerati on
ASHRAE Stan dard 29 Method of Testi ng Automatic Ice Makers
ASHRAE Stan dard 32.1 Testi ng Refrigerated Vending Mach ines for Sealed Beverages
ASHRAE Stan dard 37 Methods of Testi ng for Rati ng Electrically Driven Un itary Air-C on diti oning and Heat Pump Equipme nt
ASHRAE Sta ndard 51-16 Laboratory Methods of Testi ng Fans for Certified Aerod yn amic Performa nce Rat ing
ASHRAE Stan dard 58 Method of Test ing for Rati ng Room Air-C on diti oner and Packaged Terminal Air-C on diti oner Heat ing Capacity
ASHRAE Stan dard 72 Method of Test ing Open and Closed Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers
ASHRAE Stan dard 117 Method of Testi ng Closed Refrigerators
ASHRAE Stan dard 118.2 Method of Testi ng for Rat ing Reside ntial Water Heaters
ASHRAE Stan dard 128 Method of Rati ng Portable Air Co nditio ners
BESF Code Grid Co nn ection Code for Battery En ergy Storage Facilities (BESF) Co nn ected to the Electricity Tran smissi on System (TS) or the Distributi on system (DS) in South Africa
BOE 254:2006 ANNEX P.O.12.3 Requireme nts for resp onse to voltage digs in wind in stallati ons
C10/11 Specific Tech ni cal Requireme nts for Dece ntralized Producti on Plants in Parallel Working with the Distribution Network
CAN/CSA C300 En ergy performa nce and capacity of household refrigerators, refrigeratorfreezers, freezers, and wine chillers
CAN/CSA-C358-03 En ergy con sumpti on test methods for household electric ran ges
CAN/CSA-C368.1-14 En ergy performa nce of room air con diti oners
CAN/CSA-C370-13 Cooli ng performa nce of portable air con diti oners
CAN/CSA C656-14 Performa nce Sta ndard for Split-System and Sin gle-Package Ce ntral Air Con diti oners and Heat Pumps
CAN/CSA-C657-15 En ergy performa nce sta ndard for commercial refrigerati on equipme nt
CAN/CSA C746-17 En ergy performa nce rat ing for large and sin gle packaged vertical air con diti oners and heat pumps
CAN/CSA C749-15 En ergy performa nce of dehumidifiers
CAN/CSA C814-10 En ergy performa nce of ceili ng fans
CAN/CSA C815 En ergy performa nce of drinking water coolers
CAN/CSA C62301 Household electrical applia nces - Measureme nt of sta ndby power
CEA Tech ni cal Stan dards for Conn ectivity to the Grid
CEI 0-16 Refere nce tech ni cal rules for the conn ecti on of active and passive con sumers to the HV and MV electrical networks of distribution Company
CEI 0-21 Refere nce tech ni cal rules for the conn ecti on of active and passive users to the LV electrical Utilities
CIE 13.3 Method of Measuring and Specifying Colour Rendering Properties of Light Sources
CIE 15 Colorimetry
CIE 18.2 The Basis of Physical Photometry
CIE 63 The Spectroradiometric Measureme nt of Light Sources
CIE 84 The Measureme nt of Lum inous Flux
CIE 97 Guide on the maintenance of in door electric lighti ng systems
COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) 2016/631 (NC RfG) Establishi ng a n etwork code on requireme nts for grid conn ecti on of gen erators (Article 13-21)
CSA C22.2#107.1 Power Conversion Equipme nt
CSA C22.2#330 Photovoltaic Rapid Shutdow n Systems
CSA C742-15 En ergy performa nce of automatic icemakers and ice storage bins
DANSK ENERGI Guide for conn ecti on of power-ge nerat ing pla nts to the medium and high voltage grid Type B, C and D Vers ion 1.0
DANSK ENERGI Guide for conn ecti on of power-ge nerati ng pla nts to the low-voltage grid Type A and B
DANSK ENERGI Tech ni cal requireme nts for conn ecti on of power-ge nerati ng pla nts to the low-voltage grid Type A and B Version 1.2
DGNTI-COPANIT 105 En ergy efficie ncy for household refrigerators and freezers - specificati ons and test methods
DGNTI-COPANIT 508 En ergy Efficie ncy in Divided Type Air Con diti on ers, Free Discharge and Without Air Ducts. Limits and Tet Method. (Mi nisplit and Multisplit)
DGNTI-COPANIT 509 En ergy Efficie ncy in Divided Type Air Con diti oners With Variable Refrigera nt Flor, Free Discharge and Without Air Ducts Limits and Testi ng Methods
DGNTI-COPANIT 511 En ergy efficie ncy for household refrigerators and freezers - specificati ons and test methods
DIN V VDE V 0126-1-1 Automatic disc onn ecti on device betwee n a gen erator and the public low-voltage grid
DIN VDE V0124-100 Grid in tegrati on of gen erator pla nts, Low-voltage - Test requireme nts for gen erator un its to be conn ected to and operated in parallel with low- voltage distribution networks
EDF SEI REF 04 Versio n 7 Decoupli ng protecti on for the conn ecti on of a dece ntralized producti on in HTA and in BT in areas not in terc onn ected with each other
EIFS: 2018 The En ergy Market In specti on Regulati ons on sett ing gen erally applicable requireme nts for n etwork conn ecti on of gen erators for the follow ing test methods: EN 50549-1, Requireme nts for gen erati ng pla nts to be conn ected in parallel with distribution networks, Part 1: Connection to a LV distribution network -Gen erat ing pla nts up to and in cludi ng Type B EN 50549-2, Requireme nts for gen erati ng pla nts to be conn ected in parallel with distributi on n etworks, Part 2: Conn ecti on to a MV distributi on n etwork -Gen erat ing pla nts up to and in cludi ng Type B
EN 810 Dehumidifiers with electrically driven compressors - Rating tests, marking, operati onal requireme nts and tech ni cal data sheet
EN 1397 Heat Excha ngers - Hydro nic Room Fan Coil Uni ts - Test Procedures For Establishi ng The Performa nce
EN 1789 Medical vehicles and their equipme nt - Road ambula nces, only for clause 6
EN 12897:2016+A1:2020 Water supply. Specificati on for in directly heated unven ted (closed) storage water heaters
EN 13032-4 Light and light ing - Measureme nt and prese ntati on of photometric data of lamps and lum in aires - Part 4: LED lamps, modules and lum in aires
EN 13142 Ven tilati on for build ings - Comp onen ts/products for reside ntial ven tilati on -Required and opti onal performa nce characteristics
EN 13718-1 Medical vehicles and their equipme nt - Air ambula nces - Part 1: Requireme nts for medical devices used in air ambula nces
EN 14511-1 Air con diti on ers, liquid chilli ng packages and heat pumps with electrically drive n compressors for space heat ing and cooli ng - Part 1: Terms and defi niti ons
EN 14511-2 Air con diti on ers, liquid chilli ng packages and heat pumps with electrically drive n compressors for space heati ng and cooli ng - Part 2: Test con diti ons
EN 14511-3 Air con diti on ers, liquid chilli ng packages and heat pumps with electrically drive n compressors for space heati ng and cooli ng - Part 3: Test methods
EN 14511-4 Air con diti on ers, liquid chilli ng packages and heat pumps with electrically drive n compressors for space heati ng and cooli ng - Part 4: Requireme nts
EN 14825 Air con diti on ers, liquid chilli ng packages and heat pumps, with electrically drive n compressors, for space heati ng and cooli ng. Test ing and rati ng at part load con diti ons and calculati on of seas onal performa nce
EN 15218 Air con diti oners and liquid chilli ng packages with evaporatively cooled conden ser and with electrically drive n compressors for space cooli ng - Terms, defi niti ons, test con diti ons, test methods and requireme nts
EN 15879-1 Testi ng and rati ng of direct excha nge ground coupled heat pumps with electrically drive n compressors for space heat ing an d/or cooli ng - Part 1: Direct excha nge-to-water heat pumps
EN 16147 Heat Pumps with Electrically Drive n Compressors - Testi ng, Performa nce Rati ng And Requireme nts For Marki ng Of Domestic Hot Water Units
EN 16297-1 Pumps - Rotod yn amic pumps - Gla ndless circulators
EN 16297-2 Pumps — Rotod yn amic pumps— Gian dless circulators Part 2: Calculati on of en ergy efficie ncy in dex (EEI) for sta ndal one circulators
EN 16825 Refrigerated storage cab in ets and coun ters for professi onal use. Classificati on, requireme nts and test con diti ons
EN 16838 Refrigerated display scoop ing cab inets for gelato — Classificati on, Requireme nts and test con diti ons
EN 16901 Ice-cream freezers — Classificati on, requireme nts and test con diti ons
EN 16902 Commercial beverage coolers — Classificati on, requireme nts and test con diti ons
EN 17032 Blast chillers and freezers cab in ets for professi onal use Classificati on, requireme nts and test con diti ons
EN 17645 Domestic swimm ing pools - En viro nmen tal performa nce efficie ncy - Performance evaluation, methodology, and classification of the use of outdoor pools and their equipme nt
EN 50193-1 Electric In sta ntan eous Water Heaters - Part 1: Gen eral Requireme nts
EN 50193-2-1 Electric in sta ntan eous water heaters Part 2-1: Methods for measuri ng the performa nce — Multifu ncti onal electric in sta ntan eous water heaters
EN 50193-2-2 Electric in sta ntan eous water heaters Part 2-2: Performa nce requireme nts — Sin gle point of use electric in sta ntan eous showers — Efficie ncy
EN 50440 Efficie ncy of domestic electrical storage water heaters and test ing methods
EN 50530 Overall efficie ncy of grid conn ected photovoltaic in verters
EN 50549-1 Requireme nts for gen erat ing pla nts to be conn ected in parallel with distributi on n etworks, Part 1: Conn ecti on to a LV distributi on n etwork - Gen erat ing pla nts up to and in cludi ng Type B
EN 50549-2 Requireme nts for gen erat ing pla nts to be conn ected in parallel with distributi on n etworks, Part 2: Conn ecti on to a MV distributi on n etwork - Gen erat ing pla nts up to and in cludi ng Type B
EN 50549-10 Requireme nts for gen erat ing pla nts to be conn ected in parallel with distributi on n etworks - Part 10: Tests for con formity assessme nt of gen erat ing units
EN 50564 Electrical and electro nic household and office equipme nt. Measureme nt of low power con sumpti on
EN 50597 En ergy con sumpti on of vending machi nes
EN 50637:2017 Medical electrical equipme nt - Particular requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of Medical beds for childre n
EN 50689 Safety of laser products Particular Requireme nts for Con sumer Laser Products
EN 60335-2-40 Household and similar electrical applia nces — Safety Part 2-40: Particular requireme nts for electrical heat pumps, air-c on diti oners and dehumidifiers
EN 60379 Household electric cooking appliances. Part 2: Hobs. Methods for measuring performa nce. Methods for measuri ng the performa nce of electric storage water-heaters for household purposes
EN 60661 Methods for measuri ng the performa nce of electric household coffee makers
EN 60675 Household electric direct-act ing room heaters - Methods for measuri ng performa nce
EN 60705 Household microwave ovens - Methods for measuri ng performa nce
EN 60825-1 Safety of laser products Part 1: Equipment classification and requirements
EN 61010-031 Safety requireme nts for electrical equipme nt for measureme nt, con trol and laboratory use - Part 031: Safety requireme nts for han d-held and hand-mani pulated probe assemblies for electrical test and measureme nt.
EN 61010-1 Safety requireme nts for electrical equipme nt for measureme nt, con trol, and laboratory use - Part 1: Gen eral requireme nts
EN 61010-2-010 Safety requireme nts for electrical equipme nt for measureme nt, con trol and laboratory use - Part 2-010: Particular requireme nts for laboratory equipme nt for the heating of materials
EN 61010-2-011 Safety requireme nts for electrical equipme nt for measureme nt, con trol, and laboratory use - Part 2-011: Particular requireme nts for refrigerat ing equipme nt
EN 61010-2-012 Safety requireme nts for electrical equipme nt for measureme nt, con trol, and laboratory use - Part 2-012: Particular requireme nts for climatic and environmen tal testi ng and other temperature con diti oning equipme nt
EN 61010-2-032 Safety requireme nts for electrical equipme nt for measureme nt, con trol and laboratory use - Part 2-032: Particular requireme nts for han d-held and hand-mani pulated curre nt sen sors for electrical test and measureme nt
EN 61010-2-033 Safety requireme nts for electrical equipme nt for measureme nt, con trol, and laboratory use - Part 2-033: Particular requireme nts for han d-held multimeters and other meters for domestic and professional use, capable of measuring mains voltage
EN 61010-2-040 Safety requireme nts for electrical equipme nt for measureme nt, con trol, and laboratory use - Part 2-040: Particular requireme nts for sterilizers and washer-dis in fectors used to treat medical materials
EN 61010-2-101 Safety requireme nts for electrical equipme nt for measureme nt, con trol, and laboratory use - Part 2-101: Particular requireme nts for in vitro diag no stic (IVD) medical equipme nt
EN 61121 Tumble dryers for household use - Methods for measuri ng the performa nce
EN 61243-3 Live work ing - Voltage detectors - Part 3: Two-pole low-voltage type
EN 61557-1 Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c. - Equipme nt for testi ng, measuri ng or mon itori ng of protective measures - Part 1: Gen eral requireme nts
EN 61557-2 Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c. - Equipme nt for testi ng, measuri ng or mon itori ng of protective measures - Part 2: In sulati on resista nce
EN 61557-3 Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c. - Equipme nt for testi ng, measuri ng or mon itori ng of protective measures - Part 3: Loop impeda nce
EN 61557-4 Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c. - Equipme nt for testi ng, measuri ng or mon itori ng of protective measures - Part 4: Resista nce of earth conn ecti on and equipote ntial bonding
EN 61557-5 Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c. - Equipme nt for testi ng, measuri ng or mon itori ng of protective measures - Part 5: Resista nce to earth
EN 61557-6 Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c. - Equipme nt for testi ng, measuri ng or mon itori ng of protective measures - Part 6: Effective ness of residual curre nt devices (RCD) in TT, TN and IT systems
EN 61557-7 Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c. - Equipme nt for testi ng, measuri ng or mon itori ng of protective measures - Part 7: Phase seque nce
EN 61591 Cook ing fume extractors Methods for measuri ng performa nce
EN 62093 Bala nce-of-system comp onents for photovoltaic systems - Desig n qualificati on n atural environments
EN 62109-1 Safety of power con verters for use in photovoltaic power systems -Part 1: Gen eral requireme nts
EN 62109-2 Safety of power con verters for use in photovoltaic power systems -Part 2: Particular requireme nts for in verters
EN 62477-1 Safety requireme nts for power electro nic con verter systems and equipme nt -Part 1: Ge neral
EN 62552 Household refrigerati ng applia nces - Characteristics and test methods
EN 62552-1 Household refrigerati ng applia nces - Characteristics and test methods - Part 1: Gen eral requireme nts
EN 62552-2 Household refrigerati ng applia nces - Characteristics and test methods - Part 2: Performa nce requireme nts
EN 62552-3 Household refrigerati ng applia nces - Characteristics and test methods - Part 3: En ergy con sumpti on and volume
EN 62790 Jun cti on boxes for photovoltaic modules — Safety requireme nts and tests
EN IEC 61010-2-030 Safety requireme nts for electrical equipme nt for measureme nt, con trol, and laboratory use - Part 2-030: Particular requireme nts for equipme nt havi ng testing or measuring circuits
EN IEC 61010-2-032 Safety requireme nts for electrical equipme nt for measureme nt, con trol and laboratory use - Part 2-032: Particular requireme nts for han d-held and hand-mani pulated curre nt sen sors for electrical test and measureme nt
EN IEC 61010-2-033 Safety requireme nts for electrical equipme nt for measureme nt, con trol, and laboratory use - Part 2-033: Particular requireme nts for han d-held multimeters and other meters for domestic and professional use, capable of measuring mains voltage
EN IEC 61010-2-034 Safety requireme nts for electrical equipme nt for measureme nt, con trol, and laboratory use - Part 2-034: Particular requireme nts for measureme nt equipment for insulation resistance and test equipment for electric strength
EN IEC 61010-2-081 Safety requireme nts for electrical equipme nt for measureme nt, con trol and laboratory use - Part 2-081: Particular requireme nts for automatic and semiautomatic laboratory equipme nt for an alysis and other purposes
EN IEC 61010-2-091 Safety requireme nts for electrical equipme nt for measureme nt, con trol and laboratory use - Part 2-091: Particular requireme nts for cab inet X-ray systems
EN IEC 61010-2-101:2022 +A11:2022 Safety requireme nts for electrical equipme nt for measureme nt, con trol, and laboratory use - Part 2-101: Particular requireme nts for in vitro diag no stic (IVD) medical equipme nt
EN IEC 61010-2-201 Safety requireme nts for electrical equipme nt for measureme nt, con trol, and laboratory use - Part 2-201: Particular requireme nts for con trol equipme nt
EN IEC 61010-2-202 Safety requireme nts for electrical equipme nt for measureme nt, con trol and laboratory use - Part 2-202: Particular requireme nts for electrically operated valve actuators
EN ISO 5801 Fans - Performa nce testi ng using sta ndardized airways
EN ISO 22041 Refrigerated storage cab inets and coun ters for professi onal use - Performa nce and en ergy con sumpti on
EN ISO 23953-1 Refrigerated display cab in ets -- Part 1: Vocabulary
EN ISO 23953-2 Refrigerated display cab in ets -- Part 2: Classificati on, requireme nts and test con diti ons
En edis-PRO-RES_10E_2020 Descripti on and study of decoupli ng protecti ons for the conn ecti on of Production Installations connected to the Public Distribution Network
Geothermal Heat Pumps, Versio n 4.1 & 5.0
ENERGY STAR® Co nn ected Reside ntial Water Heaters Test Method to Validate Dema nd Respo nse, Versio n 1.2
ENERGY STAR Program Requireme nts Product Specification for Air Source Heat Pump (ASHP) and Cen tral Air Con diti oner Equipme nt Version 5.0
ENERGY STAR® Program Requireme nts Product Specification for Audio/Video Eligibility Criteria
ENERGY STAR Program Requireme nts Product Specification for Automatic Commercial Ice Makers Versio n 3.0- 10 CFR Part 431.134
ENERGY STAR® Program Requireme nts Product Specification for Cen tral Air Co nditio ner and Heat Pump Equipment Eligibility Criteria Version 6.1
ENERGY STAR® Program Requireme nts Product Specification for Clothes Dryers Eligibility Criteria Versio n 1.1 10 CFR 430, Subpart B, Appe ndix D2
ENERGY STAR® Program Requireme nts Product Specification for Clothes Washers Eligibility Criteria Version 8.0 10 CFR 430, Subpart B, Appendix J2
ENERGY STAR® Program Requireme nts Product Specificati on for Commercial Refrigerators and Freezers Eligibility Criteria Versio n 5.0
ENERGY STAR® Program Requireme nts Product Specification for Computers Eligibility Criteria Versio n 6.1 Rev. March-2016
ENERGY STAR® Program Requireme nts Product Specification for Computers Eligibility Criteria Versio n 8.0
ENERGY STAR® Program Requireme nts Product Specification for Computers Eligibility Criteria Versio n 7.0 (Version 7.0 is effective November 16, 2018; n ote: as of February 16, 2018, bra nd owners may elect to have their Certificati on Body (CB) certify all eligible products to the Version 7.0 requireme nts.)
