Test item 测试名称: 
Testing the Resistance of a Mattress or Mattress Pad to Combustion Which May Result from a Smoldering Cigarette
Test info 测试内容:
TB 106:1986 Mattresses Test床垫 Ignition resistance of a mattress or a mattress pad when exposed to a lighted cigarette 3 套床垫
Mattresses pads Test床褥垫 3 套床垫 1) 含有阻燃剂的床褥垫(除了一次性床褥垫)在测试前需要按照AATCC 124-82进行10次水洗和晾干处理,接单前请与客户确认床衬垫是否经过阻燃处理以及是否适合水洗处理。
2) 该价格未包含水洗费用,和水洗的测试周期。
Ticking Substitution床垫面料 6 片面料 508 mm × 508 mm

Test Clause Requirement
Mattresses  1) No obvious flaming combustion occurs.
2) Smoldering continues should be less than 5 minutes after cigarette has extinguished.
3)The char develops should be less than two inches in any direction from the cigarette, including laterally or downward into the mattress or pad.
Sample size 送样规格:3 finished product ready for sale to the consumer. 3件准备销售的成品。
Test Clause Requirement
Mattress pads containing a chemical fire retardant AATCC 124-82, 10 times
1) No obvious flaming combustion occurs.
2) Smoldering continues should be less than 5 minutes after cigarette has extinguished.
3)The char develops should be less than two inches in any direction from the cigarette, including laterally or downward into the mattress or pad.
Sample size 送样规格:3 finished product ready for sale to the consumer.3件准备销售的成品。
Test Clause Requirement
Ticking test The char length should be less than 1" in any direction from cigarette and felt not ignited.
Sample size 送样规格:6 sleep surfaces, 六片床垫套
Lead time 测试周期: 常规 Regular service 7 working days
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