Test item 测试名称: 
The Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment
Test limit 限量要求:


      六价铬  多溴联苯 多溴二苯醚
 lead ( Pb )  cadmium ( Cd )  mercury ( Hg ) chrome/chromium Cr6 PBB PBDE
1000ppmmg/kg 100ppmmg/kg 1000ppmmg/kg 1000ppmmg/kg 1000ppmmg/kg 1000ppmmg/kg

XRF 红外光谱

Test Item Result (mg/kg)
Pass Inconclusive Fail
1. Bromine content <250 >250 --
2. Chromium content <500 >500 --
3. Lead content <500 501 – 1500 >1500
4. Cadmium content <50 51 – 150 >150
5. Mercury content <500 501 – 1500 >1500
Lead time 测试周期: 常规 regular 7 working days
Sample size 送样规格: 2pcs
Others 其他信息:
Responsive image
Sample report 样本报告:
 Responsive image