ENERGY STAR® Program Requireme nts Product Specification for Co nsumer Refrigeratio n Products Eligibility Criteria Versio n 5.1
ENERGY STAR Program Requireme nts Product Specification for Dehumidifiers Eligibility Criteria Versio n 5.0
ENERGY STAR® Program Requireme nts Product Specification for Displays Eligibility Criteria Versio n 8.0
ENERGY STAR Program Requireme nts Product Specification for Electric Vehicle Supply Equipme nt Versio n 1.0
ENERGY STAR® Program Requireme nts Product Specification for Laboratory Grade Refrigerators and Freezers Eligibility Criteria Versio n 1.1 ENERGY STAR Test Method for Laboratory Grade Refrigerators, Freezers, and Ultra-Low Temperature Freezers
ENERGY STAR Program Requireme nts Product Specification for Light Commercial HVAC Versio n 3.1
ENERGY STAR® Program Requireme nts Product Specification for Light Commercial HVAC Eligibility Criteria Versio n 4.0 Rev. March 29, 2022
ENERGY STAR Program Requireme nts Product Specificati on for Refrigerated Beverage Vending Machines Version 4.0 Appendix B to 10 CFR 431, Subpart Q/10 CFR 431.294
ENERGY STAR Program Requireme nts Product Specification for Reside ntial Ceili ng Fa ns Versio n 4.0
ENERGY STAR® Program Requireme nts Product Specification for Reside ntial Ceil ing Fans Eligibility Criteria Versio n 4.1
ENERGY STAR® Program Requireme nts Product Specification for Reside ntial Electric Cook ing Products Eligibility Criteria Versio n 1.0
ENERGY STAR Program Requireme nts Product Specificati on for Reside ntial Refrigerators and Freezers Versio n 5.0
ENERGY STAR Program Requireme nts Product Specification for Reside ntial Water Heaters version 3.2
ENERGY STAR® Program Requireme nts Product Specification for Reside ntial Water Heaters Eligibility Criteria Versio n 4.0 Rev. March 2022
ENERGY STAR® Program Requireme nts Product Specification for Reside ntial Water Heaters Eligibility Criteria Versio n 5.0
ENERGY STAR Program Requireme nts Product Specification for Room Air Clea ners Versio n 2.0
ENERGY STAR Program Requireme nts Product Specification for Room Air Con ditio ners Versio n 4.2
ENERGY STAR Program Requireme nts Product Specification for Set-top Boxes Versio n 5.1 ENERGY STAR Test Method for Set-top Boxes (Rev. May-2016)
ENERGY STAR Program Requireme nts Product Specification for Smart Home En ergy Ma nageme nt
Systems Eligibility Criteria Versio n 1.0
ENERGY STAR Program Requireme nts Product Specification for Smart Home En ergy Ma nageme nt Systems Eligibility Criteria Versio n 1.1 -IEC 62301, Ed. 2.0, 2011-01, Household electrical applia nces - Measureme nt of sta ndby power, subject to clarifications in section 5E). -Test in structi ons in secti on 5F). -ENERGY STAR SHEMS Method to Determi ne Field Performa nce, V1.0
ENERGY STAR® Program Requireme nts Product Specification for Telepho ny Eligibility Criteria Versio n 3.0
ENERGY STAR Program Requireme nts Product Specification for Water Coolers Versio n 2.0-ENERGY STAR Test Method for Water Coolers (Rev. May - 2013)
ENERGY STAR® Program Requireme nts Product Specification for Water Coolers Eligibility Criteria Versio n 3.0
ENERGY STAR® Product Specification for Imaging Equipment Eligibility Criteria Version 3.2
ENERGY STAR Test Method for Determi ning Display En ergy Rev. Sep-2015
ENERGY STAR Test Method for Room Air Con ditio ners to Validate Dema nd Respo nse (Ju ne 2017)
ENERGY STAR® test method for teleph ony, ENERGY STAR® program requireme nts for teleph ony, rev. Aug 2010, section 4, page 9 Product specification for telephony version 2.2
ENERGY STAR Electric Vehicle Supply Equipme nt Test Method Rev. Apr.-2017
ENERGY STAR Level 1 and Level 2 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipme nt Test Method (Rev. Apr-2017)
ENERGY STAR DC-output Electric Vehicle Supply Equipme nt Test Method (Rev. Mar-2021)
ENERGY STAR Lamps Specification in effect on the CFLK's model date of manu facture 10 CFR Part 430, Subpart B, Appendix U
ENERGY STAR Reside ntial Refrigerators and Freezers Test Method to Validate Dema nd Resp on se, Rev May-2013
ENERGY STAR SHEMS Method to Determi ne Field Performa nce, V1.0
Cable, satellite, and telecom service providers CEA: procedure for DAM test ing
CTA-2043, "Set-top Box (STB) Power Measureme nt” (Rev. Aug-2013)
Gas and electric units; FHR only for storage units, GPM only for instantaneous
ES 3794 En ergy Efficie ncy of Household and similar electrical applia nces methods for measuri ng and calculati on of en ergy con sumpti on of refrigerators, refrigeratorfreezers and freezers
ES 3795-1 En ergy Efficie ncy Label Requireme nts for Air Con diti oners Part 1: Room Air Con diti oner (win dow - split) with fixed capacity & fixed compressor
ES 3795-2 En ergy Efficie ncy Label Requireme nts For Air Con diti oner Part 2: Variable Capacity Room Air Con ditio ner (Wi ndow - Split) With Variable Speed Compressor
ES 3795-5 En ergy Efficie ncy Lable Requireme nts For Air Con diti oner Part 5: - Fixed Capacity Ducted Room Air Con diti oner With Fixed Speed Compressor
ES 4814 Non-ducted air con diti oners and heat pumps - Testi ng and rating for performa nce
ES 6000-3 Household refrigerat ing applia nces — characteristics and — test methods Part 3: En ergy con sumpti on and volume
EXHIBIT 1 En ergy Efficie ncy Labelli ng in light bulbs for Household and an alogous uses-Gen eral light ing
FGW TG3 Tech ni cal Guideli nes for Power Ge nerat ing Units and Systems - PART 3 (TG3) Determ in ati on of electrical characteristics of power gen erati ng units and systems, Storage Systems as well for their Comp onents in Medium-, High- and Extra-High Voltage Grids
FGW TG4 Technical Guidelines for Power Generating Units and Systems - PART 4 (TG4) Dema nds on Modelli ng and Validati ng Simulati on Models of the Electrical Characteristics of power Gen erat ing Units and Systems, Storage Systems as well as their Comp onents
France Decree no. 2010- 502 Tech ni cal in structi ons of desig n and fun cti oning for conn ecti on to a public low-voltage or medium-voltage power grid of an electrical power gen erat ing facility
France Order of 23 April 2008 Tech ni cal in structi ons of desig n and fun cti oning for conn ecti on to a public low-voltage or medium-voltage power grid of an electrical power gen erat ing facility
G98 Requireme nts for the conn ecti on of Fully Type Tested Micro-ge nerators (up to and including 16 A per phase) in parallel with public Low Voltage Distribution Networks on or after 27 April 2019
G98/NI Requireme nts for the conn ecti on of Fully Type Tested Micro-ge nerators (up to and including 16A per phase) in parallel with public Low Voltage Distribution Networks in Norther n Irela nd - Applicable secti on, Annex A
G99 Requireme nts for the conn ecti on of gen erati on equipme nt in parallel with public distribution networks on or after 27 April 2019
G99/NI Requireme nts for the conn ecti on of gen erati on equipme nt in parallel with public distribution networks in Northern Ireland Applicable sections, Annex A to D
G100 Technical Requirements for Customers' Export and Import Limitation Schemes
GB 21551.3-2010 An tibacterial and clea ning fun cti on for household and similar electrical applia nces - Particular requireme nts of air clea ner
GB 21551.6-2010 An tibacterial and clea ning fun cti on for household and similar electrical appliances — Particular requirements of air conditioner
GB/T 18801-2015 Air clea ner (Only for Cl. 5.7, 6.10 and Annex A)
Grid Conn ecti on Code for RPPs Grid conn ecti on code for ren ewable power pla nts (rpps) conn ected to the electricity tran smissi on system (ts) or the distributi on system (ds) in South Africa
GS 362 Electrical Applia nces and Accessories - Non-Ducted Air Con diti oners — Test ing and Rat ing for Performa nce
GS IEC 62552 Household refrigerati ng applia nces - Characteristics and test methods
GS ISO 5151 Non-ducted air con diti on ers and heat pumps -- Test ing and rati ng for performa nce
GSO 2530 En ergy Labelli ng and Mini mum En ergy Performa nce Requireme nts For AirCon diti oners
GSO ISO 5151 Non-ducted air con diti on ers and heat pumps -- Test ing and rati ng for performa nce
GSO ISO 13253 Ducted air-c on diti oners and air-to-air heat pumps Test ing and rati ng for performa nce
HVI 916 HVI Airflow Test Procedure
IEC 60068-2-1 Environmental testi ng - Part 2-1: Tests Test A: Cold
IEC 60068-2-14 En viro nmen tal testi ng -Part 2-14: Tests Test N: Cha nge of temperature
IEC 60068-2-2 En viro nmen tal testi ng -Part 2-2: Tests -Test B: Dry heat
IEC 60068-2-30 Environ me ntal test ing -Part 2-30: Tests - Test Db:Damp heat, cyclic (12 h + 12 h cycle)
IEC 60601-2-39 Edition 3.0 Medical electrical equipme nt Part 2-39: Particular requireme nts for basic safety and essential performance of peritoneal dialysis equipment
IEC 60335-2-40 Household and similar electrical applia nces - Safety Part 2-40: Particular requireme nts for electrical heat pumps, air-c on diti oners and dehumidifiers
IEC 60335-2-122 Particular requireme nts for commercial wash ing mach ines
IEC 60379 Methods for measuri ng the performa nce of electric storage water-heaters for household purposes
IEC 60601-1 ED 3.1 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 1: Gen eral requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce
IEC 60601-1 ED 3.2 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 1: Gen eral requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce
IEC 60601-1-2 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 1-2: Gen eral requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce - Collateral Sta ndard: Electromag netic disturba nces -Requireme nts and tests.
IEC 60601-1-2 Edition 4.1 2020-09 CONSOLIDATED VERSION Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 1-2: Gen eral requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce - Collateral Sta ndard: Electromag netic disturba nces Requireme nts and tests.
IEC 60601-1-3:2008 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 1-3: Gen eral requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce - Collateral Sta ndard: Radiati on protecti on in diag no stic X-ray equipme nt.
IEC 60601-1-3 Edition 2.2 2021-01 CONSOLIDATED VERSION Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 1-3: Gen eral requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce - Collateral Sta ndard: Radiati on protecti on in diag no stic X-ray equipme nt.
IEC 60601-1-3:2008+A1:2013 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 1-3: Gen eral requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce - Collateral Sta ndard: Radiati on protecti on in diag no stic X-ray equipme nt.
IEC 60601-1- 3:2008+A1:2013+A2:2021 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 1-3: Gen eral requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce - Collateral Sta ndard: Radiati on protecti on in diag no stic X-ray equipme nt.
IEC 60601-1-6:2006 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 1-6: Gen eral requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce - Collateral sta ndard: Usability
IEC 60601-1-6:2010 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 1-6: Gen eral requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce - Collateral sta ndard: Usability
IEC 60601-1-6:2010+A1:2013 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 1-6: Gen eral requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce - Collateral sta ndard: Usability
IEC 60601-1- 6:2010+A1:2013+A2:2020 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 1-6: Gen eral requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce - Collateral sta ndard: Usability
IEC 60601-1-8:2006 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 1-8: Gen eral requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce - Collateral Sta ndard: Gen eral requireme nts tests and guida nce for alarm systems in medical electrical equipme nt and medical electrical systems.
IEC 60601-1-8:2006+A1:2012 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 1-8: Gen eral requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce - Collateral Sta ndard: Gen eral requireme nts tests and guida nce for alarm systems in medical electrical equipme nt and medical electrical systems.
IEC 60601-1- 8:2006+A1:2012+A2:2020 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 1-8: Gen eral requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce - Collateral Sta ndard: Gen eral requireme nts tests and guida nce for alarm systems in medical electrical equipme nt and medical electrical systems.
IEC 60601-1- 9:2007+A1:2013+A2:2022 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 1-9: Gen eral requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce - Collateral Sta ndard: Requireme nts for environmen tally con scious desig n
IEC 60601-1-10 2007+A1:2013 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 1-10: Gen eral requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce - Collateral Sta ndard: Requireme nts for the developme nt of physiologic closed-loop con trollers.
IEC 60601-1-10 2007+A1:2013+A2:2020 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 1-10: Gen eral requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce - Collateral Sta ndard: Requireme nts for the developme nt of physiologic closed-loop con trollers.
IEC 60601-1-11: 2015 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 1-11: Gen eral requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce - Collateral Sta ndard: Requireme nts for medical electrical equipment and medical electrical systems used in the home healthcare environment.
IEC 60601-1-11:2015+A1:2020 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 1-11: Gen eral requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce - Collateral Sta ndard: Requireme nts for medical electrical equipment and medical electrical systems used in the home healthcare environment.
IEC 60601-1-12:2014 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 1-12: Gen eral requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce - Collateral Sta ndard: Requireme nts for medical electrical equipment and medical electrical systems intended for use in the emerge ncy medical services environment
IEC 60601-1-12:2014+A1:2020 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 1-12: Gen eral requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce - Collateral Sta ndard: Requireme nts for medical electrical equipment and medical electrical systems intended for use in the emerge ncy medical services environment
IEC 60601-2-1:2009 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-1: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of electro n accelerators in the range 1 MeV to 50 MeV.
IEC 60601-2-1:2009+A1:2014 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-1: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of electro n accelerators in the range 1 MeV to 50 MeV.
IEC 60601-2-2:2009 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-2: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of high freque ncy surgical equipme nt and high freque ncy surgical accessories
IEC 60601-2-2:2017 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-2: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of high freque ncy surgical equipme nt and high freque ncy surgical accessories
IEC 60601-2-4:2010+AMD1:2018 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-4: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of cardiac defibrillators
IEC 60601-2-5 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-5: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of ultras onic physiotherapy equipme nt.
IEC 60601-2-6:2012 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-6: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of microwave therapy equipme nt
IEC 60601-2- Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-6: Particular requireme nts for the basic
6:2012+A1:2016 safety and esse ntial performa nce of microwave therapy equipme nt
IEC 60601-2-10:2012 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-10: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of nerve and muscle stimulators
IEC 60601-2- Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-10: Particular requireme nts for the basic
10:2012+A1:2016 safety and esse ntial performa nce of nerve and muscle stimulators
IEC 60601-2-10:2012 + Medical electrical equipme nt — Part 2-10: Particular requireme nts for the basic
A1:2016 + A2:2023 safety and esse ntial performa nce of nerve and muscle stimulators
IEC 60601-2-16 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-16: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of haemodialysis haemodiafiltrati on and haem on filtrati on equipme nt.
IEC 60601-2-18 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-18: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of en doscopic equipme nt
IEC 60601-2-19 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-19: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of infant in cubators
IEC 60601-2-20 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-20: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of infant tran sport in cubators
IEC 60601-2-21 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-21: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of infant radia nt warmers
IEC 60601-2- Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-22: Particular requireme nts for basic
22:2007+A1:2012 safety and esse ntial performa nce of surgical cosmetic therapeutic and diag no stic laser equipme nt.
IEC 60601-2-22:2019 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-22: Particular requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of surgical cosmetic therapeutic and diag no stic laser equipme nt.
IEC 60601-2-23 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-23: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of tran scuta neous partial pressure monitoring equipment
IEC 60601-2-24 Medical electrical equipme nt -Part 2-24: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of in fusi on pumps and con trollers.
IEC 60601-2-25 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-25: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of electrocardiographs
IEC 60601-2-26:2012 Medical electrical equipme nt -Part 2-26: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of electroe ncephalographs
IEC 60601-2-27 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-27: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of electrocardiographic mon itori ng equipme nt.
IEC 60601-2-28 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-28: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of X-ray tube assemblies for medical diag no sis
IEC 60601-2-28 Edition 2.0 2010-03 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-28: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of X-ray tube assemblies for medical diag no sis.
IEC 60601-2-33 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-33: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of mag netic resonance equipme nt for medical diag no sis.
IEC 60601-2-34 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-34: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety in cludi ng esse ntial performa nce of in vasive blood pressure mon itori ng equipme nt.
IEC 60601-2-35:2020 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-35: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of heat ing devices using bla nkets, pads or mattresses and inten ded for heat ing in medical use
IEC 60601-2-37:2007 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-37: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of ultras onic medical diag no stic and monitoring equipment.
IEC 60601-2-37:2007+A1:2015 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-37: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of ultras onic medical diag no stic and monitoring equipment.
IEC 60601-2-40 Medical electrical equipme nt -Part 2-40: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and and esse ntial performa nce of electromyographs and evoked resp onse equipme nt
IEC 60601-2-41:2009 Medical electrical equipme nt Part 2-41: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of surgical lum in aires and lum in aires for diag no sis
IEC 60601-2-41:2009+A1:2013 Medical electrical equipme nt Part 2-41: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of surgical lum in aires and lum in aires for diag no sis
IEC 60601-2-43 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-43: Particular requireme nts for the safety and esse ntial performa nce of X-ray equipme nt for in terve nti onal procedures.
IEC 60601-2-44 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-44: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of x-ray equipme nt for computed tomography.
IEC 60601-2-45 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-45: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of mammographic X-ray equipme nt and mammographic stereotactic devices
IEC 60601-2-46 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-46: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of operat ing tables
IEC 60601-2-47 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-47: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of ambulatory electrocardiographic systems
IEC 60601-2-49 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-49: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of multifu ncti on patie nt mon itors
IEC 60601-2- Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-50: Particular requireme nts for the basic
50:2009+A1:2016 safety and esse ntial performa nce of infant phototherapy equipme nt
IEC 60601-2-52:2009 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-52: Particular requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of medical beds
IEC 60601-2- Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-52: Particular requireme nts for basic
52:2009+A1:2015 safety and esse ntial performa nce of medical beds
IEC 60601-2- Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-54: Particular requireme nts for the basic
54:2009+A1:2015+A2:201 safety and esse ntial performa nce of X-ray equipme nt for radiography and
8 radioscopy
IEC 60601-2-57 Medical Electrical Equipme nt - Part 2-57: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of non-laser light source equipme nt inten ded for therapeutic diag no stic mon itori ng and cosmetic/aesthetic use
IEC 60601-2-63:2012 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-63: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of den tal extra-oral X-ray equipme nt
IEC 60601-2- Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-63: Particular requireme nts for the basic
63:2012+A1:2017 safety and esse ntial performa nce of den tal extra-oral X-ray equipme nt
IEC 60601-2- Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-63: Particular requireme nts for the basic
63:2012+A1:2017+A2:202 1 safety and esse ntial performa nce of den tal extra-oral X-ray equipme nt
IEC 60601-2-65:2012 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-65: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of den tal in tra-oral-X-ray equipme nt
IEC 60601-2- Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-65: Particular requireme nts for the basic
65:2012+A1:2017 safety and esse ntial performa nce of den tal in tra-oral-X-ray equipme nt
IEC 60601-2- Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-65: Particular requireme nts for the basic
65:2012+A1:2017+A2:202 1 safety and esse ntial performa nce of den tal in tra-oral-X-ray equipme nt
IEC 60601-2-66 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-66: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and essential performance of hearing aids and hearing aid systems
IEC 60601-2-68:2014 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-68: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of X-ray-based image-guided radiotherapy equipme nt for use with electro n accelerators, light ion beam therapy equipme nt and radi onu clide beam therapy equipme nt
IEC 60601-2-83 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-83: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of home light therapy equipme nt
IEC 60661 Methods for measuri ng the performa nce of electric household coffee makers
IEC 60705 Household microwave ovens - Methods for measuri ng performa nce
IEC 60825-1 Safety of laser products - Part 1: Equipment classification and requirements
IEC 60879 Performance and Construction of Electric Circulating Fans and Regulators (except Cl 10.4)
IEC 60901 Sin gle-capped fluoresce nt lamps-performa nce specificati on
IEC 61010-031 Safety requireme nts for electrical equipme nt for measureme nt, con trol and laboratory use - Part 031: Safety requireme nts for han d-held probe assemblies for electrical measureme nt and test
IEC 61010-1 Safety requireme nts for electrical equipme nt for measureme nt con trol and laboratory use - Part 1: Gen eral requireme nts
IEC 61010-1 Editi on 3.1 2017-01 Safety requireme nts for electrical equipme nt for measureme nt con trol and laboratory use - Part 1: Gen eral requireme nts.
