Test or certification item 测试或认证名称: Emergency Vehicle Sirens

Test or certification info 测试和认证相关内容:
本SAE推荐实施规程提供了实验室试验程序、要求和指南,适用于带有单个扬声器的电子警报器系统和要求通行权的授权应急车辆上使用的机电警报器。本文件仅适用于穿过发声开口的所有尺寸等于或小于0.5 m的警报器。本版本不包括单个系统部件的试验程序和性能要求。
Norm refer 涉及法规: DOT
Refer products 涉及产品: 报警器
Lead time 周期: 常规服务 regular service 55 工作日 working days ( URGENT service, to be confirm, 加急服务待定 )
Sample size 送样规格: on request 待定
Others 其他信息:
Wail, yelp, and manual modes have to be clearly identified and programmed into controls supplied by the manufacturer.
All cabling for all units has to be supplied to connect to a minimum of 10 gauge raw wire termination (preferably at least a few feet of wire for each connection), speaker to amplifier and amplifier to power supply.
At least 30 feet of cabling shall be supplied for connection to the controller. Which has to be remote to control the unit outside of the test chamber.
We often test the full acoustics first on a sample and if there are issues go back to the customer. If it meets the requirements of this first section the samples are distributed to the various labs for the exposure tests.
Photo for reference 涉及图片: