二手设备出口返回 Back



Documents required for used machinery & equipment inspection

1.  此次出口二手设备的装箱清单,包括二手设备的组成以及配件、备件等等
Packing list for the used equipment to be exported, including fittings, spare parts etc.

2.  该二手设备当初买入时的发票、合同或进口报关单;
Invoice, Contract, or Import customs declaration sheet when the concerned equipment was purchased by current owner

3.  原始设计参数,包括性能参数,以及设备的原始配置/组成;
Original design specification, including performance parameters, and original configuration / composition

.更升级/更改项目记录 a.技术升级b.主要部件更换
Equipment upgrade / Modification record a. Technical update b. Main parts replacement

5.  设备使用记录(如没有,卖家自行制作记录声明)
Equipment utilization record (if not available, declaration by the seller is required)

6.  日常维修、保养记录,大修、重新配置、主要部件更换记录;
Daily maintenance record and fateful maintenance / reconstruction / reconditioning / main part replacement record

7.  此次货物出口的商业发票;
Invoice / Proforma invoice is available including buyer and seller information

8.  现场机械/设备运行测试/生产状况测试
Machinery/Equipment shop running test / producing test

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