IEC 61010-2-010 Safety requireme nts for electrical equipme nt for measureme nt, con trol and laboratory use - Part 2-010: Particular requireme nts for laboratory equipme nt for the heating of materials
IEC 61010-2-011 Safety requireme nts for electrical equipme nt for measureme nt, con trol, and laboratory use - Part 2-011: Particular requireme nts for refrigerat ing equipme nt
IEC 61010-2-012 Safety requireme nts for electrical equipme nt for measureme nt, con trol, and laboratory use - Part 2-012: Particular requireme nts for climatic and environmen tal testi ng and other temperature con diti oning equipme nt
IEC 61010-2-020 Safety requireme nts for electrical equipme nt for measureme nt, con trol, and laboratory use - Part 2-020: Particular requireme nts for laboratory cen trifuges
IEC 61010-2-030 Safety requireme nts for electrical equipme nt for measureme nt, con trol, and laboratory use - Part 2-030: Particular requireme nts for equipme nt havi ng testing or measuring circuits
IEC 61010-2-032 Safety requireme nts for electrical equipme nt for measureme nt, con trol and laboratory use - Part 2-032: Particular requireme nts for han d-held and hand-mani pulated curre nt sen sors for electrical test and measureme nt
IEC 61010-2-033 Safety requireme nts for electrical equipme nt for measureme nt, con trol, and laboratory use - Part 2-033: Particular requireme nts for han d-held multimeters
and other meters for domestic and professional use, capable of measuring mains voltage
IEC 61010-2-034 Safety requireme nts for electrical equipme nt for measureme nt, con trol, and laboratory use - Part 2-034: Particular requireme nts for measureme nt equipment for insulation resistance and test equipment for electric strength
IEC 61010-2-040 Safety requireme nts for electrical equipme nt for measureme nt, con trol, and laboratory use - Part 2-040: Particular requireme nts for sterilizers and washer-dis in fectors used to treat medical materials
IEC 61010-2-051 Safety requireme nts for electrical equipme nt for measureme nt, con trol, and laboratory use -Part 2-051: Particular requireme nts for laboratory equipme nt for mixi ng and stirri ng
IEC 61010-2-081 Safety requireme nts for electrical equipme nt for measureme nt, con trol and laboratory use - Part 2-081: Particular requireme nts for automatic and semiautomatic laboratory equipme nt for an alysis and other purposes
IEC 61010-2-091 Safety requireme nts for electrical equipme nt for measureme nt, con trol and laboratory use - Part 2-091: Particular requireme nts for cab inet X-ray systems
IEC 61010-2-101 Safety requireme nts for electrical equipme nt for measureme nt, con trol, and laboratory use - Part 2-101: Particular requireme nts for in vitro diag no stic (IVD) medical equipme nt
IEC 61010-2-201 Safety requireme nts for electrical equipme nt for measureme nt, con trol, and laboratory use - Part 2-201: Particular requireme nts for con trol equipme nt
IEC 61010-2-202 Safety requireme nts for electrical equipme nt for measureme nt, con trol and laboratory use - Part 2-202: Particular requireme nts for electrically operated valve actuators
IEC 61121 Tumble dryers for household use - Methods for measuri ng the performa nce
IEC 61343-3 Live work ing - Voltage detectors - Part 3: Two-pole low-voltage type
IEC 61508-1:2010 Fun cti onal safety of electrical/electro ni c/programmable electro nic safety-related systems - Part 1: Gen eral requireme nts
IEC 61508-2:2010 Fun cti onal safety of electrical/electro ni c/programmable electro nic safety-related systems - Part 2: Requireme nts for electrical/electro ni c/programmable electro nic safety-related systems
IEC 61508-3:2010 Fun cti onal safety of electrical/electro ni c/programmable electro nic safety-related systems - Part 3: Software requireme nts
IEC 61508-4:2010 Fun cti onal safety of electrical/electro ni c/programmable electro nic safety-related systems - Part 4: Defi niti ons and abbreviati ons
IEC 61508-5:2010 Fun cti onal safety of electrical/electro ni c/programmable electro nic safety-related systems - Part 5: Examples of methods for the determ in ati on of safety in tegrity levels
IEC 61508-6:2010 Fun cti onal safety of electrical/electro ni c/programmable electro nic safety-related systems - Part 6: Guidelines on the application of IEC 61508-2 and IEC 61508-3
IEC 61508-7:2010 Fun cti onal safety of electrical/electro ni c/programmable electro nic safety-related systems - Part 7: Overview of tech niq ues and measures
IEC 61557-1 Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c. - Equipme nt for testi ng, measuri ng or mon itori ng of protective measures - Part 1: Gen eral requireme nts
IEC 61557-2 Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c. - Equipme nt for testi ng, measuri ng or mon itori ng of protective measures - Part 2: In sulati on resista nce
IEC 61557-3 Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c. - Equipme nt for testi ng, measuri ng or mon itori ng of protective measures - Part 3: Loop impeda nce
IEC 61557-4 Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c. - Equipme nt for testi ng, measuri ng or mon itori ng of protective measures - Part 4: Resista nce of earth conn ecti on and equipote ntial bonding
IEC 61557-5 Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c. - Equipme nt for testi ng, measuri ng or mon itori ng of protective measures - Part 5: Resista nce to earth
IEC 61557-6 Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c. - Equipme nt for testi ng, measuri ng or mon itori ng of protective measures - Part 6: Effective ness of residual curre nt devices (RCD) in TT, TN and IT systems
IEC 61557-7 Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c. - Equipme nt for testi ng, measuri ng or mon itori ng of protective measures - Part 7: Phase seque nce
IEC 61591 Household range hoods - Methods for measuri ng performa nce
IEC 61683 Photovoltaic systems - Power con diti oners - Procedure for measuri ng efficie ncy
IEC 61727 Photovoltaic systems - Characteristics of the utility in terface
IEC 62087 Methods of measureme nt for the power con sumpti on of audio, video and related equipme nt
IEC 62093 Bala nce-of-system comp onents for photovoltaic systems - Desig n qualificati on n atural environments
IEC 62109-1 Safety of power con verters for use in photovoltaic power systems -Part 1: Gen eral requireme nts
IEC 62109-2 Safety of power con verters for use in photovoltaic power systems -Part 2: Particular requireme nts for in verters
IEC 62116 Utility-i nterc onn ected photovoltaic in verters-Test procedure of isla nding preve nti on measures.
IEC 62301 Household electrical applia nces - Measureme nt of sta ndby power
IEC 62384 DC or AC supplied electro nic con trol gear for LED modules - Performa nce requireme nts
IEC 62477-1 Safety requireme nts for power electro nic con verter systems and equipme nt -Part 1: Ge neral
IEC 62552 Household refrigerati ng applia nces - Characteristics and test methods
IEC 62552-1 Household refrigerati ng applia nces - Characteristics and test methods - Part 1: Gen eral requireme nts
IEC 62552-2 Household refrigerati ng applia nces - Characteristics and test methods - Part 2: Performa nce requireme nts
IEC 62552-3 Household refrigerati ng applia nces - Characteristics and test methods - Part 3: En ergy con sumpti on and volume
IEC 62554 Sample preparati on for measureme nt of mercury level in fluoresce nt lamps
IEC 62612 Self-ballasted LED lamps for general lighting services with supply voltages > 50 V Performa nce requireme nts
IEC 62707-1 LED - Binning - Part 1: Gen eral requireme nts and white colour grid
IEC 62717 LED modules for gen eral lighti ng - Performa nce requireme nts
IEC 62722-1 Lum in aire performa nce - Part 1: Gen eral requireme nts
IEC 62722-2-1 Lum in aire performa nce - Part 2-1: Particular requireme nts for LED lum in aires
IEC 62790 Jun cti on boxes for photovoltaic modules — Safety requireme nts and tests
IEC 62891 Overall efficie ncy of grid conn ected photovoltaic in verters
IEC 62909-1 Bi-directi onal grid-c onn ected power con verters Part 1: Gen eral requireme nts
IEC 62909-2 Bi-directi onal grid-c onn ected power con verters Part 2: In terface of GCPC and distributed en ergy resources
IEC 62910 Utility-i nterc onn ected photovoltaic in verters Test procedure for low voltage ride-through measureme nts
IEC 63027 Photovoltaic power systems DC arc detecti on and in terrupti on
IEC 80601-2-26:2019 Medical electrical equipme nt -Part 2-26: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of electroe ncephalographs
IEC 80601-2-26:2019 + A1:2024 Medical electrical equipme nt -Part 2-26: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of electroe ncephalographs
IEC 80601-2-30:2009+A1:2013 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-30: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of automated non-i nvasive sphygmoma nometers
IEC 80601-2-30 Edition 1.1 2013-07 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-30: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of automated non-i nvasive sphygmoma nometers.
IEC 80601-2-30:2018 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-30: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of automated non-i nvasive sphygmoma nometers
IEC 80601-2-35:2009+A1:2016 Medical electrical equipme nt-Part 2-35: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of heati ng devices using bla nkets pads or mattresses and inten ded for heat ing in medical use
IEC 80601-2-49 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-49: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of multifu ncti on patie nt mon itors
IEC 80601-2-59 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-59: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of scree ning thermographs for huma n febrile temperature scree ning
IEC 80601-2-60 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-60: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of den tal equipme nt
IEC 80601-2-77 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-77: Particular requireme nts for the BASIC SAFETY and esse ntial performa nce of ROBOTICALLY ASSISTED SURGICAL EQUIPMENT
IEC 80601-2-78 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-78: Particular requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of medical robots for rehabilitati on, assessme nt, compe nsati on or alleviati on
IEC/EN 60335-2-3 Particular requirements for electric irons
IEC/EN 60335-2-5 Particular requireme nts for dishwashers
IEC/EN 60335-2-6 Particular requireme nts for stati onary cook ing ran ges, hobs, ovens and similar applia nces
IEC/EN 60335-2-8 Particular requireme nts for shavers, hair clippers and similar applia nces
IEC/EN 60335-2-10 Particular requireme nts for floor treatme nt machi nes and wet scrubb ing machi nes
IEC/EN 60335-2-12 Particular requireme nts for warm ing plates and similar applia nces
IEC/EN 60335-2-13 Particular requireme nts for deep fat fryers, frying pans and similar applia nces
IEC/EN 60335-2-15 Particular requirements for appliances for heating liquids
IEC/EN 60335-2-16 Particular requireme nts for food waste disposers
IEC/EN 60335-2-17 Particular requireme nts for bla nkets, pads, cloth ing and similar flexible heati ng applia nces
IEC/EN 60335-2-21 Particular requireme nts for storage water heaters
IEC/EN 60335-2-27 Household and similar electrical applia nces - Safety - Part 2-27: Particular requireme nts for applia nces for skin exposure to optical radiati on
IEC/EN 60335-2-28 Particular requireme nts for sew ing machi nes
IEC/EN 60335-2-35 Particular requireme nts for in sta ntan eous water heaters
IEC/EN 60335-2-36 Particular requirements for commercial electric cooking ranges, ovens, hobs and hob eleme nts
IEC/EN 60335-2-37 Particular requireme nts for commercial electric deep fat fryers
IEC/EN 60335-2-38 Particular requirements for commercial electric griddles and griddle grills
IEC/EN 60335-2-42 Particular requireme nts for commercial electric forced con vecti on ovens, steam cookers and steam-c on vecti on ovens
IEC/EN 60335-2-44 Particular requireme nts for ironers
IEC/EN 60335-2-45 Particular requireme nts for portable heati ng tools and similar applia nces
IEC/EN 60335-2-47 Particular requirements for commercial electric boiling pans
IEC/EN 60335-2-48 Particular requirements for commercial grillers and toasters
IEC/EN 60335-2-49 Particular requireme nts for commercial electric applia nces for keep ing food and crockery warm
IEC/EN 60335-2-50 Particular requireme nts for commercial electric bain s-marie
IEC/EN 60335-2-52 Particular requireme nts for oral hygie ne applia nces
IEC/EN 60335-2-54 Particular requireme nts for surface-clea ning applia nces for household use emplo ying liquids or steam
IEC/EN 60335-2-55 Particular requirements for electrical appliances for use with aquariums and garde n ponds
IEC/EN 60335-2-59 Particular requireme nts for in sect killers
IEC/EN 60335-2-64 Particular requireme nts for commercial electric kitche n machi nes
IEC/EN 60335-2-65 Household and similar electrical applia nces-Safety Part 2-65: Particular requireme nts for air-clea ning applia nces
IEC/EN 60335-2-66 Particular requireme nts for water-bed heater
IEC/EN 60335-2-69 Particular requireme nts for wet and dry vacuum clea ners, in cludi ng power brush, for commercial use
IEC/EN 60335-2-72 Particular requireme nts for floor treatme nt machi nes with or without tracti on drive, for commercial use
IEC/EN 60335-2-73 Particular requireme nts for fixed immers ion heaters
IEC/EN 60335-2-74 Particular requireme nts for portable immers ion heaters
IEC/EN 60335-2-78 Particular requireme nts for outdoor barbecues
IEC/EN 60335-2-79 Particular requireme nts for high pressure clea ners and steam clea ners
IEC/EN 60335-2-80 Household and similar electrical applia nces - Safety Part 2-80: Particular requireme nts for fans
IEC/EN 60335-2-85 Particular requireme nts for fabric steamers
IEC/EN 60335-2-89 Household and similar electrical applia nces -Safety Part 2-89: Particular requireme nts for commercial refrigerati ng applia nces with an in corporated or remote refrigera nt condensing un it or compressor
IEC/EN 60335-2-98 Household and similar electrical applia nces -Safety Part 2-98: Particular requireme nts for humidifiers
IEC/EN 60335-2-100 Particular requireme nts for han d-held ma in s-operated garde n blowers, vacuums and blower vacuums
IEC/EN 60335-2-101 Particular requireme nts for vaporizers
IEC/EN 60335-2-102 Particular requireme nts for gas, oil and solid-fuel bur ning applia nces havi ng electrical conn ecti ons
IEC/EN 60335-2-107 Particular requireme nts for skin beauty care applia nces
IEC/EN 60335-2-108 Particular requireme nts for electrolysers
IEC/EN 60335-2-109 Particular requireme nts for UV radiati on water treatme nt applia nces
IEC/EN 60335-2-116 Particular requireme nts for furn iture with electrically motorized parts
IEC/EN 60350-2 Household electric cooking appliances. Part 2: Hobs. Methods for measuring performa nce. Methods for measuri ng the performa nce of electric storage water-heaters for household purposes
IEC/EN 60529 Degrees of protecti on provided by en closures (IP Code)
IEC/EN 61800-5-1 Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems - Part 5-1: Safety requireme nts - Electrical, thermal and en ergy
IEC/EN/EN IEC 60335-1 Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 1: General requireme nts
IEC/EN/EN IEC 60335-2-2 Particular requireme nts for vacuum clea ners and water-sucti on clea ning applia nces
IEC/EN/EN IEC 60335-2-4 Particular requireme nts for spin extractors
IEC/EN/EN IEC 60335-2-7 Particular requireme nts for washi ng machi nes
IEC/EN/EN IEC 60335-2-9 Particular requirements for grills, toasters and similar portable cooking applia nces
IEC/EN/EN IEC 60335-211 Particular requireme nts for tumble dryers
IEC/EN/EN IEC 60335-214 Particular requirements for kitchen machines
IEC/EN/EN IEC 60335-223 Particular requireme nts for applia nces for skin or hair care
IEC/EN/EN IEC 60335-224 Household and similar electrical applia nces — Safety Part 2-24: Particular requireme nts for refrigerati ng applia nces, ice-cream applia nces and icemakers
IEC/EN/EN IEC 60335-225 Particular requireme nts for microwave ovens, in clud ing comb in ati on microwave ovens
IEC/EN/EN IEC 60335-232 Particular requireme nts for massage applia nces
IEC/EN/EN IEC 60335-241 Particular requireme nts for pumps
IEC/EN/EN IEC 60335-243 Particular requireme nts for clothes dryers and towel rails
IEC/EN/EN IEC 60335-260 Particular requireme nts for whirlpool baths and whirlpool spas
IEC/EN/EN IEC 60335-275 Particular requireme nts for commercial dispe nsing applia nces and vending machi nes
IEC/EN/EN IEC 60335-281 Particular requireme nts for foot warmers and heati ng mats
IEC/EN/EN IEC 60335-282 Particular requireme nts for amuseme nt machi nes and pers onal service machi nes
IEC/EN/EN IEC 60335-284 Particular requireme nts for toilets
IEC/EN/EN IEC 60335-290 Particular requireme nts for commercial microwave ovens
IEC/EN/EN IEC 60335-297 Particular requirements for drives for rolling shutters, awnings, blinds and similar equipme nt
IEC/EN/EN IEC 60335-2- 103 Particular requirements for drives for gates, doors and windows
IEC/EN/EN IEC 60335-2105 Particular requireme nts for multifu ncti onal shower cab in ets
IEC/EN/EN IEC 60335-2- 113 Particular requireme nts for cosmetic and beauty care applia nces in corporati ng lasers and intense light sources
IEC/EN/EN IEC 60335-2- 115 Particular requireme nts for skin beauty care applia nces
IEC/EN/EN IEC 60350-1 Household electric cooking appliances. Part 1: Ranges, ovens, steam ovens and grills. Methods for measuri ng performa nce
IEC/EN IEC 60335-2-119 Particular requireme nts for commercial vacuum packagi ng applia nces
IEC/TR 61341 Method of measureme nt of centre beam inten sity and beam an gle(s) of reflector lamps
IEC/TS 62504 General lighting - LEDs and LED modules - Terms and definitions
IEEE1547 IEEE Stan dard for In terc onn ecti on and In teroperability of Distributed En ergy Resources with Associated Electric Power Systems In terfaces
IEEE1547.1 IEEE Stan dard Con forma nce Test Procedures for Equipme nt In terc onnecting Distributed En ergy Resources with Electric Power Systems and Associated In terfaces
IEEE ANSI USEMCSC C63.27-2021 America n Nati onal Stan dard for Evaluati on of Wireless Coexiste nce
IES LM-20 Approved Method: Photometry of Reflector Type Lamps
IES LM-45 Approved Method: Electrical and photometric measureme nt of gen eral service incan desce nt filame nt lamps
IES LM-58 Spectroradiometric Measureme nt Methods for Light Sources
IES LM-79 Electrical and Photometric Measureme nts of Solid-State Light ing Products
IES LM-80 Measuri ng Lum inous Flux and Color Maintenance of LED Packages, Arrays and Modules
IES LM-82 Characterization of LED Light Engines and LED Lamps for Electrical and Photometric Properties as a Fun cti on of Temperature
IES LM-82-12 (CFLKs with LED light engin es) with en ergy efficie ncy measureme nts at room temperature determi ned in accorda nce with 10 CFR Part 429 and 430 Subpart B, Appe ndix V1
IES LM-82-12 (CFLKs with non sta ndard in tegrated LED lamps) with en ergy efficie ncy measureme nts at room temperature determined in accordance with CFR 429 and 430, Subpart B, Appendix BB
IES LM-84 Measuri ng Lum inous Flux and Color Maintenance of LED Lamps, Light Engin es, and Lum in aires
IES TM-21 Project ing Long Term Lume n Maintenance of LED Light Sources
IES TM-28 Project ing Lon g-Term Lum inous Flux Maintenance of LED Lamps and Lum in aries
INMETRO ordinances 004 Requireme nts of Evaluati on of the Agreeme nt For Systems and Equipme nts For Photovoltaic En ergy - Modules, In verters, Con trols of Load and Batteries
INMETRO Ordi nance No. 62 Tech ni cal Quality Regulati ons and the Con formity Assessme nt Requireme nts for Lum in aires for Road Public Lighti ng
INMETRO Ordi nance No. 69 Tech ni cal Quality Regulati ons and the Con formity Assessme nt Requireme nts for LED Lamps with In tegrated Base Con trol Device
INMETRO Ordi nance No. 140 Approves the Tech ni cal Quality Regulati on and the Con formity Assessme nt Requireme nts for Electric En ergy Gen erati on, Con diti oning and Storage Equipme nt in Photovoltaic Systems Con solidated
INMETRO ordinances 357 In verters Photovoltaic Systems Conn ected to the Network
INTE E11-1 En ergy efficie ncy - Applia nce Refrigerators and Applia nce Freezers Part 1. Requireme nts
INTE E11-2 En ergy efficie ncy. Home applia nces refrigerators and home applia nces freezers. Part 2. Labeli ng
INTE E11-3 En ergy efficie ncy. Home applia nces refrigerators and home applia nces freezers. Part 3. Test methods
IRiESD Instructions for the Operation and Operation of the Distribution Network (Pola nd)
IRR-DCC-MV In termitte nt Ren ewable Resources (Wind and PV) Distribution Co nn ection Code (DCC) At Medium Voltage (MV)
IRR-TIC In termitte nt Ren ewable Resources (IRR) Wind & PV Tran smissio n In terco nn ection Code (TIC)
IS 1391 (Part 1) Room Air Con diti oners - Part 1 Un itary Air Con diti oners
IS 1391 (Part 2) Room Air Con ditio ners - Part 2 Split Air Con ditio ners
IS 1476-1 Performa nce of Household Refrigerati ng Applia nce - Refrigerators with or Without Low Temperature Compartme nt, Part 1: En ergy Con sumpti on and Performa nce
IS 2082 Stati onary storage type electric water heaters
IS 7872:2020 Deep Freezers — Specificati on
IS 8148 Ducted and Package Air-C on diti oners — Specificati on
IS 15750 Household frost-free refrigerat ing applia nces - refrigerators cooled by in ter nal forced air circulation - characteristics and test methods - specification
IS 16590 Water cooled Chilli ng Packages Using the Vapour Compressi on Cycle — Specificati on
IS 17550 (Part 1) Household Refrigerat ing Applia nces — Characteristics and Test Methods, Part 1 - Gen eral Requireme nts
IS 17550 (Part 2) Household Refrigerat ing Applia nces — Characteristics and Test Methods, Part 2 - Performa nce Requireme nts
IS 17550 (Part 3) Household Refrigerat ing Applia nces — Characteristics and Test Methods, Part 3 - En ergy Con sumpti on and Volume
ISO 5151 Non-ducted air con diti on ers and heat pumps -- Test ing and rati ng for performa nce
ISO 5151:2017 + Amd.1:2020 Non-ducted air con diti oners and heat pumps — Testi ng and rating for performa nce
ISO 5801 Fans - Performa nce testi ng using sta ndardized airways
ISO 7494-1:2018 Stati onary den tal units and den tal patie nt chairs Part 1: Gen eral requireme nts
ISO 7494-2:2022 Stati onary den tal units and den tal patie nt chairs Part 2: Air, water, suction and wastewater systems
ISO 9170-1 Term inal un its for medical gas pipeli ne systems -- Part 1: Term inal units for use with compressed medical gases and vacuum
ISO 9170-2 Term inal un its for medical gas pipeli ne systems -- Part 2: Term inal units for an aesthetic gas scave nging systems
ISO 9680:2021 Operati ng lights
ISO 10079-1:2022 Medical sucti on equipme nt Part 1: Electrically powered suction equipment
ISO 10079-2:2022 Medical sucti on equipme nt Part 2: Manu ally powered sucti on equipme nt
ISO 10079-3:2022 Medical sucti on equipme nt Part 3: Sucti on equipme nt powered from a vacuum or positive pressure gas source
ISO 10079-4:2021 Medical sucti on equipme nt Part 4: Gen eral requireme nts
ISO 10535 Assistive products Hoists for the tran sfer of pers ons — Requireme nts and test methods
ISO 11197 Medical supply units
ISO 12759 Fans - Efficie ncy classificati on for fans
ISO 13253 Ducted air-c on diti oners and air-to-air heat pumps Test ing and rati ng for performa nce
ISO 13253:2017 + Amd.1:2020 Ducted air-c on diti oners and air to air heat pumps Testi ng and rati ng for performa nce
ISO 13256-1 Water-source heat pumps -- Test ing and rat ing for performa nce -- Part 1: Water-to-air and brin e-to-air heat pumps
ISO 13256-2 Water-source heat pumps -- Test ing and rat ing for performa nce -- Part 2: Water-to-water and brin e-to-water heat pumps
ISO 15004-1 Ophthalmic in strume nts — Fun dame ntal requireme nts and test methods — Part 1: Gen eral requireme nts applicable to all ophthalmic in strume nts
ISO 15004-2 Ophthalmic in strume nts — Fun dame ntal requireme nts and test methods — Part 2:Light hazard protecti on
ISO 15042 Multiple split-system air-c on diti on ers and air-to-air heat pumps-Testi ng and rati ng for performa nce
ISO 16358-1 Air-cooled air con diti on ers and air-to-air heat pumps --Test ing and calculat ing methods for seas onal performa nce factors -- Part 1: Cooli ng seas onal performa nce factor
ISO 16358-1:2013 + COR 1:2013 + Amd 1:2019 Air-cooled air con diti oners and air-to-air heat pumps — Test ing and calculati ng methods for seas onal performa nce factors — Part 1: Cooli ng seas onal performa nce factor
ISO 16358-2 Air-cooled air con diti on ers and air-to-air heat pumps -- Test ing and calculat ing methods for seas onal performa nce factors -- Part 2: Heat ing seas onal performa nce factor
ISO 16358-3 Air-cooled air con diti on ers and air-to-air heat pumps -- Test ing and calculat ing methods for seas onal performa nce factors -- Part 3: Annual performa nce factor
ISO 16571:2014 Systems for evacuati on of plume gen erated by medical devices
ISO 18326:2018+Amd.1:2021 Non-ducted portable air-cooled air con diti on ers and air-to-air heat pumps havi ng a sin gle exhaust duct — Testi ng and rati ng for performa nce
ISO 23953-1 Refrigerated display cab in ets -- Part 1: Vocabulary
ISO 23953-2 Refrigerated display cab in ets -- Part 2: Classificati on, requireme nts and test con diti ons
ISO 80601-2-12 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-12: Particular requireme nts for the safety of lung ven tilators - Critical care ven tilators
ISO 80601-2-12:2020 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-12: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of critical care ven tilators
ISO 80601-2- Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-13: Particular requireme nts for basic
13:2011+A1:2015 safety and esse ntial performa nce of an an aesthetic workstati on
ISO 80601-2-13:2011 + Medical electrical equipme nt — Part 2-13: Particular requireme nts for basic
A1:2015 + A2:2018 safety and esse ntial performa nce of an an aesthetic workstati on
ISO 80601-2-13:2022 Medical electrical equipme nt — Part 2-13: Particular requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of an an aesthetic workstati on
ISO 80601-2-55: 2011 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-55: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of respiratory gas mon itors
ISO 80601-2-55: 2018 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-55: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of respiratory gas mon itors
ISO 80601-2-56 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-56: Particular requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of cli ni cal thermometers for body temperature measureme nt.
ISO 80601-2- Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-56: Particular requireme nts for basic
56:2017+A1:2018 safety and esse ntial performa nce of cli ni cal thermometers for body temperature measureme nt.
ISO 80601-2-61:2011 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-61: Particular requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of pulse oximeter equipme nt
ISO 80601-2-61:2017 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-61: Particular requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of pulse oximeter equipme nt
ISO 80601-2-67 Medical electrical equipme nt Part 2-67: Particular requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of oxyge n-con servi ng equipme nt
ISO 80601-2-69 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-69: Particular requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of oxyge n concen trator equipme nt
ISO 80601-2-70 Medical Electrical Equipme nt - Part 2-70: Particular Requireme nts for Basic Safety and Esse ntial Performa nce of Sleep Apnoea Breathi ng Therapy Equipme nt
ISO 80601-2-72 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-72: Particular requireme nts for basic safely and esse ntial performa nce of home healthcare environment ven tilators for ven tilator-depe ndent patie nts
ISO 80601-2-74 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-74: Particular requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of respiratory humidify ing equipme nt
ISO 80601-2-79 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-79: Particular requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of ven tilatory support equipme nt for ven tilatory impairme nt
ISO 80601-2-80 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-80: Particular requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of ven tilatory support equipme nt for ven tilatory in sufficie ncy
ISO 80601-2-84 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-84: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of ven tilators for the emerge ncy medical services environment
ISO 80601-2-85 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-85: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of cerebral tissue oximeter equipme nt
ISO 80601-2-87 Medical electrical equipme nt - Part 2-87: Particular requireme nts for the basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of high freque ncy ven tilators
ISO 80601-2-90 Medical electrical equipme nt — Part 2-90: Particular requireme nts for basic safety and esse ntial performa nce of respiratory high-flow therapy equipme nt
ISTMT In-SITU Temperature Measureme nt Test ing (ISTMT)
JB/T 7769 Dehumidifiers
JIS C 9612 Room Air Con diti oners
JIS C 9801 Household refrigerat ing applia nces - characteristics and test methods
JIS C 9801-1 Household refrigerat ing applia nces — Characteristics and test methods Part 1: Gen eral requireme nts
JIS C 9801-2 Household refrigerat ing applia nces — Characteristics and test methods Part 2: Performa nce requireme nts
JIS C 9801-3 Household refrigerat ing applia nces — Characteristics and test methods Part 3: En ergy Con sumpti on and Volume
KS 2446-1 Self ballasted lamps for gen eral lighti ng services Part 1: Mini mum En ergy performa nce sta ndards (MEPS) Requireme nts
KS 2446-2 Self ballasted lamps for gen eral lighti ng services Part 2: Test methods-E nergy performa nce
KS 2463 Non-Ducted Air Conditioners
KS 2464-1 Performa nce of household electrical applia nces - refrigerat ing applia nces - part 1: en ergy con sumpti on and performa nce
KS 2464-2 Performance of household electrical appliances refrigerating appliances part 2: en ergy labelli ng and mini mum en ergy performa nce sta ndard requireme nts
KS IEC 62552-1 Household refrigerati ng applia nces - Characteristics and test methods - Part 1: Gen eral requireme nts
KS IEC 62552-2 Household refrigerati ng applia nces - Characteristics and test methods - Part 2: Performa nce requireme nts
KS IEC 62552-3 Household refrigerati ng applia nces - Characteristics and test methods - Part 3: En ergy con sumpti on and volume
KWS 1893 En ergy Efficie ncy Labelli ng and Mini mum En ergy Performa nce Requireme nts for DX Air-Co nditi on ers up to 70,000 Btu/h
KWS 1900 Refrigerators, Refrigerator-Freezers and Freezers - En ergy Performa nce, Testi ng and Labeli ng Requireme nts
L2(AP)005 Cone Lum inous Flux
MEA Grid Connected Inverter Regulation of Metropolitan Electricity Authority.
MEA Zero Injectio n Fun cti onal test ing of zero in jecti on
MS 1220 Performance and Construction of Electric Circulating Fans and Regulators (except Cl 10.4)
MS 2574 Mini mum en ergy performa nce sta ndards (MEPS) for domestic fan
MS IEC 62301 Household electrical applia nces - Measureme nt of sta ndby power (First revisio n)
MS IEC 62552 Household refrigerati ng applia nces - Characteristics and test methods
MS IEC 62552-1 Household refrigerati ng applia nces - Characteristics and test methods - Part 1: Gen eral requireme nts
MS IEC 62552-2 Household refrigerati ng applia nces - Characteristics and test methods - Part 2: Performa nce requireme nts
MS IEC 62552-3 Household refrigerati ng applia nces - Characteristics and test methods - Part 3: En ergy con sumpti on and volume
MS ISO 5151 Non-ducted air con diti on ers and heat pumps -- Test ing and rati ng for performa nce
NA/EEA-NE7 Grid conn ecti on for power gen erati on systems to the low-voltage grid (Swiss)-Applicable clause 5
NEC Sectio n 690 Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Systems
NEMA 77 Temporal Light Artifacts: Test Methods and Guida nce for Accepta nce Criteria
Network Code on Requireme nts for Grid:2018 Requireme nts of gen eral applicati on result ing from Commissi on Regulati on (EU) 2016/631 of 14 April 2016 establishing a network code on requirements for grid conn ecti on of gen erators (NC RfG) for the follow ing test methods: EN 50549-1, Requireme nts for gen erati ng pla nts to be conn ected in parallel with distribution networks, Part 1: Connection to a LV distribution network -
Gen erat ing pla nts up to and in cludi ng Type B EN 50549-2, Requireme nts for gen erati ng pla nts to be conn ected in parallel with distributi on n etworks, Part 2: Conn ecti on to a MV distributi on n etwork -Gen erat ing pla nts up to and in cludi ng Type B
NOM-015-ENER En ergy efficie ncy for household refrigerators and freezers - specificati ons and test methods
NOM-022-ENER-SCFI En ergy efficie ncy and user safety requireme nts for self-c ontained commercial refrigerati on applia nces - boun daries, test ing and labeli ng methods
NOM-023-ENER En ergy efficie ncy in split type air con diti on ers, free discharge and without air ducts. Boundaries, testing and labeling methods.
NRS 097-2-1 Grid in terc onn ecti on of embedded gen erati on part 2: small-scale embedded gen erati on secti on 1: utility in terface
NTP 370.502 Energy efficiency in electrical water heaters of the type equipped with storage tank for household purposes. Efficie ncy ran ges and labelli ng
NTP 370.504 En ergy efficie ncy. Fixed electrical applia nces for in sta ntan eous water heati ng for domestic use. Test method for determining electric power consumption and en ergy efficie ncy.
NTP IEC 60379 Methods to measure performa nce of electric storage water heaters for household use
NTS Versio n 2.0 Technical standard for monitoring the compliance of power generating modules according to EU Regulation 2016/631 (Spain)
NTS-SENP Technical standard for monitoring the compliance of power generating modules accordi ng to P.O. 12.2 SENP
NTSyCS Technical standard of security and quality of service
Ordi nul 208 The tech ni cal requireme nts for conn ecti on to the electrical n etworks of public (Roma nia)
OS 1652 Water Heaters - En ergy Performa nce, Test ing and En ergy Efficie ncy Labeli ng Requireme nts
OS 1653 Refrigerators, Refrigerator- Freezers and Freezers - En ergy Performa nce, Testi ng and En ergy Efficie ncy Labeli ng Requireme nts
OS GSO IEC 62552-1 Household refrigerati ng applia nces - Characteristics and test methods - Part 1: Gen eral requireme nts
OS GSO IEC 62552-2 Household Refrigerati ng Applia nces - Characteristics and Test Methods - Part 2: Performa nce Requireme nts
OS GSO IEC 62552-3 Household Refrigerati ng Applia nces - Characteristics and Test Methods - Part 3: En ergy Con sumpti on and Volume
OVE/ONORM E 8001-4- 712 Erection of electrical installations with rated voltages up to AC 1000 V and DC 1500 V - Part 4-712: Photovoltaic power-systems - Erection and safety requireme nts systems (Austria) - Applicable clause 4
OVE-Richtli nie R 25 Test requireme nts for gen erator un its to be conn ected to and operated in parallel with low-voltage distribution networks
PEA Grid Network Conn ecti on Requireme nts of Provi ncial Electricity Authority.
Philippine Distribution Code: 2017 Philipp ine Grid Code PV In verter Test Requireme nts
Philippines Grid Code Philippines grid code, applicable clauses 3 & 5
PNS 396-2 Household applia nces - En ergy Efficie ncy Factor (EEF) and labeli ng requireme nts - Part 2: Refrigerators and Freezers
PNS IEC 61000-3-2 Electro nmag netic Compatibility - Part 3-2 - Limits for harm onic curre nt emissi ons
PNS IEC 62552 Household refrigerati ng applia nces - Characteristics and test methods
PNS IEC 62552-1 Household refrigerat ing applia nces - Characteristics and test methods - Part 1: Gen eral requireme nts
PNS IEC 62552-2 Household refrigerat ing applia nces - Characteristics and test methods - Part 2: Performa nce requireme nts
PNS IEC 62552-3 PNS IEC 62552-3 Household refrigerating appliances - Characteristics and test methods - Part 3: En ergy Con sumpti on and Volume
PNS IEC 62612 Self-ballasted LED lamps for general lighting services with supply voltages > 50 V - Performa nce requireme nts
PNS ISO 5151 Non-ducted air con diti oners and heat pumps - Testi ng and rating for performa nce
PNS ISO 16358-1 Air-cooled air con diti oners and air-to-air heat pumps- Testi ng and calculat ing methods for Seas onal Performa nce Factors-Part 1 Cooli ng Seas onal Performa nce Factor
PO 12.2 Gen erati on and dema nd facilities: mini mum requireme nts for desig n, equipme nt, operati on, commissi oning and safety (Spa in)
PORTARIA N° 515 Proposal to ame nd In metro Ordi nance No. 140, of March 21,2022, which approves the Tech ni cal Quality Regulati on and Con formity Assessme nt Requireme nts for Electricity Gen erati on, Con diti oning and Storage Equipme nt in Photovoltaic Systems - Con solidated.
PPDS Rules For Operati ng Distributi on Systems Annex 4 Rules For Parallel Operation of Products and Accumulation Equipment Networking by Distribution System Operators (Czech Republic) - Applicable clauses, 8 to 11
PREPA Tech ni cal requireme nts Mini mum Tech ni cal Requireme nts of In terc onn ecti on of PV Facilities
PTPiREE Conditions and procedures for the use of certificates in the process of connecting power generation modules to electricity grids (Poland)
QS 2663 En ergy Labelli ng and Mini mum En ergy Performa nce Requireme nts for AirCon diti oners
RD 244 Regulates the adm ini strative, tech ni cal, and econ omic con diti ons for selfcon sumpti on of electrical en ergy (Spa in) - Applicable clause I.3
RD 413 BOE-A Royal Decree 413/2014, of June 6, which regulates the activity of electricity producti on from ren ewable en ergy sources, coge nerati on and waste.
RD 647 The implementation of the network codes for the connection of certain electrical in stallati ons
RD 661 Regulates the activity of producti on of electricity un der a special regime (Spa in) - Applicable secti on, Annex II
RD 1565 The activity of electricity producti on un der the special regime
RD 1699 Royal Decree 1699/2011, of November 18, which regulates the conn ection to the network of small power electric power production facilities.
RENBLAD 342 Tech ni cal Fun cti onal Requireme nts for Conn ecti on and Network Ren tal Agreement for Feed Customers | Low Voltage Network
SAGC The Saudi Arabian Grid Code
SANS 151 Fixed electric storage water heaters
SANS 941 En ergy efficie ncy of electrical and electro nic apparatus
SANS 1687 Domestic air source water heat ing heat pump systems
SANS 1691 Household refrigerat ing applia nces-Characteristics and test methods
SANS 54511-3 Air con diti on ers, liquid chilli ng packages and heat pumps with electrically driven compressors for space heating and cooling Part 3: Test methods
SANS 60350-1 Household electric cooking appliances. Part 1: Ranges, ovens, steam ovens and grills. Methods for measuri ng performa nce
SANS 61121 Tumble dryers for household use - Methods for measuri ng the performa nce
SANS 62301 Household electrical applia nces - Measureme nt of sta ndby power
SANS 62552 Household refrigerati ng applia nces - Characteristics and test methods
SASO 2663 Air Con diti oners - Mini mum En ergy Performa nce, Labelli ng and Test ing Requireme nts for Low Capacity Win dow and Sin gle-Split Types
SASO 2663:2021 Air Con diti oners - Mini mum En ergy Performa nce, Labelli ng and Test ing Requireme nts for Low Capacity Win dow and Sin gle-Split Types
SASO 2870 En ergy Efficie ncy, Fun cti on ality and Labeli ng Requireme nts for Light ing Products - Part 1
SASO 2874 Air Con diti oners - Mini mum En ergy Performa nce Requireme nts and Test ing Requireme nts
SASO 2883 Electrical Clothes Dryers - En ergy Performa nce Requireme nts and Labelli ng
SASO 2884:2017/AMD2:2018 Water Heaters - En ergy Performa nce Requireme nts and Labelli ng
SASO 2892 Refrigerators, Refrigerator- Freezers and Freezers -En ergy Performa nce, Testi ng and Labeli ng Requireme nts
SASO 2902 En ergy Efficie ncy, Fun cti on ality and Labeli ng Requireme nts for Light ing Products - Part 2
SASO GSO ISO 5151 Non-ducted air con diti on ers and heat pumps -- Test ing and rati ng for performa nce
SASO GSO ISO 13253 Ducted air-c on diti oners and air-to-air heat pumps - Test ing and rati ng for performa nce
SASO IEC 60379 Household electric cooking appliances. Part 2: Hobs. Methods for measuring performa nce. Methods for measuri ng the performa nce of electric storage water-heaters for household purposes
SASO IEC 62552 Household refrigerati ng applia nces - Characteristics and test methods
SASO ISO 5151 Non-ducted air con diti oners and heat pumps - Testi ng and rating for performa nce
SASO ISO 13253 Ducted air-c on diti oners and air to air heat pumps - Testi ng and rat ing for performa nce
SASO ISO 16358-1 Air-Cooled Air Con diti on ers and Air-To-Air Heat Pumps - Testi ng and Calculat ing Methods for Seas onal Performa nce Factors - Part 1: Cooli ng Seas onal Performa nce Factor
Sect ion of Con sumer Electro nics Association (CEA) 2037 A, Determ in ati on of Television Set Power Con sumpti on Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment with Full Network Connectivity
SHAMS DUBAI - DRRG Stan dards Stan dards for Distributed ren ewable resources gen erators conn ected to the distribution network.
SI 62552 Household refrigerati ng applia nces - Characteristics and test methods
SI 62552 Part 1 Household refrigerati ng applia nces -Characteristics and test methods: Gen eral requireme nts
SI 62552 Part 2 Household refrigerat ing applia nces -Characteristics and test methods: Performa nce requireme nts
SI 62552 Part 3 Household refrigerati ng applia nces -Characteristics and test methods: En ergy con sumpti on and volume
SJV Grid Code Specificati ons for Grid En ergy Storage Systems (Finland)
SNI 8557-1 Household refrigerat ing applia nces — Characteristics and test methods Part 1: Gen eral requireme nts
SNI 8557-3 Household refrigerat ing applia nces — Characteristics and test methods Part 3: En ergy Con sumpti on and Volume
SNI IEC 62552-2 Household refrigerati ng applia nces - Characteristics and test methods - Part 2: Performa nce requireme nts
SS 646 Specificati on for water heaters for household use Method for measuri ng en ergy performa nce
SSPV code Tech ni cal Requireme nts for Conn ect ing Small Scale PV (ssPV) Systems to Low Voltage Distributi on Networks
Start Time Test Method ENERGY STAR Start Time Test Method
TAB EEA Tech ni cal conn ecti on con diti ons for Power gen erati on pla nts and storage (Swiss) Applicable clause 6
TCVN 6576 Non-ducted air con diti on ers and heat pumps -- Test ing and rati ng for performa nce
TCVN 7828 Household refrigerator, refrigerator-freezer
TCVN 7829 Refrigerator, refrigerator-freezer Methods for determ in ati on of en ergy efficie ncy
TCVN 7830 Non-ducted air con diti on ers en ergy efficie ncy
TCVN 7831 Non-ducted air con diti oners — method for determ in ati on of en ergy efficie ncy
TCVN 7896 Compact fluoresce nt lamps en ergy efficie ncy
TCVN 7898: 2009 Storage water heaters-e nergy efficie ncy
TCVN 10273-1 Air-cooled air con diti on ers and air-to-air heat pumps -- Test ing and calculati ng methods for seas onal performa nce factors -- Part 1: Cooli ng seas onal performa nce factor
Tech ni cal requireme nts for Photovoltaic Grid Tie In verters to be conn ected to the Utility Grid in In dia
Tech ni cal Stan dards for the Conn ecti on of smallscale solar PV systems to the LV and MV Distribution Networks of SEC Tech ni cal Stan dards for the Conn ecti on of small-scale solar PV systems to the LV and MV Distribution Networks of SEC (Saudi)
TED/749/2020 The tech ni cal requireme nts for conn ecti on to the n etwork n ecessary for the impleme ntati on of the conn ecti on n etwork codes
TNB TNB Tech ni cal Guidebook on Grid-i nterc onn ecti on of Photovoltaic Power Gen eratio n System to LV and MV Networks (Malaysia)
TOR Type A Conn ecti on and parallel operati on of Type A power pla nts and of small gen erati on pla nts
TOR Type B TOR gen erator: Conn ecti on and parallel operati on of power gen erati on pla nts of type B and of small gen erati on pla nts
TOR Type C Conn ecti on and parallel operati on of type C power gen erati on systems
TOR Type D Conn ecti on and parallel operati on of type D power gen erati on systems
TR 3.2.1 Tech ni cal regulati on 3.2.1 for power pla nts up to and in cludi ng 11 kW (De nmark)
TR 3.2.2 Technical regulation 3.2.2 for PV power plants above 11 kW (Denmark)
TR 3.3.1 Tech ni cal regulati on 3.3.1 for battery pla nts (Den mark)
TR 25-1: 2022 Electric vehicles charging system - Part 1 : Electrical safety and general requireme nts
TR 25-2:2022 Electric vehicles charging system - Part 2 : Low power charging
TR 25-3:2022 Electric vehicles charging system - Part 3: High power charging
Tran smissi on Code of Swiss Grid Tran smissi on Code of Swiss Grid, applicable clause 6
UAE.S 5010-1 Labeli ng - En ergy Efficie ncy Label for Electrical Applia nces Part 1 household air con diti oners
UAE S 5010-3 Labeling - Energy Efficiency Label for Electrical Appliances Part 3 Household Refrigerat ing Applia nces
UAE.S 5010-4 Labeli ng - En ergy Efficie ncy Label for Electrical Applia nces Part 4 Storage Water Heaters
UAE S 5010-5 Labeli ng - En ergy Efficie ncy Label for Electrical Applia nces Part 5 Commercial and Cen tral Air Con diti oners
UAE.S GSO IEC 62552-1: 2015 Household refrigerati ng applia nces - Characteristics and test methods - Part 1: Gen eral requireme nts
UAE.S GSO IEC 62552-2: 2015 Household refrigerat ing applia nces — Characteristics and test methods Part 2: Performa nce requireme nts
UAE.S GSO IEC 62552-3: 2015 Household refrigerat ing applia nces — Characteristics and test methods Part 3: En ergy con sumpti on and volume
UAE.S IEC 60379 Methods for measuri ng the performa nce of electric storage water heaters for household applia nces
UAE.S IEC 62552 Household refrigerati ng applia nces - Characteristics and test methods
UAE.S ISO 5151 Non-ducted air con diti on ers and heat pumps -- Test ing and rati ng for performa nce
UAE.S ISO 13253 Ducted air-c on diti oners and air-to-air heat pumps - Test ing and rati ng for performa nce
UAE.S ISO 13256-1 Water-source heat pumps-Testi ng and rating for performa nce-Part 1: Water-to-air and brin e-to-air heat pumps
UAE.S ISO 13256-2 Water-source heat pumps-Testi ng and rating for performa nce-Part 2: Water-to-water and bri ne-to-water heat pumps
UAE.S ISO 15042 Multiple split-system air-c on diti on ers and air-to-air heat pumps-Testi ng and rati ng for performa nce
UAE.S ISO 16358 Air-cooled air con diti on ers and air-to-air heat pumps -- Test ing and calculati ng methods for seas onal performa nce factors -- Part 1: Cooli ng seas onal performa nce factor
UL 867 Stan dard for electrostatic air clea ners
UL 1741 In verters, Con verters, Con trollers and In terc onn ecti on System Equipme nt for use with Distributed En ergy Resources
UL 4200A UL Stan dard for Safety Products In corporati ng Butt on or Coin Cell Batteries of Lithium Tech no logies
UNE 206006 IN Isla nding detecti on test ing for grid-c onn ected PV in verters
UNE 206007-1 IN Requireme nts for conn ect ing to the power system. Part 1 Grid-c onn ected in verters
UNE 206007-2 IN Requireme nts for conn ect ing to the power system. Part 2 Requireme nts concerning system security for in stallati ons con tai ning in verters
UNE 217001 IN Requireme nts and tests for systems inten ded to avoid the en ergy tran smissi on to the distribution network
UNE 217002 Inverter for distribution network connection Current injecti on test requireme nts DC power grid, surge gen erati on, fault diag no sis Isla nding detecti on system (Spa in)
UNE EN 14511-1 Air con diti on ers, liquid chilli ng packages and heat pumps with electrically drive n compressors for space heat ing and cooli ng - Part 1: Terms and defi niti ons
UNE EN 14511-2 Air con diti on ers, liquid chilli ng packages and heat pumps with electrically drive n compressors for space heati ng and cooli ng - Part 2: Test con diti ons
UNE EN 14511-3 Air con diti on ers, liquid chilli ng packages and heat pumps with electrically drive n compressors for space heati ng and cooli ng - Part 3: Test methods
UNE EN 14511-4 Air con diti on ers, liquid chilli ng packages and heat pumps with electrically drive n compressors for space heati ng and cooli ng - Part 4: Requireme nts
UNE EN 14825 Air con diti on ers, liquid chilli ng packages and heat pumps, with electrically driven compressors, for space heating and cooling
UNE-EN ISO 239532:2015 Refrigerated display cab in ets, Part 2: Classificati on, req uireme nts and test con diti ons
US 901 Non-ducted air con diti oners — Testi ng and rat ing for performa nce
VDE-AR-N 4105 Power gen erati on systems conn ected to the low-voltage distributi on n etwork
VDE-AR-N 4110 Tech ni cal requireme nts for the conn ecti on and operati on of customer in stallati ons to the medium voltage n etwork (TCR medium voltage)
VDE-AR-N 4120 Tech ni cal requireme nts for the conn ecti on and operati on of customer in stallati ons to the high voltage n etwork (TCR high voltage)
VDE-AR-N 4130 Tech ni cal requireme nts for the conn ecti on and operati on of customer in stallati ons to the extra high voltage n etwork (TCR extra high voltage)
VDE V 0126-95 Plug-in solar devices for mains parallel operati on Basic safety requireme nts and testsasic safety requireme nts and tests
VJV Grid Code Specificati ons for Power Gen erat ing Facilities
WHO/PQS/E003/FZ01- VP.2 Vacc ine freezer or comb ined vacc ine and water-pack freezer: compressi on-cycle
WHO/PQS/E003/FZ01.2 Vacc ine freezer or comb ined vacc ine and water-pack freezer: compressi on-cycle
WHO/PQS/E003/RF03- VP.4 Refrigerator or comb ined refrigerator and water-pack freezer: in termitte nt main s-powered, compressi on cycle
WHO/PQS/E003/RF03.5 Refrigerator or comb ined refrigerator and water-pack freezer: in termitte nt mains powered, compressi on cycle
WHO/PQS/E003/RF05- VP.5 Refrigerator or comb ined refrigerator and water-pack freezer: Solar direct drive without battery storage
WHO/PQS/E003/RF05.6 Refrigerator or comb ined refrigerator and water-pack freezer: Solar direct drive without battery storage
WHO/PQS/E003/TS01- VP.1 Tran sportable, powered vaccine storage applia nces
WHO/PQS/E003/TS01.1 Tran sportable, powered vacc ine storage applia nces
WHO/PQS/E003/ULT01- VP.1 Vacc ine ultra-low temperature freezer
WHO/PQS/E003/ULT01.1 Vacc ine ultra-low temperature freezer compressi on cycle
XP C15-712-3 Photovoltaic in stallati ons with storage device and conn ected to a public distribution network
Building Products
10 CFR part 430, subpart B appe ndix E Uniform Test Method for Measuri ng the En ergy Con sumpti on of Water Heaters
10 CFR 431, subpart G Commercial Water Heaters, Hot Water Supply Boilers and Un fired Hot Water Storage Tanks
AAMA 501-15 Methods of test for exterior walls
ABNT NBR 15747-1 Thermal solar systems and comp onents - Solar collectors Part 1: Gen eral requireme nts
ABNT NBR 15747-2 Thermal solar systems and comp onents - Solar collectors Part 2: Test method
ANSI A137.1 Specificati ons For Ceramic Tile
ANSI A250.4 Test Procedure and Accepta nce Criteria for Physical En dura nce for Steel Doors, Frames and Frame An chors
ANSI Z97.1 Sta ndard - safety glaz ing materials used in buildi ngs - safety performa nce specifications and methods of test (sections 4 (except 4.7.2 and and 5 (except 5.3.1))
ANSI/ASHRAE Sta ndard 93 Methods Of Test ing to Determ ine the Thermal Performa nce Of Solar Collectors
ANSI/ASSE A10.8 Safety Requireme nts for Scaffold in g-America n Nati onal Sta ndard for Con structi on and Demoliti on Operati ons
ANSI/BHMA A156.5 Cyli nders
ANSI/BHMA A156.8 Overhead Stops and Holders
ANSI/BHMA A156.9 Cabinet Hardware
ANSI/BHMA A156.10 America n Nati onal Stan dard for Power Operated Pedestria n Doors
ANSI/BHMA A156.11 Cabinet Locks
ANSI/BHMA A156.12 America n Nati onal Stan dard for In terc onn ected Locks
ANSI/BHMA A156.14 America n Nati onal Stan dard for Slid ing and Foldi ng Door Hardware
ANSI/BHMA A156.16 Auxiliary Hardware
ANSI/BHMA A156.17 American National Standard for Self Closing Hinges & Pivots
ANSI/BHMA A156.19 America n Nati onal Stan dard for Power Assist and Low En ergy Power Operated Doors
ANSI/BHMA A156.20 America n Nati onal Stan dard for Strap and Tee Hin ges
ANSI/BHMA A156.21 America n Nati onal Stan dard for Thresholds
ANSI/BHMA A156.22 America n Nati onal Stan dard for Gasketi ng
ANSI/BHMA A156.23 America n Nati onal Stan dard for Electromag netic Locks
ANSI/BHMA A156.24 America n Nati onal Stan dard for Delayed Egress Lock ing Systems
ANSI/BHMA A156.26 America n Nati onal Stan dard for Con ti nu ous Hin ges
ANSI/BHMA A156.27 America n Nati onal Stan dard for Power and Manual Operated Revolvi ng Pedestria n Doors
ANSI/BHMA A156.29 America n Nati onal Stan dard for Exit Locks, Exit Alarms, Alarms for Exit Devices
ANSI/BHMA A156.30 America n Nati onal Stan dard for High Security Cyli nders
ANSI/BHMA A156.31 American National Standard for Electric Strikes and Frame Mounted Actuators
ANSI/BHMA A156.37 America n Nati onal Stan dard for Multipo int Locks
ANSI/BHMA A156.38 America n Nati onal Stan dard for Low En ergy Power Operated Slidi ng and Foldi ng Doors
ANSI/BHMA A156.39 America n Nati onal Stan dard for Reside ntial Locksets and Latches
ANSI/BHMA A156.40 America n Nati onal Stan dard for Reside ntial Deadbolts
ANSI/WCMA A100.1 Corded window coveri ng products
AS 1172.1 Water closets (WCs) Part 1: Pans
AS 1172.2 Water closets (WCs) Part 2: Flushing devices and cistern inlet and outlet valves
AS 1172.3 Sanitary plumbing products Part 3: Personal hygiene fixtures and appliances —Bidets and bidettes
AS 1172.4 San itary plumb ing products Part 4: Washbas ins
AS 1172.5 Sanitary plumbing products Part 5: Baths for ablutionary purposes
AS 1288 Glass in buildi ngs-Selecti on and in stallati on
AS 1357.1 Valves primarily for use in heated water systems - protecti on valves
AS 1357.2 Valves primarily for use in heated water systems Con trol valves
AS 1432 Copper tubes for plumb ing, gasfitt ing and dra in age applicati ons
AS 1589 Copper and copper alloy waste fittings
AS 1603.3 Automatic fire detection and alarm systems Part 3: Heat alarms
AS 1628 Water supply-Metallic gate, golbe and mn m-retur n valves
AS 1657 Fixed platforms, walkways, stairways and ladders-Desig n, con structi on and in stallati on
AS 2845.2 Water supply - Backflow preve nti ons devices Registered air gaps and registered break tanks
AS 3497 Drinking water treatme nt units—Plumb ing requireme nts
AS 3498 Safety and public health requireme nts for plumb ing products - Water heaters and hot-water storage tanks
AS 3588 Shower bases and shower modules
AS 3786 Smoke alarms - using scattered light, tran smitted light or ioni zati on
AS 4032.1 Water supply - Valves for the con trol of heated water supply temperatures Thermostatic mixing valves - Materials desig n and performa nce requireme nts
AS 4032.2 Water supply - Valves for the con trol of heated water supply temperatures
AS 4145.2 Locksets and hardware for doors and win dows Part 2: Mecha ni cal locksets for doors and win dows in build ings
AS 4145.3 Locksets Part 3: Mecha ni cal locksets for win dows in build ings
AS 4145.4 Locksets Part 4: Padlocks
AS 4145.5 Locksets and hardware for doors and win dows Part 5: Con trolled door clos ing devices (EN 1154:1997, MOD)
AS 4666 Insulating glass units
AS 4796 water supply-metal-vodied and plastic-bodied ball valves for property service conn ecti on
AS 5007 Australia n Stan dard Powered doors for pedestria n access and egress
AS 5200.053 Plumb ing and drain age products Stainl ess steel pipes and tubes for pressure applicati ons
AS 7240.2 Fire Detecti on and Alarm Systems, Part 2: Fire detecti on con trol and in dicat ing equipme nt
AS 7240.4 Fire detecti on and alarm systems, Part 4: Power supply equipme nt
AS 7240.7 Fire detecti on and alarm systems, Part 7: Point type smoke detectors using scattered light, tran smitted light or ioni zati on
AS ISO 7240.3 Fire detecti on and alarm systems, Part 3: Audible alarm devices
AS ISO 7240.5 Fire Detecti on and Alarm Systems, Part 5: Poin t-type heat detectors
AS ISO 7240.11 Fire detecti on and alarm systems, Part 11: Manual Call Points
AS ISO 7240.17 Fire detection and fire alarm systems, Part 17: Transmission path isolators
AS ISO 7240.18 Fire detecti on and alarm systems, Part 18: In put/output devices
AS/NZS 1170.1 Structural desig n acti ons Perma nen t, imposed and other acti ons (secti on 3.6 Only)
AS/NZS 1170.2 Structural desig n acti ons Part 2: Wind acti ons
AS/NZS 2023 Baths for abluti onary purposes
AS/NZS 2208 Safety glaz ing materials in buildi ngs
AS/NZS 2492 Cross-li nked polyethyle ne (PE-X) pipes for pressure applicati ons
AS/NZS 2535.1 Test methods for solar collector Part 1: Thermal performa nce of glazed liquid heati ng collectors in cludi ng pressure drop (ISO 9806-1:1994, MOD)
AS/NZS 2537.2 Mecha ni cal join ti ng fitt ings for use with crossli nked polyethyle ne (PE-X) for pressure applicati ons - plastics pip ing systems for hot and cold water in stallati ons - crossli nked polyethyle ne (PE-X) - Fitti ngs (ISO 15875-3:2003, MOD)
AS/NZS 2588 Gypsum plasterboard
AS/NZS 2638.1 Gate valves for waterworks purposes Metal seated
AS/NZS 2638.2 Gate valves for waterworks purposes Resilie nt seated
AS/NZS 2642.3 Polybutyle ne (PB) plumb ing pipe systems - mecha ni cal jointing fitt ings for use with polybutyle ne (PB) pipes for hot and cold water applicati ons
AS/NZS 2712 Solar and heat pump water heaters - Desig n and con structi on
AS/NZS 2845.1 Water supply—Backflow preve nti on devices, Part 1: Materials, desig n and performance requirements (Section 4, 5, 7, 16, 19, 20)
AS/NZS 3662 Performa nce of showers for bathi ng
AS/NZS 3982 Urin als
AS/NZS 4020 Testi ng of products for use in con tact with drinking water
AS/NZS 4158 Thermal-b on ded polymeric coati ngs on valves and fitt ings for water in dustry purposes
AS/NZS 4234 Heated water systems-Calculati on of en ergy con sumpti on
AS/NZS 4401 Plastics pip ing systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature) in side buildi ngs - Polyethyle ne (PE)
AS/NZS 4666 In sulat ing Glass Un its
AS/NZS 4790 Fur niture — Storage units — Determ in ati on of stre ngth and durability
ASME A112.18.1 Plumb ing supply fitt ings
ASME A112.19.2 Ceramic plumb ing fixtures
ASTM B117 Stan dard practice for operati ng salt spray (fog) apparatus
ASTM C67 Standard test methods for sampling and testing brick and structural clay tile
ASTM C271/C271M Stan dard test method for den sity of san dwich core materials
ASTM C273/C273M Stan dard test method for shear properties of san dwich core materials
ASTM C297/C297M Stan dard test method for flatwise ten sile stre ngth of san dwich con structi ons
ASTM C365/C365M Stan dard test method for flatwise compressive properties of san dwich cores
ASTM C393/C393M Stan dard test method for core shear properties of san dwich con structi ons by beam flexure
ASTM C473 Stan dard test methods for physical test ing of gypsum panel products
ASTM C615/C615M Stan dard Specificati on for Gran ite Dime nsion Stone
ASTM C666/C666M Stan dard test method for resista nce of con crete to rapid freez ing and thaw ing
ASTM C794 Sta ndard test method for adhesi on-in-peel of elastomeric joint seala nts
ASTM C920 Stan dard Specificati on for Elastomeric Joint Seala nts
ASTM C1029 Sta ndard specificati on for spray-applied rigid cellular polyuretha ne thermal in sulati on
ASTM C1087 Sta ndard Test Method for Determ ining Compatibility of Liquid-Applied Seala nts with Accessories Used in Structural Glaz ing Systems
ASTM C1178/C1178M Sta ndard specificati on for coated glass mat water-resista nt gypsum back ing panel (except fire tests)
ASTM C1184 Stan dard Specificati on for Structural Silic one Seala nts
ASTM C1185 Sta ndard test methods for sampli ng and test ing non-asbestos fiber-ceme nt flat sheet, roofi ng and sid ing shi ngles, and clapboards
ASTM C1186 Stan dard specificati on for flat fiber-ceme nt sheets (except fire tests)
ASTM C1230 Stan dard Test Method for Perform ing Tension Tests on Glass-Fiber Rei nforced Con crete (GFRC) Bon di ng Pads
ASTM C1278/C1278M Stan dard specificati on for fiber-re in forced gypsum panel (except fire tests)
ASTM C1354/C1354M Stan dard Test Method for Stren gth of In dividual Stone An chorages in Dime nsion Stone
ASTM C1369 Stan dard Specificati on for Secon dary Edge Seala nts for Structurally Glazed In sulat ing Glass Un its
ASTM C1396/C1396M Stan dard specificati on for gypsum board (except fire tests)
ASTM D226/D226M Stan dard specificati on for asphalt-saturated orga nic felt used in roofi ng and waterproofi ng (table 1 physical requireme nts only)
ASTM D256 Stan dard test methods for determ ining the Izod pen dulum impact resista nce of plastics
ASTM D412 Stan dard test methods for vulca ni zed rubber and thermoplastic elastomers— te nsio n
ASTM D570 Stan dard test method for water absorpti on of plastics
ASTM D618 Stan dard practice for con diti oning plastics for testi ng
ASTM D648 Stan dard test method for deflecti on temperature of plastics un der flexural load in the edgewise positi on
ASTM D756 Practice for determ in ati on of weight and shape cha nges of plastics un der accelerated service con diti ons
ASTM D779 Stan dard test method for determ ining the water vapor resista nce of sheet materials in con tact with liquid water by the dry in dicator method
ASTM D790 Stan dard test methods for flexural properties of unrein forced and rein forced plastics and electrical insulating materials
ASTM D828 Stan dard test method for ten sile properties of paper and paperboard using con sta nt-rate-of-el on gati on apparatus
ASTM D882 Standard test method for tensile properties of thin plastic sheeting
ASTM D903 Stan dard test method for peel or stripp ing stre ngth of adhesive bonds
ASTM D905 Stan dard test method for stre ngth properties of adhesive bonds in shear by compressi on loadi ng
ASTM D1002 Stan dard test method for appare nt shear stre ngth of sin gle-lap-j oint adhesively bon ded metal specime ns by tension loadi ng (metal-to-metal)
ASTM D1004 Stan dard test method for tear resista nce (graves tear) of plastic film and sheeti ng
ASTM D1037 Sta ndard test methods for evaluati ng properties of wood-base fiber and particle panel materials (sections 14, 15, and 21 only)
ASTM D1204 Sta ndard test method for lin ear dime nsional cha nges of non-rigid thermoplastic sheet ing or film at elevated temperature
ASTM D1761 Stan dard test methods for mecha ni cal faste ners in wood
ASTM D1781 Stan dard test method for climb ing drum peel for adhesives
ASTM D1784 Stan dard specificati on for rigid poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC) compo un ds a nd chlorinated poly (vinyl chloride) (CPVC) compounds
ASTM D1785 Standard Specification for Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40, 80, and 120
ASTM D1970/D1970M Stan dard specificati on for self-adheri ng polymer modified bitum inous sheet materials used as steep roofing underlayment for ice dam protection
ASTM D2241 Sta ndard Specification for Poly (Vin yl Chloride) (PVC) Pressure-Rated Pipe (SDR Series)-Except for 8.7 Impact Resista nce
ASTM D2299 Recomme nded practice for determ ining relative sta in resista nce of plastics
ASTM D2344 Sta ndard Test Method for Short-Beam Stre ngth of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials and Their Lam in ates
ASTM D2394 Sta ndard test methods for simulated service test ing of wood and wood-base finish flooring
ASTM D2395 Stan dard test methods for den sity and specific gravity (relative den sity) of wood and wood-based materials
ASTM D2523 Sta ndard practice for test ing load-stra in properties of roofi ng membra nes
ASTM D2915 Practice for sampli ng and data-a nalysis for structural wood and wood-based products
ASTM D2990 Sta ndard test methods for ten sile, compressive, and flexural creep and creeprupture of plastics
ASTM D3746/D3746M Stan dard test method for impact resista nce of bitum inous roofi ng systems
ASTM D4442 Stan dard test methods for direct moisture content measureme nt of wood and wood-based materials
ASTM D4869/D4869M Stan dard specificati on for asphalt-saturated orga nic felt un derlayme nt used in steep slope roofi ng
ASTM D4933 Sta ndard guide for moisture con diti oning of wood and wood-base materials
ASTM D5602/D5602M Stan dard test method for static pun cture resista nce of roofi ng membra ne specime ns
ASTM D5635/D5635M Stan dard test method for dyn amic pun cture resista nce of roofi ng membra ne specime ns
ASTM D5892 Stan dard specificati on for type IV polymer-modified asphalt ceme nt for use in paveme nt con structi on
ASTM D7032 Stan dard specificati on for establishi ng performa nce rati ngs for wood-plastic composite and plastic lumber deck boards, stair treads, guards, and han drails (sections 4 (except biodeterioration and fire tests), 5 (except flexural performa nce) and 6
ASTM E72 Stan dard test methods of con duct ing stre ngth tests of pan els for buildi ng con structi on
ASTM E96/E96M Stan dard test methods for water vapor tran smissi on of materials
ASTM E546 Standard Test Method for Frost/Dew Point of Sealed Insulating Glass Units
ASTM E935 Stan dard Test Methods for Performa nce of Perma nent Metal Raili ng Systems and Rails for Buildings
ASTM E1233/E1233M Stan dard test method for structural performa nce of exterior win dows, doors, skylights, and curtain walls by cyclic air pressure differential
ASTM E1509 Sta ndard specificati on for room heaters, pellet fuel-bur ning type
ASTM E2188 Stan dard Test Method for In sulat ing Glass Unit Performa nce
ASTM E2189 Stan dard Test Method for Testi ng Resista nce to Fogg ing in In sulat ing Glass Units
ASTM E2190 Stan dard Specificati on for In sulat ing Glass Unit Performa nce and Evaluati on
ASTM E2353 Stan dard Test Methods for Performa nce of Glaz ing in Perma nent Raili ng Systems, Guards, and Balustrades
ASTM E2649 Determ ining Argon Concen trati on in Sealed In sulati ng Glass Un its Using Spark Emissi on Spectroscopy
ASTM F877 Sta ndard Specification for Crossli nked Polyethyle ne (PEX) Hot- and ColdWater Distribution Systems
ASTM F1066 Standard specification for vinyl composition floor tile
ASTM F1306 Stan dard test method for slow rate pen etrati on resista nce of flexible barrier films and lam in ates
ASTM F1344 Stan dard specificati on for rubber floor tile
ASTM F1700 Standard specification for solid vinyl floor tile
ASTM F1807 Stan dard Specificati on for Metal In sert Fitt ings Utiliz ing a Copper Crimp Ring, or Alternate Stainless Steel Clamps, for SDR9 Cross-linked Polyethylene (PEX) Tubi ng and SDR9 Polyethyle ne of Raised Temperature (PE-RT) Tub ing
ASTM F1859 Stan dard specificati on for rubber sheet floor coveri ng without back ing
ASTM F1861 Standard specification for resilient wall base
ASTM F1913 Standard specification for vinyl sheet floor covering without backing
ASTM F2159 Standard Specification for Plastic Insert Fittings Utilizing a Copper Crimp Ring for SDR9 Cross-l in ked Polyethyle ne (PEX) Tub ing
ASTM F2169 Stan dard specificati on for resilie nt stair treads
ASTM G21 Standard practice for determining resistance of synthetic polymeric materials to fun gi
ASTM G154 Stan dard practice for operati ng fluoresce nt ultraviolet (UV) lamp apparatus for exposure of non metallic materials
ATS 5200.014 Tech ni cal specificati on for plumb ing and drain age products - jointing materials
ATS 5200.101 Tech ni cal specificati on for plumb ing and drain age products - applia nces (low hazard rati ng)
BS 5080-1 Structural fixings in con crete and mas onry- Part 1: Method of test for ten sile loadi ng
BS 5080-2 Methods of test for Structural fixings in con crete and mas onry - Part 2: Method for determ in ati on of resista nce to load ing in shear
BS 5446-2 Fire detection and fire alarm devices for dwellings: Part 2: Specification for heat alarms
BS 5889 Specificati on for on e-part gun grade silic on e-based seala nts
BS 6375-1 Performa nce of win dows and doors Part 1: Classificati on for weathertight ness and guidance on selection and specification
BS 6375-2 Performance of windows and doors Part 2: Classification for operation and strength characteristics and guidance on selection and specification
BS 6496 Specification for Powder organic coatings for application and stoving to alum inium alloy extrusi ons, sheet and preformed secti ons for exter nal architectural purposes, and for the finish on aluminium alloy extrusions, sheet and preformed secti ons coated with powder orga nic coati ngs
BS 6920-1 Suitability of non-metallic materials and products for use in con tact with water inten ded for huma n con sumpti on with regard to their effect on the quality of the water- specificati on
BS 6920-2.1 Suitability of non-metallic materials and products for use in con tact with water inten ded for huma n con sumpti on with regard to their effect on the quality of the water-methods of test- samples for testi ng
BS 6920-2.2.1 Suitability of non-metallic products for use in con tact with water inten ded for huma n con sumpti on with regard to their effect on the quality of the watermethods of test- odour and flavour of water- gen eral method of test
BS 6920-2.2.2 Suitability of non-metallic products for use in con tact with water inten ded for huma n con sumpti on with regard to their effect on the quality of the watermethods of test- odour and flavour of water- method of testi ng odours and flavours imparted to water by multi-layered hoses and pipes
BS 6920-2.2.3 Suitability of non-metallic products for use in con tact with water inten ded for huma n con sumpti on with regard to their effect on the quality of water- methods of test-odour and flavour of water. method of testi ng tastes imparted to water by hoses for conveying water for food and drink preparation
BS 6920-2.3 Suitability of non-metallic products for use in con tact with water inten ded for huma n con sumpti on with regard to their effect on the quality of the watermethods of test- appeara nce of water
BS 6920-2.4 Suitability of non-metallic products for use in con tact with water inten ded for huma n con sumpti on with regard to their effect on the quality of water- methods of test- growth of aquatic micro-orga ni sms test
BS 6920-2.5 Suitability of non-metallic products for use in con tact with water inten ded for huma n con sumpti on with regard to their effect on the quality of the watermethods of test- the extracti on of substa nces that may be of concern to public health
BS 6920-2.6 Suitability of non-metallic products for use in con tact with water inten ded for huma n con sumpti on with regard to their effect on the quality of the watermethods of test- the extracti on of metals
BS 6920-3 Suitability of non-metallic products for use in con tact with water inten ded for huma n con sumpti on with regard to their effect on the quality of the water. High temperature tests
BS 8424 Buildi ng hardware — Pull han dles — Requireme nts and test methods
BS EN 54-2/EN 54-2/ISO 7240-2 Fire detecti on and fire alarm systems - Part 2: Con trol and in dicati ng equipme nt
BS EN 54-3/EN 54-3/ISO 7240-3 Fire detecti on and fire alarm systems - Part 3: Fire alarm devices - Soun ders
BS EN 54-4/EN 54-4/ISO 7240-4 Fire detecti on and fire alarm systems - Part 4: Power supply equipme nt
BS EN 54-11/ EN 54-11/ ISO 7240-11 Fire detecti on and fire alarm systems - Part 11: Manual call points
BS EN 54-17/ EN 54-17/ ISO 7240-17 Fire detecti on and fire alarm systems - Part 17: Short-circuit isolators
BS EN 54-18/ EN 54-18/ ISO 7240-18 Fire detecti on and fire alarm systems - Part 18: In put/output devices
BS EN 12152 Curta in walli ng Air permeability Performa nce requireme nts and classificati on
BS EN 12153 Curta in walli ng - Air permeability - Test method
BS EN 12154 Curta in walli ng - Watertight ness - Performa nce requireme nts and classificati on
BS EN 12155 Curta in walli ng - Watertight ness - Laboratory test un der static pressure
BS EN 12179 Curta in Walli ng — Resista nce to wind load — Test method
BS EN 13116 Curta in Walli ng — Resista nce to wind load — Performa nce requireme nts
BS EN 14019 Curta in Walli ng — Impact resista nce — Performa nce requireme nts
CAN/CGSB-12.1 Tempered or lam in ated safety glass
CAN/CSA-F378.1-11 Glazed and un glazed liquid heati ng solar collectors - Test methods
CAN/ULC-60839-11-1 Electro nic access con trol systems - systems and comp onents requireme nts
CIRIA C680 Structural desig n of modular geocellular drain age tanks;
CIRIA C737 Structural and geotech ni cal desig n of modular geocellular drain age systems.
CPSC 16 CFR 1201 Safety sta ndard for architectural glaz ing materials (except simulated weatheri ng)
CSA B45.1 Ceramic plumb ing fixtures
CSA B45.11/IAPMO Z401 Glass plumb ing fixtures
CSA B125.1 Plumb ing supply fitt ings
CSA B125.3 Plumb ing fitt ings
CSA B137.5 Crossli nked polyethyle ne (PEX) tub ing systems for pressure applicati ons
CSA B651 Accessible desig n for the built environment
CSA S269.1 Falsework and formwork
EN 31 Wash bas ins - Conn ect ing dime nsions
EN 33 WC pans and WC suites - Conn ect ing dime nsions
EN 35 Pedestal and wall-h ung bidets with over-rim supply —Connecting dime nsions
EN 54-5 Fire detecti on and fire alarm systems — Part 5: Heat detectors — Point detectors
EN 54-7 Fire detecti on and fire alarm systems — Part 7: Smoke detectors — Point detectors using scattered light, tran smitted light or ionizati on
EN 80 Wall-h ung urin als - Conn ect ing dime nsions
EN 232 Baths - Conn ect ing dime nsions
EN 246 San itary tapware - Gen eral specificati ons for flow rate regulators
EN 251 Shower trays - Conn ect ing dime nsions
EN 520 Gypsum plasterboards - Defi niti ons, requireme nts and test methods
EN 695 Kitche n sinks - Conn ect ing dime nsions
EN 816 San itary tapware - Automatic shut-off valves PN 10 (Except for: Flow rate curve, Acoustic)
EN 1051-1 Glass in building —Glass blocks and glass pavers —Part 1: Definitions and descripti on
EN 1155 Electrically powered hold-ope n devices
EN 1158 Door coord inator devices
EN 1213 Buildi ng valves - copper alloy stopvalves for potable water supply in buildings -tests and requireme nts
EN 1279-4 Glass in buildi ng - in sulati ng glass units - part 4: methods of test for the physical attributes of edge seals (clause 5.1)
EN 1279-5 Glass in buildi ng - In sulat ing glass un its Part 5: Product sta ndard
EN 1286 San itary tapware - Low pressure mecha ni cal mixi ng valves - Ge neral tech ni cal specificati on
EN 1287 San itary tapware - Low pressure thermostatic mixi ng valves - Gen eral tech ni cal specificati on
EN 1329-1 Plastics pip ing systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature) withi n the buildi ng structure- un plasticized poly (vinyl chloride) (PVC-U)- specificati ons for pipes, fitt ings and the system
EN 1527 Buildi ng hardware - Hardware for slidi ng doors and foldi ng doors -Requireme nts and test methods
EN 1627 Pedestria n doorsets, win dows, curta in walli ng, grilles and shutters - burglar resista nce - requireme nts and classificati on
EN 1628 Pedestrian doorsets, windows, curtain walling, grilles and shutters - burglar resista nce - test method for the determ in ati on of resista nce un der static loadi ng
EN 1629 Pedestria n doorsets, win dows, curta in walli ng, grilles and shutters - burglar resista nce - test method for the determ in ati on of resista nce un der dyn amic loadi ng
EN 1630 Pedestrian doorsets, windows, curtain walling, grilles and shutters — burglar resista nce — test method for the determ in ati on of resista nce to manual burglary attempts
EN 1991-1-1 Acti ons on structures - Part 1-1: Ge neral acti ons - Den sities, self-weight, imposed loads for buildi ngs (Secti on 6.4 Only)
EN 12046-1 Operat ing forces - test method - win dows
EN 12046-2 Operat ing forces - test method - doors
EN 12051 Door and window bolts
EN 12057 Nature stone products-Modular tiles-Requireme nt
EN 12058 Nature stone products-Slabs for floors and stairs- Requireme nt
EN 12150-1 Glass in buildi ngs - thermally toughe ned soda lime silicate safety glass
EN 12150-2 Glass in buildi ng- thermally toughe ned soda lime silicate safety glass-evaluati on of con formity/product sta ndard
EN 12209 Buildi ng hardware - Mecha nically operated locks and lock ing plates -Requireme nts and test methods
EN 12320 Padlocks and padlock fittings
EN 12467 Fibre-ceme nt flat sheets — Product specificati on and test methods
EN 12600 Glass in buildi ng - thermally toughe ned soda lime silicate safety glass - part 2: evaluati on of con formity/product sta ndard
EN 12764 San itary applia nces — Specificati on for whirlpool baths
EN 12975 Solar collectors - Gen eral requireme nts
EN 12975-1 Thermal solar systems and comp onen ts-Solar collectors-Part1: Ge neral requireme nts
EN 12975-2:2006 Thermal solar systems and comp onen ts-Solar collectors- Part2: Test methods
EN 12976-1 Thermal solar systems and comp onen ts-Factory made systems- Part1: Gen eral requireme nts
EN 12976-2 Thermal solar systems and comp onents - Factory systems - Part 2: Test methods
EN 12977-1 Thermal solar systems and comp onents - Custom built systems - Part 1: Gen eral requireme nts for solar water heaters and combisystems
EN 12977-2 Thermal solar systems and comp onents - Custom built systems - Part 2: Test methods for solar water heaters and combisystems
EN 12977-3:2018 Thermal solar systems and comp onents - Custom built systems - Part 3: Performa nce test methods for solar water heater stores
EN 12977-4:2018 Thermal solar systems and comp onents - Custom built systems - Part 4: Performa nce test methods for solar combistores
EN 12977-5 Thermal solar systems and comp onents - Custom built systems - Part 5: Performa nce test methods for con trol equipme nt
EN 13077 Devices To Preve nt Pollution By Backflow Of Potable Water. Air Gap With Non-Circular Overflow (Un restricted). Family A. Type B
EN 13079 Devices to preve nt polluti on by backflow of potable water - Air gap with injector -Family A; Type D
EN 13120 Internal bli nds
EN 13126-1 Hardware for win dows and door height win dows
EN 13126-2 Win dow faste ner han dles
EN 13126-3 Han dles, primarily for Tilt&Tur n, Tilt-First and Tur n-Only hardware
EN 13126-5 Buildi ng hardware — Hardware for win dows and door height win dows — Requirements and test methods Part 5: Devices that restrict the opening of win dows and door height win dows
EN 13126-6 Variable geometry stay hin ges
EN 13126-8 Buildi ng hardware — Requireme nts and test methods for win dows and doors height windows — Part 8: Requirements and test methods for Tilt and Turn, Tilt-First and Turn-Only hardware
EN 13126-15 Rollers for horiz on tal slidi ng and slidi ng foldi ng win dows and doors
EN 13126-16 Buildi ng hardware — Requireme nts and test methods for win dows and doors height win dows — Part 16: Hardware for Lift&Slide win dows and doors
EN 13126-17 Buildi ng hardware - Hardware for win dows and door height win dows -Requireme nts and test methods - Part 17: Hardware for Tilt and Slide win dows
EN 13226 Wood floori ng- Solid parquet eleme nts with grooves an d/or ton gues
EN 13227 Wood floori ng — Solid lamparquet products
EN 13279-1 Gypsum bin ders and gypsum plasters - Part 1: Defi niti ons and requireme nts
EN 13279-2 Gypsum bin ders and gypsum plasters - Part 2: Test methods
EN 13561 External bli nds
EN 13618 Flexible hose assemblies in drinking water in stallati ons - Fun cti onal requireme nts and test methods (Except for: Resista nce to pressure jumps, Pressure cycli ng resista nce)
EN 13659 Shutters and exter nal ven etia n bli nds — Performa nce requireme nts in cludi ng safety
EN 13828 Buildi ng valves-ma nu ally operated copper alloy and sta ini ess steel ball valves for potable water supply in buildi ngs -tests and requireme nts
EN 13963 Join ti ng materials for gypsum boards - Defi niti ons, requireme nts and test methods
EN 13964 Suspe nded ceil ings —Requireme nts and test methods
EN 13986 Wood-based pan els for use in con structi on- Characteristics, evaluati on of con formity and marking
EN 14179-1 Glass in buildi ng- heat-soaked thermally-toughe ned soda lime silicate safety glass- definition and description
EN 14179-2 Glass in buildi ng- heat-soaked thermally-toughe ned soda lime silicate safety glass- evaluati on of con formity/product sta ndard
EN 14195 Metal framing comp onents for gypsum board systems Defin iti ons, requireme nts and test methods
EN 14296 San itary applia nces - Comm unal washi ng troughs
EN 14351-1 Win dows and exter nal pedestria n doorsets without resista nce to fire and smoke leakage characteristics (sections 4.1,4.2, 4.5, 4.7, 4.8, 4.14, 4.17, 4.21 and 4.23)
EN 14528 Bidets — Fun cti onal requireme nts and test methods
EN 14604/BS EN 14604 Smoke alarm devices
EN 14749 Fur niture — Domestic and kitche n storage units and kitche n-worktops — Safety requireme nts and test methods
EN 15285 Agglomerated stone —Modular tiles for floori ng and stairs (internal and exter nal)
EN 15316-4-3:2017 Heati ng systems in buildi ngs — Method for calculati on of system en ergy requireme nts and system efficie ncies —Part 4-3: Heat gen erati on systems, thermal solar systems
EN 15496 Cycles — Requireme nts and test methods for cycle locks
EN 15534-5 Composites made from cellulose-based materials and thermoplastics (usually called wood-polymer composites (WPC) or n atural fibre composites (NFC)) Part 5: Specifications for cladding profiles and tiles
EN 15534-6 Composites made from cellulose-based materials and thermoplastics (usually called wood-polymer composites (WPC) or n atural fibre composites (NFC)) Part 6: Specifications for fencing profiles and elements
EN 15570 Hardware for furn iture - Stre ngth and durability of hin ges and their comp onents -Hin ges pivoti ng on a vertival axis
EN 15684 Buildi ng hardware - Mechatro nic cyli nders - Requireme nts and test methods
EN 16005 Power operated pedestria n doorsets — Safety in use — Requireme nts and test methods
EN 16122 Domestic and non-domestic storage furniture — Test methods for the determ in ati on of stre ngth, durability and stability
EN 16145 San itary tapware - Extractable outlets for sink and bas in mixers - Gen eral tech ni cal specificati on
EN 16146 San itary tapware - Extractable shower hoses for san itary tapware for supply systems type 1 and type 2 - Gen eral tech ni cal specificati on
EN 16433 Internal bli nds
EN 16434 Internal bli nds
EN 16864 Buildi ng hardware - Mechatro nic padlocks - Requireme nts and test methods
EN 16867 Buildi ng hardware — Mechatro nic door furn iture — Requireme nts and test methods
EN 17372 Power operated pedestrian swing door drives with self closing function — Requireme nts and test methods
EN 50194-1/BS EN 50194-1 Electrical apparatus for the detection of combustible gases in domestic premises — Part 1: Test methods and performa nce requireme nts
EN 50543/BS EN 50543 Electronic portable and transportable apparatus designed to detect and measure carb on dioxide an d/or carb on mono xide in in door ambie nt air — Requireme nts and test methods
EN ISO 10581 Resilie nt floor coveri ngs - Homoge neous poly (vinyl chloride) floor coveri ng -Specificati ons
EN ISO 10582 Resilie nt floor coveri ngs - Heteroge neous poly (vinyl chloride) floor coveri ngs -Specificati on
ETAG 002 Part 1 Guideli ne for Europea n tech ni cal approval for structural seala nt glaz ing kits (SSGK) Part 1: Supported and un supported systems
GSO 944 San itary applia nces - Flushi ng water tanks
GSO 1427 Ceramic San itary Applia nces - Wester n Water Closets
GSO 1431 San itary applia nces - pressurized flushi ng devices
ICC 900/SRCC 300 Solar Thermal system sta ndard
ICC 901/SRCC 100 Solar Thermal Collector Sta ndard
ICC ES AC02 Test methods referenced in section 3.0 (except Sections 3.3; 3.3.2; 3.5 and 3.6.1)
ICC ES AC04 San dwich pan els (test methods referen ced in secti ons 4 and 5)
ICC ES AC05 San dwich panel adhesives (test methods referen ced in secti ons 4 and 5)
ICC ES AC07 Test methods referenced in sections 3.3.1,3.3.9, 3.3.10, 3.3.11,3.3.12, 3.4.2, 3.4.6, 3.4.7, 3.4.8, 3.4.14, 3.4.15, 3.4.16, 3.4.17, 4.4, 4.5, 4.7, 4.8, 4.9 and 4.11
ICC ES AC12 Test methods referenced in section 3.0 and 4.0 (except 3.1,3.2, 3.3, 3.4.1, 3.4.2, 3.6, 4.1,4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5.1,4.5.10, 4.5.11,4.5.13, 4.5.2, 4.5.3, 4.5.4, 4.5.5, 4.5.6 and thermal con ductivity, hot surface performa nce, oxyge n in dex (ASTM sta ndard C871))
ICC ES AC37 Test methods refere nced in sectio n 3.0 (except 3.1.2 and 3.3)
ICC ES AC38 Test methods referenced in sections 3.1,3.3, 4.0 and 5.2)
ICC ES AC39 Test methods referen ced in secti on 4.0 (except secti ons 4.3, 4.6 and 4.14)
ICC ES AC48 Test methods referen ced in secti ons 3.0 and 4.0 (except secti ons and 4.6)
ICC ES AC51 Precast stone ven eer
ICC ES AC75 Test methods referen ced in secti on 4.0 (except secti ons 4.1 and 4.4)
ICC ES AC109 Test methods referen ced un der secti ons 4 (except flexural, biodeteriorati on and fire tests), 5 (except flexural performa nce) and 6 test methods referen ced in secti ons 4.1,4.2, 4.4 (UV Exposure onl y), 4.5, 4.6 and 4.7
ICC ES AC120 Test methods referen ced in secti on 4.0
ICC ES AC148 Test methods referenced in sections 4.1,4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7 and 4.8
ICC ES AC151 Test methods refere nced in sectio n 3.0 (except 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)
ICC ES AC160 Test methods referen ced in secti on 4.0
ICC ES AC161 Test methods referen ced in secti on 3.0 and 4.0
ICC ES AC165 Test methods referen ced in tables 1 and 2
ICC ES AC174 Test methods referen ced un der secti ons 3.0 (except secti ons 3.4, 3.9 and 3.10) and section 4.0, 5.1,5.2
ICC ES AC175 Test methods referenced in section 3.0 (except 3.1,3.1.1,3.1.2, 3.1.3, 3.1.4 and 3.2.2)
ICC ES AC180 Test methods referen ced in secti ons 3.0 and 4.0
ICC ES AC188 Test methods referen ced in table 1 (except cycli ng and elon gati on)
ICC ES AC207 Test methods referen ced in secti ons 3.8 and 4.0 (except secti ons 4.5 and 4.8)
ICC ES AC220 Test methods refere nced in sectio n 3.0 (except 3.1,3.2 and 3.4)
ICC ES AC273 Test methods referen ced un der secti on 4.0 (except secti on 4.2.8)
ICC ES AC300 Test methods referen ced in secti on 3.0 and 4.0
ICC ES AC386 Test methods referen ced in secti on 3.1 (except secti ons 3.1.9 and 3.1.11)
IEC 60529 Degrees of protecti on provided by en closures (IP Code)
ISO 7170 Fur niture - Storage un its - Test methods for the determ in ati on of stre ngth, durability and stability
ISO 7240-5 Fire detecti on and fire alarm systems-Part 5: Point type heat detectors
ISO 7240-7 Fire detecti on and alarm systems -Part 7: Poin t-type smoke detectors using scattered light, tran smitted light or ioni zati on -Except for 5.19 Fire sen sitivity
ISO 7892 Vertical buildi ng eleme nts - Impact resista nce tests - Impact bodies and gen eral test procedures
ISO 8770 Plastics pip ing systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature) in side buildi ngs -- Polyethyle ne (PE)
ISO 9459-2 Solar heati ng-Domestic water heat ing systems-Part2: Outdoor test methods for system performa nce characterizati on and yearly performa nce predicti on of solar- only systems
ISO 9459-4 Solar heati ng — Domestic water heat ing systems — Part 4: System performa nce characterizati on by mea ns of comp onent tests and computer simulati on
ISO 9459-5 Solar heati ng-Domestic water heati ng systems-Part5:System performa nce characterizati on by meas of whole-system tests and computer simulati on
ISO 9806 Solar en ergy -- solar thermal collectors -- test methods
ISO 11600 Buildi ng con structi on — Jointing products -Classificati on and requireme nts for seala nts
ISO 16000-3 In door air — Part 3: Determ in ati on of formaldehyde and other carb onyl compo unds in in door and test chamber air — Active sampli ng method
ISO 16000-6 In door air — Part 6: Determi natio n of orga nic compou nds (VVOC, VOC, SVOC) in in door and test chamber air by active sampli ng on sorbe nt tubes, thermal desorpti on and gas chromatography using MS or MS FID
ISO 16000-9 In door air — Part 9: Determ in ati on of the emissi on of volatile orga nic compo unds from buildi ng products and furni shi ng — Emissi on test chamber method
ISO 16000-11 In door air — Part 11: Determ in ati on of the emissi on of volatile orga nic compo unds from buildi ng products and furni shi ng — Sampli ng, storage of samples and preparati on of test specime ns
ISO 21003-5 Multilayer pip ing systems for hot and cold water in stallati ons in side buildi ngs — Part 5: Fit ness for purpose of the system
JG/T 192 Test method for repeated ope ning and clos ing performa nce of win dows and doors
KCMA A161.1 Performa nce and Con structi on Stan dard for Kitche n and Van ity Cabinets
MC 230503-01 Gulf Tech ni cal Regulati on for Water-c on sumpti on Con servati on Products
MS 147 Specification for quality of vitreous china sanitary appliances
MS 795-1 WC flushing cisterns-part 1: specification
MS 795-2 WC flushi ng cister ns-part 2: inlet valves
MS 795-3 WC flushi ng cister ns-part 3: flushi ng device
MS 1522 Vitreous china water closet pan s-specificati on
MS 2578 Ceramic wash bas in s-Specificati on
NSF 14 Plastics piping system components and related materials
NSF/ANSI 61 Drinking water system comp onents — health effects by most gover nmen tal age ncies that regulate drinking water supplies
NSF/ANSI 177 Shower Filtratio n Systems - Aesthetic Effects (On ly test Clause 5 and Clause 6)
NSF/ANSI 372 Drinking water system comp onents - lead content
NTE INEN 1804 Vitrified Ceramic Products. Ceramic Ware ad Other Househould, Hygie ne and Toilet Appliances. Specifications
NTE INEN 1805 Semivitrified and NonV itrified Ceramic Products. Ceramic Ware and Other Househould, Hygiene and Toilet Appliances Specifications
SANS 226 Water taps (metallic bodies)
SASO 1257 San itary applia nces - flushi ng water tanks
SASO 1477 Performa nce requireme nts for pressurized flushi ng devices for plumb ing fixtures
SANS 1480 Sin gle con trol mixer taps
SASO 1032 (GS 780) Methods of test for alum inum win dows and doors
SASO 1033 (GS 781) Alumi nium Win dows
SASO 1034 (GS 782) Alumi nium Doors
SASO 1473 Ceramic san itary applia nces-wester n water closets
SASO 2655 San itary applia nces: gen eral requireme nts and methods of test for plumb ing fixture fitt ings
SASO 2854 Plastic toilet seat and cover
SASO 2884:2017/AMD2:2018 Water Heaters - En ergy Performa nce Requireme nts and Labelli ng
SRCC™ DOCUMENT OG300 Operating Guidelines for certifying solar water heating systems
SRCC OG-300 Solar Thermal Systems Stan dard
SRCC™ DOCUMENT TM- 1 Solar domestic water heat ing comp onent test and an alysis protocol
SS 332 SINGAPORE STANDARD Specification for fire doors (except fire tests)
SS 381 Materials and performance tests for aluminium curtain walls
UL 217 Stan dard for safety Smoke alarm
UL 1037 An titheft Alarms and Devices
WaterSe nse® specificati on for flushi ng urin als
WaterSe nse® Specification for Flushometer-Valve Water Closets
WaterSe nse® specificati on for high-efficie ncy lavatory faucet
WaterSe nse® specificati on for showerheads
WaterSe nse® specificati on for tan k-type toilets
WDMATM 5 Test Method to Determi ne the Split Resista nce of Stile Edges of Wood Door
WDMATM 6 Test Method for Determ ining the Durability of Adhesive Used in Doors un der Accelerated Agi ng Con diti ons
WDMATM 7 Test Method for Determ ining the Physical En dura nce of Wood Doors & Associated Hardware Conn ecti ons un der Accelerated Operati ng Con diti ons
WDMATM 8 Test Method for Determ ining Hinge Loadi ng Resista nce of Wood Door Stiles
WDMATM 10 Test Method for Determ ining the Screw Holdi ng Capacity of Wood Doors
ANSI Z21.10.1 Gas water heaters - Volume I, storage water heaters with in put rati ngs of 75,000 Btu per hour or less
ANSI Z21.10.3 Gas water heaters - Volume III, Storage water heaters with in put rati ngs above 75,000 Btu per hour, circulating and instantaneous
ANSI Z21.11.2 Gas-Fired Room Heaters - Volume II, Unven ted Room Heaters
ANSI Z21.13 Gas-fired low pressure steam and hot water boilers
ANSI Z21.15 Manu ally Operated Gas Valves For Applia nces, Applia nce Conn ector Valves And Hose End Valves
ANSI Z21.18 Gas Applia nce Pressure Regulators
ANSI Z21.19 Refrigerators Using Gas Fuel
ANSI Z21.21 Automatic valves for gas applia nces
ANSI Z21.22/CSA 4.4 Relief Valves For Hot Water Supply Systems
ANSI Z21.41 Quick Disc onn ect Devices for Use with Gas Fuel Applia nces
ANSI Z21.47 Gas-fired cen tral furn aces
ANSI Z21.57 Stan dard for Recreati onal Vehicle Cook ing Gas Applia nces
ANSI Z21.58 Outdoor Cook ing gas applia nces
ANSI Z21.63 Portable type gas camp heaters
ANSI Z21.69 Conn ectors for movable gas applia nces
ANSI Z21.72 Portable Outdoor Cook ing Gas Camp Stoves
ANSI Z21.73 Portable type gas camp lights
ANSI Z21.77 Manu ally Operated Piezo-Electric Spark Gas Ign iti on Systems And Comp onents
ANSI Z21.78 Comb in ati on Gas Con trols For Gas Applia nces
ANSI Z21.88 Ven ted gas fireplace
ANSI Z21.89 Outdoor Cook ing Specialty Gas Applia nces
ANSI Z21.92 Manually Operated Electric Gas Ignition Systems and Components
ANSI Z21.96 Portable water heaters for outdoor use
ANSI Z21.97 Outdoor decorative gas applia nces
ANSI Z21.103 Unven ted Portable Type Gas Camp Heaters For In door And Outdoor Use
ANSI Z83.7 Gas con structi on Heat ing Applia nces
ANSI Z83.11 Gas Food Service Equipme nt
ANSI Z83.26 Gas-Fired Outdoor In frared Patio Heaters
ANSI/ASHRAE 103 Method of Test ing for Ann ual Fuel Utilizati on Efficie ncy of Reside ntial Cen tral Fur naces and Boilers
ANSI/UL 144 LP-Gas Regulators
ANSI/UL 147 Stan dard for Han d-Held Torches for Fuel Gases
ANSI/UL 569 Pigtails and Flexible Hose Conn ectors for LP-Gas
AS 1869.0 Hose and hose assemblies for liquefied petroleum gases (LP Gas), n atural gas and tow n gas Gen eral requireme nts
AS 1869.1 Hose and hose assemblies for liquefied petroleum gases (LP Gas), n atural gas and tow n gas Non-metallic lin ers
AS 1869.2 Hose and hose assemblies for liquefied petroleum gases (LP Gas), n atural gas and tow n gas Metallic liners
AS 4176.8 Multilayer pipes for pressure applicati ons Multilayer pipe systems for con sumer gas installations with a maximum operating pressure up to and including 5 bar (500 kPa) - Specificati ons for systems
AS 4551 Domestic Gas Cook ing Applia nces
AS 4552 Gas fired water heaters for hot water supply an d/or cen tral heat ing
AS 4553 Gas Space Heati ng Applia nces
AS 4555 Domestic gas refrigerators
AS 4557 Domestic Outdoor Gas Barbecues
AS 4558 Decorative gas log and other fuel effect applia nces
AS 4563 Commercial cateri ng gas equipme nt
AS 4565 Radia nt gas heaters for outdoor and non -reside ntial in door use
AS 4617 Manual shut of gas valves
AS 4618 Gas applia nce regulators
AS 4619 Gas applia nce thermostats
AS 4620 Thermoelectric flame safeguards
AS 4621 Regulator
AS 4623 Join ti ng compo un ds a nd materials for use in gas pipe joints
AS 4624 Comb in ati on con trols for gas
AS 4627 Quick-c onn ect devices for gas
AS 4631 Limited flexibility conn ectors for gas
AS 4632 Over-pressure and un der-pressure cut off devices
AS 5262 LP Gas mobile in dustrial direct fired air heaters
AS/NZS 1869 Hose and hose assemblies for liquefied petroleum gases (LP Gas), n atural gas and tow n gas
AS/NZS 2658 Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gas - Portable and Mobile Appliances
AS/NZS 4552.2 Gas fired water heaters for hot water supply an d/or cen tral heati ng - Mini mum en ergy performa nce sta ndards for gas water heaters
AS/NZS 5263.0 Gas applia nces Part 0: Gen eral Requireme nt
AS/NZS 5263.1.1 Gas appliances Part 1.1: Domestic gas cooking appliances
AS/NZS 5263.1.2 Gas fired water heaters for hot water supply an d/or cen tral heat ing
AS/NZS 5263.1.3 Gas appliances Part 1.3: Gas space heating appliances
AS/NZS 5263.1.4 Gas appliances Part 1.4: Gas Radiant Heater
AS/NZS 5263.1.5 Gas applia nces Part 1.5: Domestic Gas Refrigerators
AS/NZS 5263.1.7 Gas applia nces Part 1.7: Domestic outdoor gas barbecues
AS/NZS 5263.1.8 Gas appliances Part 1.8: Decorative effect gas appliance
AS/NZS 5263.1.9 Gas applia nces - Part 1.9: Gas laun dry dryers
AS/NZS 5263.1.10 Gas appliances Part 1.10: Gas direct fired air heaters
ASTM F1275 Stan dard Test Method for Performa nce of Griddles
ASTM F1361 Test Method for Performa nce of Open Deep Fat Fryers
ASTM F1484 Stan dard Test Methods for Performa nce of Steam Cookers
ASTM F1496 Stan dard Test Method for Performa nce of Con vecti on Ovens
ASTM F2093 Stan dard Test Method for Performa nce of Rack Ovens
ASTM F2144 Test Method for Performa nce of Large Open Vat Fryers
ASTM F2861 Stan dard Test Method for Enhan ced Performa nce of Comb in ati on Oven in Various Modes
BS 3193 Specificati on for Thermally toughe ned glass pan els for use in domestic applia nces
BS 3212 Flexible rubber tub ing, rubber hose and rubber hose assemblies for use in LPG vapour phase and LPG/air in stallati ons
BS EN 26 Gas-fired in sta ntan eous water heaters for the producti on of domestic hot water
BS EN 30-1-1 Domestic cook ing applia nces bur ning gas Part 1-1: Safety — Gen eral
BS EN 30-1-4 Domestic cook ing applia nces bur ning gas - Part 1-4- Safety - Applia nces havi ng one or more bur ners with an automatic bur ner con trol system
BS EN 30-2-1 Domestic cook ing applia nces bur ning gas Part 2-1: Rati onal use of en ergy — Gen eral
BS EN 88-1 Pressure regulators and associated safety devices for gas
BS EN 88-2 Pressure regulators and associated safety devices for gas
BS EN 89 Gas-fired storage water heaters for the producti on of domestic hot water
BS EN 125 Flame supervisi on devices for gas bur ning applia nces — Thermoelectric flame supervisi on devices
BS EN 126 Multifu ncti onal con trols for gas bur ning applia nces
BS EN 161 Automatic shut-off valves for gas bur ners and gas applia nces
BS EN 203-1 Gas heated catering equipment Part 1: General safety rules
BS EN 203-2-1 Gas heated cateri ng equipme nt Part 2-1: Specific requireme nts — Ope n bur ners and wok bur ners
BS EN 203-2-2 Gas heated cateri ng equipme nt Part 2-2: Specific requireme nts — Ovens
BS EN 203-2-3 Gas heated cateri ng equipme nt Part 2-3: Specific requireme nts — Boili ng pans
BS EN 203-2-4 Gas heated cateri ng equipme nt Part 2-4: Specific requireme nts — Fryers
BS EN 203-2-6 Gas heated cateri ng equipme nt Part 2-6: Specific requireme nts — Hot water heaters for beverage
BS EN 203-2-7 Gas heated cateri ng equipme nt Part 2-7: Specific requireme nts — Salama nder
BS EN 203-2-8 Gas heated cateri ng equipme nt Part 2-8: Specific requireme nts — Brat pans and paella cookers
BS EN 203-2-9 Gas heated cateri ng equipme nt Part 2-9: Specific requireme nts — Solid tops, warm ing plates and griddles
BS EN 203-2-10 Gas heated cateri ng equipme nt Part 2-10: Specific requireme nts — Chargrills
BS EN 203-2-11 Gas heate5263.1.3d catering equipment Part 2-11: Specific requirements — Pasta cookers
BS EN 257 Mecha ni cal thermostats for gas-bur ning applia nces
BS EN 298 Automatic bur ner con trol systems for bur ners and applia nces bur ning gaseous or liquid fuels
BS EN 331 Manu ally operated ball valves and closed bottom taper plug valves for gas in stallati ons in buildi ngs
BS EN 416 Gas-fired overhead radia nt tube heaters and radia nt tube heater systems for non domestic use - Safety and en ergy efficie ncy
BS EN 419 Gas-fired overhead lum inous radia nt heaters for non-domestic use - Safety and en ergy efficie ncy
BS EN 449 Specificati on for Dedicated Liquefied Petroleum Gas Applia nces - Domestic flueless space heaters (in cludi ng diffusive catalytic combusti on heaters)
BS EN 461 Specificati on for Dedicated Liquefied Petroleum Gas Applia nces - Fueless non-domestic space heaters not exceedi ng 10kW
BS EN 484 Dedicated liquefied petroleum gas applia nce - In depe ndent hotplates, in cludi ng those in corporati ng a grill for outdoor use
BS EN 497 Specification for dedicated liquefied petroleum gas appliances - Multi purpose boili ng bur ners for outdoor use
BS EN 498 Dedicated liquefied petroleum gas applia nce - Barbecue for outdoor use con tact grills in cluded
BS EN 509 Decorative fuel-effect gas applia nces
BS EN 521 Specificati ons for dedicated liquefied petroleum gas applia nces - Portable vapour pressure liquefied petroleum gas applia nces
BS EN 549 Flexible rubber tub ing, rubber hose and rubber hose assemblies for use in LPG vapour phase and LPG/air in stallati ons
BS EN 613 In depe ndent gas-fired con vecti on heater
BS EN 732 Specificati ons for dedicated liquefied petroleum gas applia nces - Absorpti on refrigerators
BS EN 1020 Non-domestic forced con vecti on gas-fired air heater for space heati ng not exceed ing a net heat in put of 300kW in corporat ing a fan to assist tran sportati on of combusti on air or combusti on
BS EN 1106 Manu ally operated taps for gas bur ning applia nces
BS EN 1326 Gas weldi ng equipme nt - Small kits for gas braz ing and weld ing
BS EN 1327 Gas weldi ng equipme nt —Thermoplastic hoses for weld ing and allied processes
BS EN 1596 Specification for dedicated liquefied petroleum gas appliances — Mobile and portable non-domestic forced con vecti on direct fired air heaters
BS EN 1860-1 Appliances, solid fuels and firelighters for barbecuing Part 1: Barbecues bur ning solid fuels- Requireme nts and test methods
BS EN 1458-1 Domestic direct gas-fired tumble dryers of types B22 and B23D, of nominal heat in put n ot exceed ing 6 kW Part 1: Safety
BS EN 1458-2 Domestic direct gas-fired tumble dryers of types B22 and B23D, of nominal heat in put not exceed ing 6 kW Part 2: Rati onal use of en ergy
BS EN 12752-1 Gas-fired type B tumble dryers of nominal heat in put not exceedi ng 20 kW Part 1: Safety
BS EN 12752-2 Gas-fired type B tumble dryers of nominal heat in put not exceedi ng 20 kW Part 2: Rational use of energy
BS EN 13240 Room heaters fired by solid fuel- Requireme nts and test methods
BS EN 13611 Safety and con trol devices for gas bur ners and gas bur ning applia nces — Gen eral requireme nts
BS EN 13786 Pressure regulators
BS EN 13842 Oil fired forced con vecti on air heaters — Stati onary and tran sportable for space heat ing
BS EN 14543 Specification for dedicated liquefied petroleum gas appliances Patio heaters LPG Flueless patio heaters for outdoor and ventilated area use
BS EN 14785 Reside ntial space heat ing applia nces fired by wood pellets - Requireme nts and test methods
BS EN 14800 Corrugated safety metal hose assemblies for the conn ecti on of domestic applia nces using gaseous fuels
BS EN 15181 Measuring method of the energy consumption of gas fired ovens
BS EN 15502-1 Gas-fired heat ing boilers
BS EN 15502-2-1 Gas-fired heat ing boilers
BS EN 15502-2-2 Gas-fired heat ing boilers
BS EN 16129 Pressure regulators, automatic cha nge-over devices, havi ng a maximum regulated pressure of 4 bar, with a maximum capacity of 150 kg/h, associated safety devices and adaptors for buta ne, propa ne, and their mixtures
BS EN 16436-1 Rubber and plastics hoses, tub ing and assemblies for use with propa ne and buta ne and their mixture in the vapour phase
BS EN 16436-2 Rubber and plastics hoses, tub ing and assemblies for use with propa ne and buta ne and their mixture in the vapour phase Part 2: Assemblies
BS EN 16617 Pipework — Corrugated metal hose assemblies for combustible gas — Performa nce requireme nts, testi ng and marking
BS EN 17082 Domestic And Non-Domestic Gas-Fired Forced Con vecti on Air Heaters For Space Heati ng Not Exceedi ng A Net Heat In put Of 300 KW
BS EN 17476 Specifications for dedicated liquefied petroleum gas appliances - LPG vapour pressure appliances incorporating a horizontal cartridge in the chassis
BS EN 50271 Electrical apparatus for the detecti on and measureme nt of combustible gases, toxic gases or oxyge n - Requireme nts and tests for apparatus using software an d/or digital tech no logies
BS EN 50291-1 Gas detectors - Electrical apparatus for the detecti on of carb on mono xide in domestic premises Part 1: Test methods and performa nce requireme nts
BS EN 50465 Europea n product sta ndard for comb ined heati ng power systems using gas fuel
BS EN ISO 3821 Gas weldi ng equipme nt — Rubber hoses for weld ing, cutt ing and allied processes
CAN 1-1.16 Propa ne fired cook ing applia nce for recreati onal vehicles
CAN 3-B140.9.3 Portable keros in e-fired heaters
CSA 1.1 Household Cook ing Gas Applia nces
CSA 1.4 Refrigerators Using Gas Fuel
CSA 1.6 Outdoor Cook ing gas applia nces
CSA 1.8 Gas Food Service Equipme nt
CSA 1.18 Outdoor Cook ing Specialty Gas Applia nces
CSA 2.3 Gas-fired cen tral furn aces
CSA 2.14 Gas con structi on Heat ing Applia nces
CSA 2.29 Han d-Held Torches For Fuel Gases
CSA 2.33 Ven ted gas fireplace
CSA 2.37 Gas-Fired Outdoor In frared Patio Heaters
CSA 2.41 Outdoor decorative gas applia nces
CSA 4.1 Gas water heaters - Volume I, storage water heaters with in put rati ngs of 75,000 Btu per hour or less
CSA 4.3 Gas water heaters - Volume III, Storage water heaters with in put rati ngs above 75,000 Btu per hour, circulating and instantaneous
CSA 4.9 Gas-fired low pressure steam and hot water boilers
CSA 6.3 Gas Applia nce Pressure Regulators
Automatic valves for gas applia nces
CSA 6.9 Quick Disc onn ect Devices for Use with Gas Fuel Applia nces
CSA 6.16 Conn ectors for movable gas applia nces
CSA 6.20 Comb in ati on Gas Con trols For Gas Applia nces
CSA 6.23 Manu ally Operated Piezo-Electric Spark Gas Ign iti on Systems And Comp onents
CSA 6.29 Manually Operated Electric Gas Ignition Systems and Components
CSA 7.1 Gas clothes dryers, volume I, type 1 clothes dryers
CSA 7.2 Gas clothes dryers, volume II, type 2 clothes dryers
CSA 8.1 Elastomeric composite hose and hose coupli ngs for con duct ing propa ne and n atural gas
CSA 8.3 Thermoplastic hose and hose coupli ngs for con duct ing propa ne and n atural gas
CSA 9.1 Manu ally Operated Gas Valves For Applia nces, Applia nce Conn ector Valves And Hose End Valves
CSA 11.1 Portable type gas camp lights
CSA 11.2 Portable Outdoor Cook ing Gas Camp Stoves
CSA 11.3 Portable type gas camp heaters
CSA 11.6 Portable water heaters for outdoor use
EN 26 Gas-fired in sta ntan eous water heaters for the producti on of domestic hot water
EN 30-1-1 Domestic cook ing applia nces bur ning gas Part 1-1: Safety — Gen eral
EN 30-1-4 Domestic cook ing applia nces bur ning gas - Part 1-4- Safety - Applia nces havi ng one or more bur ners with an automatic bur ner con trol system
EN 30-2-1 Domestic cook ing applia nces bur ning gas Part 2-1: Rati onal use of en ergy — Gen eral
EN 88-1 Pressure regulators and associated safety devices for gas
EN 88-2 Pressure regulators and associated safety devices for gas
EN 89 Gas-fired storage water heaters for the producti on of domestic hot water
EN 125 Flame supervisi on devices for gas bur ning applia nces — Thermoelectric flame supervisi on devices
EN 126 Multifu ncti onal con trols for gas bur ning applia nces
EN 498 Dedicated liquefied petroleum gas applia nce - Barbecue for outdoor use con tact grills in cluded
EN 509 Decorative fuel-effect gas applia nces
EN 521 Specificati ons for dedicated liquefied petroleum gas applia nces - Portable vapour pressure liquefied petroleum gas applia nces
EN 549 Flexible rubber tub ing, rubber hose and rubber hose assemblies for use in LPG vapour phase and LPG/air in stallati ons
EN 613 In depe ndent gas-fired con vecti on heater
EN 732 Specificati ons for dedicated liquefied petroleum gas applia nces - Absorpti on refrigerators
EN 1020 Non-domestic forced con vecti on gas-fired air heater for space heati ng not exceed ing a net heat in put of 300kW in corporat ing a fan to assist tran sportati on of combusti on air or combusti on
EN 1106 Manu ally operated taps for gas bur ning applia nces
EN 1326 Gas weldi ng equipme nt - Small kits for gas braz ing and weld ing
EN 1327 Gas weldi ng equipme nt —Thermoplastic hoses for weld ing and allied processes
EN 1458-1 Domestic direct gas-fired tumble dryers of types B22 and B23D, of nominal heat in put n ot exceed ing 6 kW Part 1: Safety
EN 1458-2 Domestic direct gas-fired tumble dryers of types B22 and B23D, of nominal heat in put not exceed ing 6 kW Part 2: Rati onal use of en ergy
EN 1490 Buildi ng valve - Comb ined temperature and pressure relief valves - Tests and requireme nts
EN 1596 Specification for dedicated liquefied petroleum gas appliances — Mobile and portable non-domestic forced con vecti on direct fired air heaters
EN 1763-1 Rubber and plastics tub ing, hoses and assemblies for use with commercial propa ne, commercial buta ne and their mixtures in the vapour phase - Part 1: Requireme nts for rubber and plastics tub ing and hoses
EN 1860-1 Appliances, solid fuels and firelighters for barbecuing Part 1: Barbecues bur ning solid fuels- Requireme nts and test methods
EN 12864 Pressure regulators, automatic cha nge-over devices, havi ng a maximum regulated pressure of 4 bar, with a maximum capacity of 150 kg/h, associated safety devices and adaptors for buta ne, propa ne, and their mixtures
EN 12752-1 Gas-fired type B tumble dryers of nominal heat in put not exceedi ng 20 kW Part 1: Safety
EN 12752-2 Gas-fired type B tumble dryers of nominal heat in put not exceedi ng 20 kW -Part 2: Rational use of energy
EN 12778 Cookware -Pressure cookers for domestic use
EN 13203-2 Gas-fired domestic applia nces produc ing hot water - Part 2: Assessme nt of en ergy con sumpti on
EN 13611 Safety and con trol devices for gas bur ners and gas bur ning applia nces — Gen eral requireme nts
EN 13785 Pressure regulators, automatic cha nge-over devices, havi ng a maximum regulated pressure of 4 bar, with a maximum capacity of 150 kg/h, associated safety devices and adaptors for buta ne, propa ne, and their mixtures
EN 13842 Oil fired forced con vecti on air heaters — Stati onary and tran sportable for space heat ing
EN 14543 Specification for dedicated liquefied petroleum gas appliances - Patio heaters -LPG Flueless patio heaters for outdoor and ventilated area use
EN 14800 Corrugated safety metal hose assemblies for the conn ecti on of domestic applia nces using gaseous fuels
EN 15181 Measuring method of the energy consumption of gas fired ovens
EN 15502-1 Gas-fired heat ing boilers
EN 15502-2-1 Gas-fired heat ing boilers
EN 15502-2-2 Gas-fired heat ing boilers
EN 16129 Pressure regulators, automatic cha nge-over devices, havi ng a maximum regulated pressure of 4 bar, with a maximum capacity of 150 kg/h, associated safety devices and adaptors for buta ne, propa ne, and their mixtures
EN 16436-1 Rubber and plastics hoses, tub ing and assemblies for use with propa ne and buta ne and their mixture in the vapour phase
EN16436-2 Rubber and plastics hoses, tub ing and assemblies for use with propa ne and buta ne and their mixture in the vapour phase Part 2: Assemblies
EN 16617 Pipework — Corrugated metal hose assemblies for combustible gas — Performa nce requireme nts, testi ng and marking
EN 17082 Domestic And Non-Domestic Gas-Fired Forced Con vecti on Air Heaters For Space Heati ng Not Exceedi ng A Net Heat In put Of 300 KW
EN 17476 Specifications for dedicated liquefied petroleum gas appliances - LPG vapour pressure appliances incorporating a horizontal cartridge in the chassis
EN 50271 Electrical apparatus for the detecti on and measureme nt of combustible gases, toxic gases or oxyge n - Requireme nts and tests for apparatus using software an d/or digital tech no logies
EN 50291-1 Gas detectors Electrical apparatus for the detecti on of carb on mono xide in domestic premises Part 1: Test methods and performa nce requireme nts
EN 50465 Europea n product sta ndard for comb ined heati ng power systems using gas fuel
ENERGY STAR® Program Requireme nts for Commercial Ovens Versio n 3.0
ENERGY STAR® Program Requireme nts for Commercial Steam Cookers Versio n 1.2
ENERGY STAR® Program Requireme nts Product Specification for Boilers Version 3.0
ENERGY STAR® Program Requireme nts Product Specification for Commercial Fryers Versio n 3.0
ENERGY STAR® Program Requireme nts Product Specification for Commercial Griddles Versio n 1.2
ENERGY STAR® Program Requireme nts Product Specification for Furnaces Versio n 4.1
ENERGY STAR® Program Requireme nts Product Specification for Reside ntial Water Heaters Vers ion 5.0
GB 6932 Domestic Gas Instantaneous Water Heater Except for, 7.14 & 7.16
GB 16410 Domestic Gas Cooking Appliances Except for 5.2.11 & 5.2.12
GB 30720 Mini mum allowable values of en ergy efficie ncy and en ergy efficie ncy grades for domestic gas cook ing applia nces
GS 169 Gas Fired Domestic Heaters Part 1 Radiant Portable Heaters
GS 170 Methods of test for gas fired domestic Radiant Portable Heaters
GSO:1049 Domestic cookers for use with liquefied petroleum gases Methods of test for domestic cookers for use with liquefied petroleum gases
GSO:1050 Domestic cookers for use with liquefied petroleum gases Methods of test for domestic cookers for use with liquefied petroleum gases
IQS 2283 Paraffi n Un flued Space Heati ng Applia nces for Domestic Use
IS 4246 domestic gas stoves for use with liquefied petroleum gases - Specificati on
IS 5116 Domestic and Commercial Equipme nt for Use with LPG Gen eral Requireme nts
ISO 9012 Gas welding equipment Air-aspirated hand blowpipes Specifications and tests
MS1535-1 Domestic Gas Cooking Appliances for Use with Liquefied Petroleum Gases: Part 1: Specification
MS1535-2 Domestic Gas Cooking Appliances for Use with Liquefied Petroleum Gases: Part 2: General Construction
MS1535-3 Domestic Gas Cooking Appliances for Use with Liquefied Petroleum Gases: Part 3: Test Methods
MS1535-4 Domestic Gas Cooking Appliances for Use with Liquefied Petroleum Gases: Part 4: Glossary
NEN-EN 16647/ EN 16647 Fireplaces for liquid fuels - Decorative applia nces produc ing a flame using alcohol based or gelati nous fuel - Use in private households
NIS 107 Glass globes for hurrica ne lanterns
NIS 412 Hurrica ne lantern
NIS 413 Pressure Keros ine Stove
NOM-010-SESH Household applia nces for cook ing food usi ng LP Gas or Natural Gas
NOM-011-SESH Water heaters for domestic and commercial use that use LP Gas or Natural Gas as fuel
NOM-012-SESH Room heaters for domestic use that employ LP gas or n atural gas as a fuel
NOM-014-SESH Integrated and flexible connections used in natural gas and LPG facilities
NOM-015-SESH Low Pressure Regulators for L.P Gas
NOM-025-SESH Thermal efficie ncy of domestic devices for cook ing food products that use LP Gas or Natural Gas
NTE INEN 2187 In sta nt gas water heaters for domestic use: Requireme nts and in specti on
NTE INEN 2259 Domestic use artifacts for cooking, which use gaseous fuels. requirements and in specti on
NTE INEN 2603 Gas water heaters: requireme nts and in specti on
NTP 370.501 GAS APPLIANCES Methodology to determine the efficiency of continuous flow water heaters that use gaseous fuels
NTP 370.503 GAS APPLIANCES Efficie ncy sta ndards and labelling of continuous flow water heaters that use gaseous fuels
PN EN 50271 Electrical apparatus for the detecti on and measureme nt of combustible gases, toxic gases or oxyge n - Requireme nts and tests for apparatus using software an d/or digital tech no logies
PN EN 50291-1 Gas detectors - Electrical apparatus for the detecti on of carb on mono xide in domestic premises Part 1: Test methods and performa nce requireme nts
PNS 1961 Liquefied petroleum gas regulator for domestic use -specificati on
RTE INEN 109 Thermal efficie ncy of gas water heaters
SANS 1086 Flexible poly(vi nyl chloride) (PVC) Amdt 1 pressure hose
SANS 1156-2 Hose for n atural gas and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
SANS 1237 Sin gle-stage regulators for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
SANS 1539 Applia nces operati ng on liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) or n atural gas (NG)-Safety aspects
SASO 59 Gas Fired Domestic Heaters Part 1 Radiant Portable Heaters
SASO 60 Methods of test for gas fired domestic Radiant Portable Heaters
SASO:167 Domestic cookers for use with liquefied petroleum gases Methods of test for domestic cookers for use with liquefied petroleum gases
SASO:168 Domestic cookers for use with liquefied petroleum gases Methods of test for domestic cookers for use with liquefied petroleum gases
SASO 172 Domestic cookers for use with liquefied petroleum gases
SASO 173 Domestic cookers for use with liquefied petroleum gases
SASO EN 521 Specificati ons for dedicated liquefied petroleum gas applia nces - Portable vapour pressure liquefied petroleum gas applia nces
SASO EN 16129 Pressure regulators, automatic cha nge-over devices, havi ng a maximum regulated pressure of 4 bar, with a maximum capacity of 150 kg/h, associated safety devices and adaptors for buta ne, propa ne, and their mixtures
SASO GSO EN-203-1 Gas heated cateri ng equipme nt — Part 1: Gen eral safety rules
SASO GSO EN 203-2-2 Gas heated cateri ng equipme nt — Specific requireme nts - Ove ns
SASO GSO EN-203-2-10 Gas heated cateri ng equipme nt — Specific requireme nts - Chargrills
SS 401 Portable gas applia nce
SSA 57/SSA 58 Gas Fired Domestic Storage Type Water Heaters Methods Of Test For Gas Fired Domestic Storage Type Water Heaters
UL 147 Stan dard for Han d-Held Torches for Fuel Gases
UL 733 Oil heaters
UL 2728A Pellet Fuel Burning Cook ing Applia nces
ULC C123 Guide for the In vestigati on of Torches, Oxy-Fuel Gas
ULC/ORD-C2728 Pellet Fuel Burning Cook ing Applia nces